1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMdelivery of supplies to forward units. attack. Deviation from plans is difficult to coor-Maximum use is made of captured enemymateriel.dinate once movement has begun. Linkup plansor plans to extricate the force must be pref.Conduct of the Pursuit. pared.(1) The direct pressure force attacks on d. Infiltration lanes, assembly areas, attackas broad a front as possible. The at- positions, and objectives are the control meastackscontinue day and night. When ures used primarily; phase lines and checkconditionspermit, elements of the en- points assist in control while rallying points oremy force are enveloped or cut off. If areas are required for units that become scattheenemy main force establishes it- tered and disorganized.self on a position, the direct pressure e. The infiltrating elements in small groupsforce attacks in an effort to dislodge pass through, over, or around enemy forwardit.defensive positions. They avoid detection, and(2) The encircling force attacks along an if detected, avoid decisive engagement. Theyavenue of approach that facilitates normally move over multiple lanes, to assemblyearly engagement or interception of areas adjacent to their objectives. Closely coorthewithdrawing enemy force. Forma- dinated demonstrations and fires in areas nottions are used that contribute to con- included in the infiltration may be used to astroland speed of movement.sist their movement. Fires in the area ofinfiltration may serve to reduce the enemy's131. Infiltration surveillance capability.f. Upon arrival at the assembly area, thea. Infiltration is a technique of movementinfiltrating unit prepares for action, deploys,used in conjunction with several types of offen- infiltrating unit prepares for action deployssive actions. In the attack, its purpose is to de- and at the appropriate time perform s misploystrong forces in the enemy rear while ex- n Consoldaton includes preparations forposing only small forces to enemy defensivefires.b. The movement and assembly of forces by 132 Movement to Contactstealth among enemy positions is a slow opera- Movement to contact is a means of gainingtion. While dismounted mechanized infantry orarmored cavalry units are most suitable forcontact or of reestablishing lost contact withthe enemy. Its purpose is the early developinfiltration,tank units can be carefully ment of the situation to provide an advantageinfiltrated by taking advantage of faulty en- prior to decisive engagement. During a moveemydispositions, gaps created in obstacles ment to contact armor units may be given miswithoutenemy knowledge, or by diversionary sions of a covering force, advance guard, flankattacks by fires or maneuver forces.guard, rear guard, or moving as part of thec. Planning for infiltration must be detailed main body. For a detailed discussion, see FMand coordinated closely into the overall plan of 17-30 and FM 61-100.Section V.PASSAGE OF LINES133. General through infantry is more difficult than is itsThe commitment of a unit through one passage through another armor unit.which is in contact with the enemy constitutesa passage of lines. A passage of lines may be 134. Planning for Passage of Linesrequired to continue the momentum of the at- a. Scheme of Maneuver. The scheme of matackor to exploit a weakness in the enemy po- neuver is based on the factors of METT. Thesition. A passage of lines requires careful plan- scheme of maneuver normally determines thening and close coordination between the units. location at which the passage of lines will takeDue to differences in organization and tech- place.niques of operation, the passage of armor b. Reconnaissance. A thorough reconnais-77

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMsance should be made by commanders and key ough planning and reconnaissance. Artillerymembers of the unit making the passage. This fire may be employed during the movement toreconnaissance should cover routes to the area cover the noise of the vehicles. If the moveofthe passage, the area itself, existing troop ment is conducted during daylight, smoke maylocations, proposed positions, and, if necessary, be placed on known enemy observation postsproposed locations of individual combat vehi- and forward positions. While the passing unitcles. A visual reconnaissance should be made of is moving through the area of the unit in conthearea forward of the frontline position; air- tact, the resulting concentration presents ancraft may be used in this reconnaissance. In excellent target for nuclear attack. Therefore,reconnoitering, care must be taken not to alert the passage should be completed as quickly asthe enemy by offering indications that a pas- possible. During the period of concentration,sage of lines is to take place. It may be neces- maximum passive defense measures againstsary to limit the number and size of reconnais- nuclear attack should be taken.sance parties, or it may be advisable to use g. Control Measures. The type and numberground vehicles and aircraft of the units in of control measures will depend upon the expecontact.rience of the commanders involved but willc. Intelligence. The units in contact should normally be more restrictive than those used inprovide all possible information of the enemy other operations. For a discussion of controland the terrain to their front to the unit mak- measures, see appendix X.ing the passage. This information should includestrength, disposition, composition of en- 135. Liaison and Coordination in Passage ofemy forces, and location of enemy armor,Linesantitank weapons, and obstacles.a. Liaison. As soon as it is determined thatd. Fire Support. The fire support agencies of a passage of lines will be made, liaison must bethe units in contact are normally integrated established between the passing unit and theinto the fire support plan of the unit making unit in contact. At brigade and battalion level,the passage. Artillery liaison officers, forward liaison officers are exchanged until completionobservers, air liaison officers, and mortar platoon of the operation.leaders of the unit making the passage should b. Coordination. Thorough coordination iscontact their counterparts in the unit in posi- essential to the success of a passage of lines.tion to exchange information and develop the Normally, the unit in contact is given thedetails of the fire support plan.definite mission of "assisting in the passage."e. Priorities of Routes and Areas. The Special emphasis must be placed on the followhigherheadquarters directing the passage nor- ing coordination measuresmallyestablishes an overall priority on routes (1) Refueling areas and routes into andand areas. If it does not, a priority must beout of these areas are reconnoiteredestablished between the commanders con- by personnel from the passing unit,cerned. Complete information on routes to beassisted by guides furnished by theused and areas to be occupied should be dis-unit being passed through. It may beseminated as early as possible to avoid confu-necessary for the unit being passedsion and delay.through to adjust its positions to perf.Movement Through the Area. The routes mit a satisfactory passage, but suchestablished for movement into the forwardadjustments should be held to a miniareasmust be well marked and controlled.mum.Ideally, the passing unit and the unit in con- (2) Clearing and marking the lanestact provide guides down to platoon level. As athrough friendly minefields and obminimum,the units in contact provide guides.stacles to permit rapid passage areGuides lead elements of the passing unit accomplished by the unit being passedthrough the unit in contact along prearrangedthrough. Passing units should provideroutes. For increased security, the movementtheir own control personnel at difficultinto the forward areas may be conducted atgaps or defiles to check through eachnight; this requires stringent control and thor-subunit.78

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMdelivery of supplies to forward units. attack. Deviation from plans is difficult to coor-Maximum use is made of captured enemymateriel.dinate once movement has begun. Linkup plansor plans to extricate the force must be pref.Conduct of the Pursuit. pared.(1) The direct pressure force attacks on d. Infiltration lanes, assembly areas, attackas broad a front as possible. The at- positions, and objectives are the control meastackscontinue day and night. When ures used primarily; phase lines and checkconditionspermit, elements of the en- points assist in control while rallying points oremy force are enveloped or cut off. If areas are required for units that become scattheenemy main force establishes it- tered and disorganized.self on a position, the direct pressure e. The infiltrating elements in small groupsforce attacks in an effort to dislodge pass through, over, or around enemy forwardit.defensive positions. They avoid detection, and(2) The encircling force attacks along an if detected, avoid decisive engagement. Theyavenue of approach that facilitates normally move over multiple lanes, to assemblyearly engagement or interception of areas adjacent to their objectives. Closely coorthewithdrawing enemy force. Forma- dinated demonstrations and fires in areas nottions are used that contribute to con- included in the infiltration may be used to astroland speed of movement.sist their movement. Fires in the area ofinfiltration may serve to reduce the enemy's131. Infiltration surveillance capability.f. Upon arrival at the assembly area, thea. Infiltration is a technique of movementinfiltrating unit prepares for action, deploys,used in conjunction with several types of offen- infiltrating unit prepares for action deployssive actions. In the attack, its purpose is to de- and at the appropriate time perform s misploystrong forces in the enemy rear while ex- n Consoldaton includes preparations forposing only small forces to enemy defensivefires.b. The movement and assembly of forces by 132 Movement to Contactstealth among enemy positions is a slow opera- Movement to contact is a means of gainingtion. While dismounted mechanized infantry orarmored cavalry units are most suitable forcontact or of reestablishing lost contact withthe enemy. Its purpose is the early developinfiltration,tank units can be carefully ment of the situation to provide an advantageinfiltrated by taking advantage of faulty en- prior to decisive engagement. During a moveemydispositions, gaps created in obstacles ment to contact armor units may be given miswithoutenemy knowledge, or by diversionary sions of a covering force, advance guard, flankattacks by fires or maneuver forces.guard, rear guard, or moving as part of thec. Planning for infiltration must be detailed main body. For a detailed discussion, see FMand coordinated closely into the overall plan of 17-30 and FM 61-100.Section V.PASSAGE OF LINES133. General through infantry is more difficult than is itsThe commitment of a unit through one passage through another armor unit.which is in contact with the enemy constitutesa passage of lines. A passage of lines may be 134. Planning for Passage of Linesrequired to continue the momentum of the at- a. Scheme of Maneuver. The scheme of matackor to exploit a weakness in the enemy po- neuver is based on the factors of METT. Thesition. A passage of lines requires careful plan- scheme of maneuver normally determines thening and close coordination between the units. location at which the passage of lines will takeDue to differences in organization and tech- place.niques of operation, the passage of armor b. Reconnaissance. A thorough reconnais-77

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