1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMe. Strobing. The automatic scanning of a e. Extending the observation capabilities ofgiven range segment by a range gate.patrols by enabling them to survey distantf. Range Gate. An increment of distance in points or areas of special interest.which targets can be detected.f. Assisting the visual observation of unitsg. Monitor. To maintain surveillance of a during daylight hours by making initial detecspecificpoint of interest or, a number of tion of partially obscured (haze) targets atpoints, for a given length of time.long ranges.5. Trainingg. Assisting in the control of units duringlimited visibility operations.a. In the training of radar operators, practi- h. Increasing the effectiveness of fire supcalwork performed by the operator must be port. When targets have been detected withemphasized. Through practice under all condi- reasonable certainty by radar, the fire supporttions of weather, terrain, and visibility, the means may immediately take the target underoperator can reach peak proficiency in the fire. If the type of target cannot be establishedidentification of moving objects as military definitely, the radar team can furnish locationtargets versus other moving objects such as information of the target so that illuminationanimals. Guidance for the training of ground may then be employed accurately to establishsurveillance radar operations is contained in which type of fire can be used best. Since well-ASubjScd 30-11F20.trained radar operators can estimate the denb.All commanders and other key personnel sity of enemy activity in a given area and theshould be familiar with the capabilities, limita- rate of enemy movement, radar equipment maytions, and methods of employment of ground be used to assist in determining the optimumsurveillance radars. Periodic refresher train- weapons system for employment.ing of these personnel should be conducted to i. Determining rate of movement of a targetinsure a high level of knowledge of the radar by plotting the location of the target at twoequipment. Whenever possible, employment of known points and the time it took the target toradar equipment should be integrated into field move from one point to the other.exercises and other tactical training.6. Tactical Employment7. Radar Surveillance CardsTo insure proper surveillance coverage of theGround surveillance radar may be employed battalion area, in relatively static situations,in all types of tactical operations. Types of sur- subordinate units will normally submit overveillanceemployed by radar personnel are lays to battalion indicating the area of coversearchand monitor. It is capable of perform- age of organic or attached surveillance means.ing a variety of tasks, including-Radar surveillance cards (fig. 98) will assista. Searching avenues of approach, possible commanders in preparation of these overlays.enemy attack positions, assembly areas, or Cards will normally be prepared by the seniorother sectors or areas on a time schedule, at radar operator immediately after the equiprandom,or continuously to report location, ment is placed in position. Information fromsize, compositions, and nature of enemy activi- these cards will be distributed to appropriatety.fire support agencies. Radar surveillance cardsb. Monitoring point targets such as bridges, are prepared for primary (P), alternate (A),defiles, or road junctions and reporting quan- and supplementary (S) positions. Coordinatestity, type, and direction of movement of targets for the radar positions are noted as accuratelythrough the point.as possible. The type radar employed is alsoc. Monitoring and searching final protective designated on the radar surveillance card.fire areas or barrage locations to permit timelyfiring.8. Selection of Radar Sitesd. Searching areas of nuclear and conven- The specific location of the radar equipmenttional fires to detect enemy activity immediate- site is normally selected by the ground surveillyafter firing as an indication of firing effect. lance section or team leader. The specific loca-391

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