1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMcontact points, coordinating points,Communication between the protectedand routes of withdrawal.force commander and the rear guard(3) Security. The commander plans forcommander must be continuous socommander must be continuous soflank security and reconnaissance tothe front and flanks of occupied de-of any situations that affect the withlayingpositions. The enemy must notdrawal of the rear guard.be permitted to bypass the rear guard c. The rear guard follows the force beingand attack the rear of the force being protected, occupying successive delay positionsprotected. One or more subordinate at a prescribed time interval or distance, Whenunits may be assigned to reconnoiter contact with the enemy has been made or isan area to the front or flanks of a po- imminent, the rear guard occupies each delaysition.Normally, however, rear guard ing position until the protected force hasunits are assigned the additional mis- cleared the next delaying position. If the prosionof protecting the flanks and ex- tected force is moving rapidly and no contact istending reconnaissance forward of made with the enemy, the rear guard maythe delaying position. Aircraft and move at a given rate behind the force beingair cavalry improve control and com- protected, regulating its speed to maintain themunication and extend observation to prescribed interval.the front and flanks. The organic d. The rear guard engages enemy forcesground radar sets may be used to that threaten the rear of the force being proaugmentsecurity to the front or tected. It fights to insure that the enemy doesflanks. Air cavalry elements may be not impede the movement of the protectedemployed to maintain contact with force. The rear guard fights a delaying action,the protected force and to prevent the trading space for time until the protected forceenemy from bypassing the rear guard has moved beyond the range of effective enemyand attacking the rear of the force action. When contact with the enemy has beenbeing protected. Air cavalry elements made, it is maintained until the enemy is nomay establish an air screen to the longer a threat to the force being protected orfront and flanks of the rear guard to has moved out of the area of responsibility.warn of enemy approach.105. Screening Force(4) Supporting elements. The rear guard a. A screening force provides early warningcommander, in coordination with the by surveillance over an extended frontage toartillery representative, develops the the front, flank, or rear of a moving or stationplanof fire support for the operation.The plan of fire support includesary force. The missions of the screening forceare toplannedartillery fires (nuclear andnonnuclear), tactical air, and the fires (1) Provide timely warning of enemy apoforganic weapons. Frequently, en-proach.gineers are attached to or placed in (2) Gain and maintain visual contactsupport of the rear guard. The rearwith, and report the movement of enguardcommander, together with theemy forces.engineer unit commander, plans to (3) Destroy or repel enemy patrols.construct obstacles to delay the en- (4) Impede the advance of enemy forcesemy.by employing long range organic and(5) Coordination with the force being supporting fires.protected. Liaison must be main- b. A screening mission is assigned whentained with the force being protected economy of force requires that an extendedto regulate withdrawal of the rear area must be kept under surveillance and thereguard. The rear guard commander are few troops available to perform the mismustbe thoroughly familiar with the sion. The mission is accomplished by manningplan of the force being protected. a series of observation posts that cover57

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMavenues of enemy approach into the sector. tact with the enemy and continuing to adjustFoot, motor, and air patrols reconnoiter those supporting fires. Under some circumstancesareas that cannot be observed from the obser- small enemy patrols may be permitted tovation posts.infiltrate the security screen so that larger enc.The commander of the force being emy forces may be observed. Precaution mustscreened designates the general trace of the be taken to insure that infiltrators do not joinscreen, the unit to be screened, and the respon- with other infiltrated forces and threaten thesibility for the area between the screening screened force.force and the screened units. In determining f. When the flank of a moving force is to bethe units to be screened the commander considersthe factors of METT and the capabilityscreened, the mission is conducted in the samemanner as is a mobile flank guard operationof the screening force to-except that-(1) Maintain contact with the screened (1) The screening force normally does notforce.have responsibility for the area be-(2) Reach and man the line of screening tween the screened force and thepositions (OP's).screening force as does a flank guard.d. In planning a screening force operation, (2) The screening force may not alwaysthe screening force commander selects the gen-be within range of support from theeral location for establishing a series of OP'sscreened force.and designates contact points between and for- (3) The screening force occupies observawardof the line of OP's. When selecting thetion posts in succession along thelocation of OP's, the following should be con-flank instead of blocking positions.sidered:(1) Overlapping fields of observation with 106. Rear Area Securityother OP's.a. General. A rear area security force pro-(2) Concealmentroutes.of OP's and access tects rear area units, installations, and routesof communication (all routes, land, sea, and(3) Ease of installation. air, along which supplies and replacements(4) Maintenance of communication. move) from attack by enemy airborne and air-(5) Avoidance of landmarks. landed forces, guerrilla forces, and infiltrators.The rear area security force commander muste. Observation posts are positioned to procoordinatewith combat and other type units inthe area. He should avoid stereotyped operament.Mounted or dismounted patrolling isteningconducted between contact points consistent posts in regard to time, areas, and patrolwith the need for security. To be effective, a routes. See chapter 12 for the conduct of rearscreening force must have good radio com- area security operations.munication between OP's and enough personnelto man the OP's for sustained periods and b. Securing Lines of Communication. Theto patrol between the OP's and contact points. techniques of guarding lines of communicationGround radar should be used to cover major vary with the terrain, road net, length of theavenues of enemy approach. Aircraft and air lines of communication, and the type of enemycavalry elements may be used to extend recon- activity expected. The following techniquesnaissance and materially increase the effec- form the basis for plans to secure lines of comtivenessof the security screen. It is desirable munication.that each OP have one automatic weapon. Once (1) If the lines of communication to bevisual contact has been made with the enemy,secured extend a short distance, subitis maintained. OP's make accurate and time-ordinate units of the rear area securilyreports and may direct the fires of support-ty force may be assigned areas of reingelements to harass advancing enemy sponsibility. Small security forces areforces. If permitted to withdraw, the screeningplaced on dominating terrain featuresforce moves by bounds, maintaining visual con-overlooking likely avenues of enemy58

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMcontact points, coordinating points,Communication between the protectedand routes of withdrawal.force commander and the rear guard(3) Security. The commander plans forcommander must be continuous socommander must be continuous soflank security and reconnaissance tothe front and flanks of occupied de-of any situations that affect the withlayingpositions. The enemy must notdrawal of the rear guard.be permitted to bypass the rear guard c. The rear guard follows the force beingand attack the rear of the force being protected, occupying successive delay positionsprotected. One or more subordinate at a prescribed time interval or distance, Whenunits may be assigned to reconnoiter contact with the enemy has been made or isan area to the front or flanks of a po- imminent, the rear guard occupies each delaysition.Normally, however, rear guard ing position until the protected force hasunits are assigned the additional mis- cleared the next delaying position. If the prosionof protecting the flanks and ex- tected force is moving rapidly and no contact istending reconnaissance forward of made with the enemy, the rear guard maythe delaying position. Aircraft and move at a given rate behind the force beingair cavalry improve control and com- protected, regulating its speed to maintain themunication and extend observation to prescribed interval.the front and flanks. The organic d. The rear guard engages enemy forcesground radar sets may be used to that threaten the rear of the force being proaugmentsecurity to the front or tected. It fights to insure that the enemy doesflanks. Air cavalry elements may be not impede the movement of the protectedemployed to maintain contact with force. The rear guard fights a delaying action,the protected force and to prevent the trading space for time until the protected forceenemy from bypassing the rear guard has moved beyond the range of effective enemyand attacking the rear of the force action. When contact with the enemy has beenbeing protected. Air cavalry elements made, it is maintained until the enemy is nomay establish an air screen to the longer a threat to the force being protected orfront and flanks of the rear guard to has moved out of the area of responsibility.warn of enemy approach.105. Screening Force(4) Supporting elements. The rear guard a. A screening force provides early warningcommander, in coordination with the by surveillance over an extended frontage toartillery representative, develops the the front, flank, or rear of a moving or stationplanof fire support for the operation.The plan of fire support includesary force. The missions of the screening forceare toplannedartillery fires (nuclear andnonnuclear), tactical air, and the fires (1) Provide timely warning of enemy apoforganic weapons. Frequently, en-proach.gineers are attached to or placed in (2) Gain and maintain visual contactsupport of the rear guard. The rearwith, and report the movement of enguardcommander, together with theemy forces.engineer unit commander, plans to (3) Destroy or repel enemy patrols.construct obstacles to delay the en- (4) Impede the advance of enemy forcesemy.by employing long range organic and(5) Coordination with the force being supporting fires.protected. Liaison must be main- b. A screening mission is assigned whentained with the force being protected economy of force requires that an extendedto regulate withdrawal of the rear area must be kept under surveillance and thereguard. The rear guard commander are few troops available to perform the mismustbe thoroughly familiar with the sion. The mission is accomplished by manningplan of the force being protected. a series of observation posts that cover57

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