1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM(3) His operations duties include the fol- cation officer). Although the comlowing:mander normally issues the opera-(a) Informs his commander and othertion order verbally, a completestaff officers of the tactical situa-order, often in pencil form only,tion and is prepared to recommendshould be written and filed forto the commander actions to be tak-record. Frequently this done durenby the unit.ing lulls in combat after the action(b) Studies the situation as affected byinvolved has been completed.the enemy, orders from higher (j) Transmits the commander's ordersheadquarters, actions of adjacentand instructions to organic, atandsupporting units, and locationtached and supporting units.and capabilities of the battalion or (k) Prepares for future operations,squadron. He studies the effects ofguided by information obtainedcasualties and replacements, ter-from the commander and S2 and byrain and weather, and the status ofknowledge of the present situation.supply and equipment, as they ap- (1) Prepares operational and after-acplyto the mission.tion reports, and recommends train-(c) Maintains up-to-date informationing to correct combat deficiencies.on the battalion or squadron and g. The Battalion or Squadron Logisticsfriendly units; supervises the post- Officer (S4). The logistics officer (S4) is reingof friendly and enemy informa- sponsible to the commander for the formulationon the situation map.tion of logistical policy and for planning, coor-(d) Recommends the general location dinating, and supervising the logistical effort.of command post sites.The S4 is a logistical operator at battalion or(e) Plans troop movements, including squadron level. His duties are generally as deunitsinvolved, formation, and type scribed for the G4 in FM 101-5 and include--of transportation required (coordi- (1) Advising and keeping the commandernating with S4). He prepares theinformed on logistical matters.march order after the plan ofmovement is approved.(2) Planning, coordinating, and supervisingsupply, maintenance, and evacua-(f) Recommends the tactical employ-tion.ment of units after a study of thefactors of METT and after confer- (3) Coordinating with the higher headencewith other staff officers andquarters on logistical matters.unit commanders. (4) Assisting subordinate commanders(g) Recommends tactical and counter-with logistical matters.intelligence measures to attain se- (5) Controlling the battalion or squadroncrecy and effect surprise (coordi-combat trains.nating with S2).(6) Submitting logistical reports as di-(h) Coordinates with the communica-rected.tion officer in the preparation ofthe signal communication plan toplanning.maintain communication betweenthe commander, battalion or squad- (8) Preparing paragraph 4 of the operaronheadquarters, and subordinatetion order.units.(9) Exercising staff supervision over re-(i) Prepares the operation order forceiving, storing, and issuing supplies.the commander's approval. Materi- h. The Battalion or Squadron CBR Officer.al for inclusion in the order is ob- The armor battalion or armored cavalry squadtainedfrom other staff officers (S1, ron CBR officer is appointed by the battalionS2, S4, FSCOORD, and communi- or squadron commander from his staff. His39

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMprincipal assistant is the chemical NCO. He ad-ing on the desires of the commandervises and assists the staff on chemical, biologi-and coordinating with other staffcal, and nuclear defense matters. Duties of theofficers as appropriate.CBR officer and the chemical NCO are-(5) Keeping the commander and the S4(1) To assist the S2 in the collection, informed of the status of signal mainprocessing,and dissemination of CBRtenance and evacuation.intelligence information to include ra- (6) Maintaining contact with subordinatediological survey control party dutieselements and supporting signal ele-(FM 3-12), use of the effective windments to insure that signal maintemessages,fallout prediction messages,nance supply activities are coordinuclearbiological chemical reports asnated.appropriate, CBR contamination nmes- (7) Procuring and maintaining repairsages, enemy CBR materiel, and theparts and componentsplotting of CBR contamination data.j. The Battalion or Squadron Fire Support(2) To assist the 3 on chemical, biologi- Coordinator (FSCOORD). The armor battalcal,and nuclear defense plans and ion or armored cavalry squadron fire supportoperations including preparation of coordinator is normally an artillery liaisonCBR and nuclearth uni t SOPadefensefe tainingannexesutotoofficer from the supporting artillery battalion.R s, t dthe rminaiong of ruaiot When an artillery liaison officer has not beenCBRa teams, determination of sradio- provided, the commander normally designatesthe heavy mortar platoon leader or S3 air asculations, computation of the battal- FSCOORD. For duties of the FSCOORD, seeion radiation dose, preparation of theCBR portion of the master trainingschedule, the inspection of all CBR k. The Battalion or Squadron Headquarterstraining, and the selection of individ- Commandant. For duties of the tank battalionuals for CBR school training.and armored cavalry squadron headquarterscommandant,(3) Toseeassist theparagraphS4 in the issuance,661; however,Tmassisnte t , seion, te iua those duties concerning prisoner of war, straghmaintenance,inspectionnd reqipar glers, and civilian internees are accomplishedof chemical materiel and equipment with battalion resources. Military police mayassist in evacuation of prisoner of war or ini.The Battalion or Squadron Communica- ternees from battalion.tion Officer. The armor battalion or armoredcavalry squadron communication1. The Battalionofficeror Squadronis bothLiaison Officers.For duties of the tank battalion and armoreda special staff officer and the commander of the cavalry squadron liaison officers, see paragraphbattalion or squadron communication platoon.His place of duty is the command post. His dutiescorrespond to those of the signal officer as m. The Battalion or Squadron Maintenanceoutlined in FM 101-5 and paragraph 660. The Officer. The armor battalion or armored cavalcommunicationofficer's duties include-ry squadron maintenance officer is both a specialstaff officer and the commander of the bat-(1)commander on all communicatidvion talion or squadron maintenance platoon. Hecommatters, on allcommunication works under the staff supervision of the executiveofficer or S4 depending on the desires of(2) Supervising the communication train- the commander. His duties includeingconducted in the battalion or (1) Supervising and coordinating thesquadron.maintenance activities of the battal-(3) Supervising the communication activ- ion or squadron, except medical orities of attached units.signal.(4) Working under the staff supervision (2) Keeping the commander and S4 inofthe executive officer or S3 depend-formed of the status of maintenance40

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM(3) His operations duties include the fol- cation officer). Although the comlowing:mander normally issues the opera-(a) Informs his commander and othertion order verbally, a completestaff officers of the tactical situa-order, often in pencil form only,tion and is prepared to recommendshould be written and filed forto the commander actions to be tak-record. Frequently this done durenby the unit.ing lulls in combat after the action(b) Studies the situation as affected byinvolved has been completed.the enemy, orders from higher (j) Transmits the commander's ordersheadquarters, actions of adjacentand instructions to organic, atandsupporting units, and locationtached and supporting units.and capabilities of the battalion or (k) Prepares for future operations,squadron. He studies the effects ofguided by information obtainedcasualties and replacements, ter-from the commander and S2 and byrain and weather, and the status ofknowledge of the present situation.supply and equipment, as they ap- (1) Prepares operational and after-acplyto the mission.tion reports, and recommends train-(c) Maintains up-to-date informationing to correct combat deficiencies.on the battalion or squadron and g. The Battalion or Squadron Logisticsfriendly units; supervises the post- Officer (S4). The logistics officer (S4) is reingof friendly and enemy informa- sponsible to the commander for the formulationon the situation map.tion of logistical policy and for planning, coor-(d) Recommends the general location dinating, and supervising the logistical effort.of command post sites.The S4 is a logistical operator at battalion or(e) Plans troop movements, including squadron level. His duties are generally as deunitsinvolved, formation, and type scribed for the G4 in FM 101-5 and include--of transportation required (coordi- (1) Advising and keeping the commandernating with S4). He prepares theinformed on logistical matters.march order after the plan ofmovement is approved.(2) Planning, coordinating, and supervisingsupply, maintenance, and evacua-(f) Recommends the tactical employ-tion.ment of units after a study of thefactors of METT and after confer- (3) Coordinating with the higher headencewith other staff officers andquarters on logistical matters.unit commanders. (4) Assisting subordinate commanders(g) Recommends tactical and counter-with logistical matters.intelligence measures to attain se- (5) Controlling the battalion or squadroncrecy and effect surprise (coordi-combat trains.nating with S2).(6) Submitting logistical reports as di-(h) Coordinates with the communica-rected.tion officer in the preparation ofthe signal communication plan toplanning.maintain communication betweenthe commander, battalion or squad- (8) Preparing paragraph 4 of the operaronheadquarters, and subordinatetion order.units.(9) Exercising staff supervision over re-(i) Prepares the operation order forceiving, storing, and issuing supplies.the commander's approval. Materi- h. The Battalion or Squadron CBR Officer.al for inclusion in the order is ob- The armor battalion or armored cavalry squadtainedfrom other staff officers (S1, ron CBR officer is appointed by the battalionS2, S4, FSCOORD, and communi- or squadron commander from his staff. His39

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