1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMcontact or on an exposed flank. It may e. Envelopment. In the envelopment, radarbe positioned to provide surveillance may be able to detect large gaps or assailableover critical areas or on avenues of flanks that can help to hasten the operations. Itapproach during the attack.may be possible to employ the radar with secu-(3) During darkness or poor visibility, rity elements of the enveloping force to proradarmay be employed to vector or vide early warning of enemy activity.guide friendly attacking elements. It f. Displacement.may be used in tracing the movement (1) Radars should be kept as far forwardof forward friendly units to establishas the tactical situation and terrainand confirm their specific location atwill permit. Teams displace to supanygiven time and to coordinate sup-port a continuation of the attack orporting fires with the advance ofwhen they can no longer providefriendly elements. To facilitate loca-effective support for a unit makingtion of friendly elements, convention-the attack. Displacement may be realcommunication means and a pat-quired also to support the consoliternof signals may be established todation on the objective. For this reaassistthe operator in identification. son, displacement should not beThese signals may consist of swing-delayed arbitrarily until the radaring a canteen or helmet in rotaryteams can no longer provide effectivefashion, using a reflector or using anysupport. The commander must weighpattern of movement that can bethe immediate loss of a surveillanceidentified readily by the operator ofcapability against the requirement forthe radar equipment. immediate surveillance during thed. Infiltration. consolidation.(1) Infiltration may be used in the pene- (2) Displacement should be accomplishedtration. When gaps in enemy defensesso that teams are in position on thehave been located, attacking elementsobjective immediately following itsmay infiltrate through the enemyseizure. Timely displacement will enaposition.Radar teams may be em-ble forward units to continue destrucployedeffectively in conjunction withtive fire on withdrawing enemy unitsinfiltration by surveying infiltrationor to detect enemy activity indicatinglanes for enemy activity and deter-a counterattack. When feasible, teamsmining the progress of infiltratingdisplace by bounds.units.g. Consolidation and Reorganization. Radar(2) Short range radar teams may be em- teams displace on order to positions selectedployed with infiltrating units in the previously by a visual or map reconnaissance.enemy rear area. Use of a team by During the consolidation and reorganization,infiltrating elements may enable these primary emphasis is placed on immediatelyelements to locate enemy activity and placing the equipment in operation to obtainavoid discovery. Conversely, radar information of the enemy. Thereafter, posiemissionsmay compromise the loca- tions are improved and equipment is dug intion of friendly units. The determi- and camouflaged as the situation permits.nation of whether radar teams should Since the radar teams on the objective will bebe employed by an infiltrating ele- surveying the area beyond the objective, theyment will generally depend upon the must be informed fully of friendly patrols andurgency of obtaining information of other elements sent forward to maintain contheenemy in the area as opposed to tact with the enemy.the need for avoiding discovery. If ra- h. Exploitation or Pursuit.dar is employed with infiltrating ele- (1) In the exploitation or pursuit, radarments, it may be used also to assistteams are employed essentially aslinkup with attacking forces.they are in the movement to contact.394

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