1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM(2) Other duties and functions of the ser- ployed nuclear weapons and coordigeantmajor are discussed in para-nation of radiological survey.graph 66g.f. The Battalion or Squadron Operationse. The Battalion or Squadron Intelligence and Training Officer (S3).Officer (S2). The S2 has staff responsibility for (1) The S3-intelligence and counterintelligence matters.(a) Has staff responsibility for all mat-His duties are similar to those of the G2 (FMters pertaining to organization,101-5). He keeps the commander, staff, subor- training, and tactical operations.dinate units, and all other interested agenciesHis duties correspond to those prefullyinformed of the enemy situation and capabilities,and terrain and weather. Among hisscribed for the 03 (FM 101-5).duties, he-(b) Is the commander's principal ad-(1) Plans and supervises (in conjunction viser on organization for combat.with S3) the intelligence and counter- (c) Has staff responsibility for civilintelligence training of the battalion.affairs and psychological functions,(2) Plans and supervises troop counterin- and staff supervision over civiltelligence measures in the battalion.affairs or psychological elements or(3) Prepares and presents the intelligenceestimate.personnel that may be attached.(d) Has staff responsibility for fire(4) Prepares the intelligence plan, includ- supportplanningandcoordination.ing the collection plan and orders and(e) Is responsible for overall planningrequests to collecting agencies, andand supervision of tactical securitycoordinates subordinate collecting for the unit.agencies (coordinating with S3).(f) Is a qualified nuclear weapons em-(5) Records all pertinent enemy informationon the situation map.ployment officer and will normallyprepare the detailed target analysis(6) Evaluates and interprets enemy information,and disseminates intelliwhenrequired.(2) Among his specific training duties,gence information to his commander,the operations and training officerthestaff, and higher, lower, and adja- (a) Prepares and has staff supervisorycent units.responsibility for the execution of(7) Supervises the questioning of enemy training directives, programs,personnel, including civilians (hostileorders, field exercises, and maneuorfriendly) who may possess informa-vers, based on plans approved bytion of immediate tactical value. Ex-the commander.amines captured documents and mate- (b) Selects training areas and ranges,riel if of immediate tactical value,and allocates training aids, amandexpedites the sending of capturedmunition, and equipment.materiel, documents, and personnel tohigher headquarters.(c) Organizes and conducts battalion orsquadron schools. Based upon the(8) Requests and supervises distribution commander's directives, he preofmaps, airphotos, imagery-interpre-pares the program of instruction,tation reports, defense overprints, an-selects and trains instructors, andnotated airphotos and photomaps forrecommends the selection of unitsthe battalion.or personnel to attend schools.(9) Plans and supervises the operations (d) Makes training inspections, andof the ground surveillance sectionprepares and supervises training(coordinating with the S3).tests based on <strong>Army</strong> training tests.(10) Supervision and coordinating of pre- (e) Prepares training records and redictionof fallout from enemy em-ports.38

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