1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMwhich the S3 presents one or more (5) Based on the decision and the concept,courses of action and recommendsthe staff will complete their planningpriority. Each of the other staffand prepare necessary orders. The S3officers comments in turn on has primary staff responsibility forsignificant aspects in his respectivethe preparation of the plan. Additionfieldand recommends the best courseal details for the operation are furofaction from his standpoint. Thenished the S3 by unit and special staffcommander may question his staff toofficers as a result of their planning.ascertain any additional informationThe plan will then be presented to thehe requires to complete his own esti-commander for his approval. Aftermate (commander's estimate).approval, the plan may be issued to(4) The commander completes his esti- subordinate units to facilitate theirmate and announces his decision. Theplanning or it may be converted intodecision is a statement of the generalan order and issued to subordinatecourse of action that the unit willunits.adopt to accomplish the mission. So (6) After the order is issued, the comthatthe staff may prepare detailedmander, assisted by his staff, superplansto execute the decision, the corn-vises its execution. The staff coordimandermust elaborate upon the de-nates with and assists the subordinatecision by issuing the concept. Thisunits where possible.concept is presented to the staff at the (7) The executive officer supervises thetime of the announcement of his de-staff through the entire planning secision,in enough detail to permitquence to insure that the proper coorpreparationof orders. This concept indination takes place between staffrefined form becomes the basis forofficers, and that the commander's deparagraph3a of the operation ordersires are being followed. By keeping(app IX). For a discussion of whatabreast of the situation, the executivemay be included in the commander'sofficer is prepared to assume comconcept,see paragraph 44.mand if necessary.43

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