1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMAPPENDIX XXIVASSEMBLY AREAS1. General are camouflaged to keep the enemy from detectingthe location of the unit. Maximum useAn assembly area is an area in which unitAn assembldy area is an area in which a unit should be made of available aircraft to inspectis assembled preparatory to future action. Inthis area orders are issued, the unit servicesand repairs vehicles, receives and issues sup- 3 Organizationplies, and feeds troops. The assembly area,when used to prepare for an attack, is usually a. The individual in charge of a quarteringwell forward. If possible, it should be out of party divides the area among the subordinateunits, the command post, and the trains, as appropriate.It is desirable to have the trains cen-2. Characteristics trally located in the area and near the mainroad or trail through the area.a. Desirablea. Desirable characteristicscharacteristics ofofassemblyassembly b. If the individual in charge of a subordiareasinclude-nate quartering party determines from his re-(1) Concealment from air and ground ob- connaissance that the assigned area is unsatisservation.factory, he immediately notifies the individual(2) Cover from direct fire. in charge of the higher headquarters quarter-(3) Good drainage and a surface that will ing party and requests a change of area. If asupport vehicles.change cannot be made in the time available,(4) Good exits and entrances, and ade- the unit is located under the best availablequate internal roads or trails.cover and concealment as soon as it arrives,(5) Ample space for dispersion of vehi- and necessary adjustments are made later.cles, personnel, and equipment for a 4 Obattalion task force will vary with thenumber of company teams assigned Upon the arrival of a unit at an assemblyand attached (approximately 2,000 x2,000 meters is required as a miniarea,all elements move off the road and clearthe route of march without slowing or halting.mum for a three company team bat- The posting of guides, selection of routes, andtalion task force).the allocation of areas by the quartering party(6) Adequate communication sites, are done with this objective in mind. This requiresaggressive action on the part of guides(7) Be far enough away from other in- and close supervision by commanders and staffstallations that together they do not officers. In designating locations in the area,present a lucrative nuclear target. the quartering party considers the unit's posi-(8) Offer, if appropriate, a suitable land- tions in the march column. The march route ising site for organic, attached, or sup- not blocked while precise adjustments areporting aircraft.made. After the march serial has cleared theb. Overhead concealment is important if the route, any desired adjustments of vehicles canunit is to remain in the area for any length of be made easily without holding up the flow oftime. Vehicles, equipment, entrances, and exits traffic (fig. 101, 102, and 103).409

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMIiOF ENEMY2l 1mtDIRECTIONNotes. 1. Distance between task force assembly areas, approximately 4,000 meters.2Notes. 1. Trains located near MSR and gains protection from proximity of combat units..Engr company may be located in the trains area or contiguous to the CP.4. Not to scale.Figure 101. Diagram of a battaiode assembly area.410DIRECTION/ X01 J-1 t> ENEMYNotes. 1. Trains located near MSR.2. Gaps between company teams are covered by mounted patrols.410Fig:ue 1oe. Diagram of a battalion assembly area.

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMAPPENDIX XXIVASSEMBLY AREAS1. General are camouflaged to keep the enemy from detectingthe location of the unit. Maximum useAn assembly area is an area in which unitAn assembldy area is an area in which a unit should be made of available aircraft to inspectis assembled preparatory to future action. Inthis area orders are issued, the unit servicesand repairs vehicles, receives and issues sup- 3 Organizationplies, and feeds troops. The assembly area,when used to prepare for an attack, is usually a. The individual in charge of a quarteringwell forward. If possible, it should be out of party divides the area among the subordinateunits, the command post, and the trains, as appropriate.It is desirable to have the trains cen-2. Characteristics trally located in the area and near the mainroad or trail through the area.a. Desirablea. Desirable characteristicscharacteristics ofofassemblyassembly b. If the individual in charge of a subordiareasinclude-nate quartering party determines from his re-(1) Concealment from air and ground ob- connaissance that the assigned area is unsatisservation.factory, he immediately notifies the individual(2) Cover from direct fire. in charge of the higher headquarters quarter-(3) Good drainage and a surface that will ing party and requests a change of area. If asupport vehicles.change cannot be made in the time available,(4) Good exits and entrances, and ade- the unit is located under the best availablequate internal roads or trails.cover and concealment as soon as it arrives,(5) Ample space for dispersion of vehi- and necessary adjustments are made later.cles, personnel, and equipment for a 4 Obattalion task force will vary with thenumber of company teams assigned Upon the arrival of a unit at an assemblyand attached (approximately 2,000 x2,000 meters is required as a miniarea,all elements move off the road and clearthe route of march without slowing or halting.mum for a three company team bat- The posting of guides, selection of routes, andtalion task force).the allocation of areas by the quartering party(6) Adequate communication sites, are done with this objective in mind. This requiresaggressive action on the part of guides(7) Be far enough away from other in- and close supervision by commanders and staffstallations that together they do not officers. In designating locations in the area,present a lucrative nuclear target. the quartering party considers the unit's posi-(8) Offer, if appropriate, a suitable land- tions in the march column. The march route ising site for organic, attached, or sup- not blocked while precise adjustments areporting aircraft.made. After the march serial has cleared theb. Overhead concealment is important if the route, any desired adjustments of vehicles canunit is to remain in the area for any length of be made easily without holding up the flow oftime. Vehicles, equipment, entrances, and exits traffic (fig. 101, 102, and 103).409

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