1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM17-36 contains detailed procedures and tech- b. Area reconnaissance is performed to gainniques for conducting reconnaissance opera- information of a definite locality such astions.towns, woods, or crossing sites over a river.The area may be reconnoitered for possible en-73. Route Reconnaissance emy or to determine its suitability as an assema.Route reconnaissance is the directed bly area or for other uses by friendly forces.effort to obtain information of the route, obsta- The area to be reconnoitered must be clearlycles, and enemy along a specific route, and the delineated. The unit assigned the missionterrain adjacent to the route, which, if occu- moves directly to the area and conducts the repiedby the enemy, would affect movement connaissance employing the same techniques asalong the route.a zone reconnaissance.b. Route reconnaissance may be assigned toobtain information of a specific route (see FM5-36 for discussion and report format) or of a. Reconnaissance by fire is accomplished byan enemy force moving generally along a firing on likely or suspected enemy positions inspecific route. When intelligence indicates that an attempt to cause the enemy to disclose histhe enemy is moving on one or more routes, or presence by movement or firing. During reconwhenterrain features canalize his advance, naissance by fire, positions being reconnoiteredthese routes may be reconnoitered to obtain en- must be observed continuously, so that any enemyinformation. Routes of advance of friend- emy movement or return fire will be definitelyly forces may be reconnoitered when specific located.information of a route or series of routes is b. Reconnaissance by fire is used when timerequired.is critical. It is made at the risk of losing sure.The technique employed and the require- prise, but it tends to lessen the probability ofments of a route reconnaissance are less time moving into a well-concealed enemy positionconsuming and can normally be performed without being aware of its presence.more rapidly than zone or area reconnaissance. c. If the enemy returns the fire, the unitproceeds to develop the situation. If the fire is74. Zone Reconnaissance not returned, the unit continues on its mission.a. Zone reconnaissance is the directed effort However, caution should be exercised, becauseto obtain detailed information of all routes, reconnaissance by fire may fail to draw the fireterrain, and enemy forces in a zone defined by of seasoned enemy troops.boundaries. Zone reconnaissance is more thoroughand time consuming than other recon- 77. Reconnaissance of a Town, Obstacle, ornaissance missions.Enemy Positionb. When the enemy's location is in doubt, or a. In reconnoitering a town, obstacle, or enwhenit is desired to locate suitable routes or emy position, it should be approached from thedetermine cross-country trafficability in a zone, flanks or rear if possible. If time is available,a zone reconnaissance may be directed. The the reconnaissance is made dismounted; howwidthof the zone assigned to subordinate units ever, if time is short, the unit remains mountisdetermined by the pattern of the road net, ed. In either case, detailed observation shouldterrain features, type of information desired, precede the actual reconnaissance and reconanticipatedenemy action, troops available, naissance by fire made depending on the tacticalweather, visibility, and time available to ac- situation.complish the mission.b. When time is available, dismounted patrols75. Area Reconnaissance move forward, covered by the remainingelements of the unit. The number of patrols dea.Area reconnaissance is the directed effort pends upon the size of the objective and uponto obtain detailed information of all routes, available approaches, cover, and concealment.terrain, and enemy forces within a clearly If the patrols find that the near edge of thedefined area.area is clear, the remainder of the unit moves46

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