1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMground and air surveillance efforts of armor tening posts, and patrols are established tounits.provide continuous and systematic observation.c. Tactical Air Force units may provide air A surveillance force is not usually capable ofreconnaissance and surveillance support to as- offering strong resistance to the enemy; howsistarmor units performing surveillance mis- ever, it must be capable of protecting itself.sions.Air cavalry units are integrated into and extendthe surveillance capabilities of ground88. Surveillance Operations units. When air cavalry units are performingWhen planning surveillance operations, the surveillance missions forward of the FEBA,factors of METT will govern the organization commanders must give careful consideration toand disposition of forces. Since surveillance enemy antiaircraft capabilities, due to the conusuallyconsists of systematic and continuous tinuous operation of the aircraft in enemy terobservationof large areas, long routes, or sev- ritory.eral specific locations, armor units normallycommit the bulk of their forces to performing 89. Night Surveillanceobservation while retaining a small reserve to Surveillance by armor units normally is lessassist elements that may be attacked by enemy effective at night. Observation is limited to theforces. Ground armored units performing a range of organic radar and infrared equipsurveillancemission will usually operate in ment. Use of patrols and listening posts is inrearareas, areas adjacent to the FEBA, or creased. Air cavalry is limited to photographyprovide dismounted elements which will be air- unless other night vision equipment is mountedlifted into areas forward of the FEBA. Sur- on the aircraft. Support from <strong>Army</strong> aviationveillance missions are conducted in a manner or Air Force units whose aircraft mount insimilarto that of a screening force or a rear frared and radar equipment is usually reareasecurity operation. Observation posts, lis- quired.Section III.SECURITY OPERATIONS90. General from the accomplishment of the mission of thea. Security includes all measures taken by aforce being secured.command to protect itself from espionage, ob- c. FM 17-36 contains the detailed proceservation,sabotage, annoyance, or surprise. Its dures and techniques for conducting securitypurpose is to preserve secrecy and to gain and operations.maintain freedom of action.91. Security Against Ground Actionb. Security is achieved by effectively provid- Ground threats to the security of a commanding for the detection of a threat; for sufficient include reconnaissance, fire, attack by groundtime and maneuver space to react to the forces, infiltration, guerrilla forces, partisans,threat; and for the avoidance, neutralization, and airmobile and airborne forces. Securityor destruction of the threat. Security is im- forces must use terrain and obstacles to augprovedby timely and accurate intelligence and ment their security efforts. Security againstrapid, aggressive movement. All units are re- ground attack is provided by air and groundsponsible for their own security, regardless of reconnaissance; covering, guard, and screeningthe security provided by other units. A securi- force; and local security elements. Covering,ty force for a larger formation must be strong guard, and screening missions may be preenough,and properly located, to provide ade- formed to the front, flank, or rear of a friendlyquate time for the force being secured to react. force. Size and composition of security forcesWithin their capabilities, security forces will are dependent upon the factors of METT.engage the enemy as necessary to accomplish Against a highly mobile enemy, strong in artheirmission. However, security measures mor, security forces must possess equal ormust not unnecessarily divert forces or effort greater mobility and have adequate antitank49

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