1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMADVANCECOVERING FORCEly, bypassed, or enveloped. The covering forceshould be completely mobile, tank heavy, andreinforced with infantry, artillery, engineers,aircraft, and air cavalry as required. These1 4 forces should be placed under one commanderCONTACTwho operates under the direct control of thecommander of the forces being covered.FlANK 1 al 97. Advance Covering Force-OffenseCOVERING I ADVANCE FLANK An advance covering force mission for aCOVERING GUARD COVERING force engaged in offensive operations is con-IIORCMI FORCE ducted employing techniques that are similarFigure S.to those used in a route or zone reconnaissance

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM99. Flank Covering Force to defeat the enemy. It employs every meansA flank covering force employs techniques. available to determine the location, strength,similar to those of a flank guard except thatthe covering force operates at a greater disdisposition,and composition of the enemy. Itmay then be required to join in the attack oftance from the force being covered. It is the protected force. The advance guard mustbeyond the flank guard of the force being cov- be far enough in front of the protected force toered and is usually out of range of fire support insure that the commander of the protectedof the force being covered.force has freedom of action in the employmentof his forces. However, it must not be so far in100. Rear Covering Force front that it can be destroyed by enemy attackbefore assistance can reach it. The protectedA rear covering force may be designated by force commander usually specifies how far inh commander igher to cover a win thisdrawal omanner front of his force the advance guard is to operaretirement. When employed in this manner, ate. Distances are reduced at night, in closethe covering force uses the friendly front line, terrain, and under conditions of low visibility.or a position near it, as its initial position. Thetechniques used in performing this mission are c. The advance guard normally advances inthe same as those described for the Advance column until contact is made. It may move con-Covering Force-Defense in paragraph 98. tinuously or by bounds. It moves by boundswhen contact with the enemy is imminent and101. Guard Force the terrain is favorable. For additional information,see FM 17-36.A guard force is a security force that operatesto the front, flank, or rear of a moving or 103 Flank Guardstationary force to protect that force from enemyground observation, direct fire, and sur- a. General.prise attack. It defeats, destroys, or delays en- (1) A flank guard is a security force thatemy threats within its capabilities. A guardoperates to the flank of a moving orforce is normally composed of units assignedstationary force to protect it from enorattached to the force being protected.emy ground observation, direct fire,and surprise attack by defeating, de-102. Advance Guard stroying, or delaying the enemy witha.An advance guard is a security force, pri- in its capabilities. It may employmarily offensive in nature, that operates to theoffensive, defensive, or delaying acfrontof a moving force to insure its uninter-tion as necessary to accomplish therupted advance and to protect it from surprisemission. During offensive or retroattackby defeating, destroying, or delaying thegrade operations, the flank guard isenemy. The advance guard may protect the de-mobile when the force being securedployment of the protected force if it is commit-is moving. This is known as a mobileted to action and may facilitate the advance byflank guard. When the force being seremovingobstacles, repairing roads and bridges,cured is conducting defensive operaorlocating bypasses.tions, the flank guard is normally stab.The advance guard moves as fast as the tionary but is prepared to conduct asituation will allow but should remain withinmobile flank guard action should thesupporting distance from the protected force.need arise.It performs continuous reconnaissance to the (2) The protected force commander spefrontand flanks and pushes back or destroyscifies the units to be protected orsmall enemy groups before they can hinder theadvance of the protected force. When the adthezone of responsibility. Normally,the flank guard responsibility beginsvance guard encounters large enemy forces orat the rear of the leading battalionheavily defended areas, it takes prompt and(TF) and ends at the rear of theaggressive action to develop the situation and,other combat elements of the protectwithinits capability, employs offensive action ed force (exclusive of the rear52

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM99. Flank Covering Force to defeat the enemy. It employs every meansA flank covering force employs techniques. available to determine the location, strength,similar to those of a flank guard except thatthe covering force operates at a greater disdisposition,and composition of the enemy. Itmay then be required to join in the attack oftance from the force being covered. It is the protected force. The advance guard mustbeyond the flank guard of the force being cov- be far enough in front of the protected force toered and is usually out of range of fire support insure that the commander of the protectedof the force being covered.force has freedom of action in the employmentof his forces. However, it must not be so far in100. Rear Covering Force front that it can be destroyed by enemy attackbefore assistance can reach it. The protectedA rear covering force may be designated by force commander usually specifies how far inh commander igher to cover a win thisdrawal omanner front of his force the advance guard is to operaretirement. When employed in this manner, ate. Distances are reduced at night, in closethe covering force uses the friendly front line, terrain, and under conditions of low visibility.or a position near it, as its initial position. Thetechniques used in performing this mission are c. The advance guard normally advances inthe same as those described for the Advance column until contact is made. It may move con-Covering Force-Defense in paragraph 98. tinuously or by bounds. It moves by boundswhen contact with the enemy is imminent and101. Guard Force the terrain is favorable. For additional information,see FM 17-36.A guard force is a security force that operatesto the front, flank, or rear of a moving or 103 Flank Guardstationary force to protect that force from enemyground observation, direct fire, and sur- a. General.prise attack. It defeats, destroys, or delays en- (1) A flank guard is a security force thatemy threats within its capabilities. A guardoperates to the flank of a moving orforce is normally composed of units assignedstationary force to protect it from enorattached to the force being protected.emy ground observation, direct fire,and surprise attack by defeating, de-102. Advance Guard stroying, or delaying the enemy witha.An advance guard is a security force, pri- in its capabilities. It may employmarily offensive in nature, that operates to theoffensive, defensive, or delaying acfrontof a moving force to insure its uninter-tion as necessary to accomplish therupted advance and to protect it from surprisemission. During offensive or retroattackby defeating, destroying, or delaying thegrade operations, the flank guard isenemy. The advance guard may protect the de-mobile when the force being securedployment of the protected force if it is commit-is moving. This is known as a mobileted to action and may facilitate the advance byflank guard. When the force being seremovingobstacles, repairing roads and bridges,cured is conducting defensive operaorlocating bypasses.tions, the flank guard is normally stab.The advance guard moves as fast as the tionary but is prepared to conduct asituation will allow but should remain withinmobile flank guard action should thesupporting distance from the protected force.need arise.It performs continuous reconnaissance to the (2) The protected force commander spefrontand flanks and pushes back or destroyscifies the units to be protected orsmall enemy groups before they can hinder theadvance of the protected force. When the adthezone of responsibility. Normally,the flank guard responsibility beginsvance guard encounters large enemy forces orat the rear of the leading battalionheavily defended areas, it takes prompt and(TF) and ends at the rear of theaggressive action to develop the situation and,other combat elements of the protectwithinits capability, employs offensive action ed force (exclusive of the rear52

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