1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMdangerous contamination without warning. considered. No one must be permitted to exceedWhen the unit has occupied a position or an dosages specified by command guidance.area, periodic monitoring and detection may b. Radiological survey by air is employed insuffice.areas that have dose rates that are too dangerd.The objective of radiological monitoring ous for ground survey parties. These areasand chemical detection and identification is may include lines of communication, areasto determine the presence or absence of under consideration for relocation of units andsignificant levels of radiation or chemical con- installations when speed is important, andtamination and when possible, to determine ac- areas that are not readily accessible to groundcurate ground dose rates or concentrations. troops.13. Reporting Dataa. Information obtained while conductinga. When an armor unit is assigned a radio- chemical detection and identification and radiologicalsurvey mission, the size, number, and logical monitoring operations should be forcompositionof the survey team is based on a warded through command channels.consideration of the persons available, equip- b. Radiological data gathered during a surmenton hand, the size of the area to be sur- vey operation is reported directly to the diviveyed,the road net in the area, and the infor- sion chemical, biological, and radiological elemationdesired. Survey personnel must be ments (CBRE) or through command channels,protected from contamination. The cumulative depending on the type of survey being conductdoseof radiation acquired by a person must be ed.401

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