1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMThey may be employed with securitylimited only by the capabilities of theelements to provide surveillance on anequipment and the imagination andexposed flank or may provide obser-ingenuity of the tactical commander.vation and security. Radar teams mayRadar teams may be employed in conbemoved by bounds with rapidly ad-junction with barrages and final provancingelements to provide informationof enemy activity. By detectingtective fires by determining when theenemy approaches or is located inthe presence or lack of enemy activitythese areas. Radars may be used inin an area, the ground surveillanceconjunction with emplaced antipermayspeed up exploitation operations.sonnel weapons in determining when(2) Radar teams attached to an envelop- such weapons can be employed best.ing force may be sited to locate with-They may be used to determine thedrawing enemy elements. Radar mayoptimum time for detonation of explobeused in conjunction with othersives, chemicals, or atomic demolitioncommunication means to identify munitions.friendly units during linkups.(3) Since the enemy may often attack ati. River Crossing Operations. Radars are night, during poor visibility, or withused in a river crossing as in normal offensiveuse of heavy smoke screens, radaroperations. Radars placed on dominating ter-will be of great use in defensiverain on the near bank may determine theoperations. When an enemy attacksprogress of friendly units on the far bank.on a broad front, the amount of en-When smoke is used by friendly forces engagedemy activity in a given area may indiina river crossing, radar may be used to detectcate the possible location of theenemy troop activity on the far bank including enemy main effort. When radarwithdrawal, reinforcement, or shifting of sightings are used in conjunctionunits. with knowledge of enemy tactics,specific enemy maneuvers may be an-15. The Defense ticipated. Radar sightings may bea. General. In the defense, the radars areemployed to maintain surveillance over aveusedto establish the depth of the en-emy offensive effort and to indicatenues of approach, possible enemy attack po-whether a feint or demonstration issitions, and assembly areas. The surveillancebeing conducted in the area.effort is directed not only forward of the FE- c. Ambushes. Radar teams may locate en-BA but also used by units throughout the bat- emy patrols moving toward friendly defensivetie area. Particular attention is given to gaps positions and thereby allow friendly units tobetween units, exposed flanks, possible helicop- ambush such patrols and take prisoners.ter or parachute landing zones in the battlearea, and other critical areas. Alternate and d. Action During a Counterattack. During asupplementary positions for radar teams are counterattack, radar teams will continue to reportestablished to provide complete surveillance portinformationinformationofofenemyenemyactivity.activity.InInthethecoverage battle area. of thecounterattack, radars may be used to gain informationfor the commander of the strengthb. Employment in the Defense. and depth of the enemy penetration. Teams(1) Radar may support one or any com- employed with forward companies in or adjabinationof the three defense areas. Itmay be employed with the securitycent to an enemy penetration may shift theirarea of surveillance on order to the area offorces to extend their surveillance ca- penetration to provide the commander withpability. Teams employed with the se- this information.curity force normally revert to theirprimary mission when the security 16. Retrograde Operationsforce is withdrawn.a. General. In retrograde operations, radar(2) The uses of radar in the defense are is used primarily for early warning. It is em-395

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