1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMvelopment of a flank obstacle system will limit firing party, who will retain the form until thelateral movement by the enemy, thereby per- demolition is fired.mitting defeat in detail. Obstacles may be em- c. A demolition order should specifyployed to canalize the enemy into an area for whether the demolition guard commander (orhis destruction or used to deny him key ter- if there is no demolition guard, the commanderrain.of the demolition firing party) is authorized to4. Construction Responsibilitiesfire the demolition if the enemy is in the act ofcapturing it. The consequence of premature orEach tactical unit is responsible for the con- ill-advised execution could be disastrous to thestruction of obstacles for close-in protection. operation. A tactical commander must chooseTactical units use organic pioneer tools, includ- carefully the technique of command control foring those from vehicles, demolition sets, basic execution of a reserved demolition. The followloadof mines, and tank dozers. The effort of ing techniques may be used:the engineer unit should be used primarily inconstructing obstacles requiring special skillsA direct order from a commanderand equipment and obstacles that add depth towho has, or has been delegated, thethe battle position. Once the engineers haveauthority to execute a reserve demolicompletedan obstacle or prepared a demolitionfor execution, the responsibility of securityFor example, during a delaying acandexecution should be assigned to the unittion, this commander will instruct theresponsible for the battle position. This re-demolition guard commander to blowleases engineer units to accomplish other obsta-thethebridgebridgeafterafter aspecificspecificunitunithashascles or missions.cleared the bridge and its commander5. Execution of Obstacles has stated words to the effect "alla. The commander responsible for orderingthe execution of an obstacle that is important (2) At a definite time and date. When theto the tactical plan such as blowing a tanktactical situation is such that unforecrater,key bridge, or a dam will-seen events are not probable, the ap-(1) Establish a clearcut command channel propriatetime forcommanderexecution ofmaythespecifyobstacle.awhereby the order to fire the demoli-Thistimemethodfor execution ofis seldomtheusedobstacle.excepttiontion isistransmittedtransmittedfromfromhimselfhimselftotowhen the obstacle plan is such that athe commanderfiring party.of the demolition part of it can be accomplished by atimetable.(2) Insure that this channel is known andunderstood by all concerned.(3) On receipt of a preassigned code(3) Insure that a positive, secure means word On receipt and authenticationfor transmitting the order to fire isestablished.of a preassigned code word, the com-mander of the demolition firing party(4) Determine the requirements and des- would execute the obstacle.ignate responsibility for a demolition (4) As soon as prepared. In a pressingguard.situation, the commander may directb. Obstacles of which the tactical commandercontrols the time of execution arethe obstacle be executed as soon as itcan be prepared.called reserve demolitions. Orders to the commanderof the demolition firing party of these(5) To prevent capture. For example, acommander may plan to use a specificreserved demolitions are written wheneverroute or bridge in the near future andtime and conditions permit, using DA Formthere is a possibility it may fall into2050-R. The tactical commander will completeenemy hands. Orders to the demolipartsI, II, and III of this form before it istion guard would be to destroy only toissued to the commander of the demolitionprevent capture by the enemy. This381

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMmethod is used frequently in connec- obstacle site and control the activities of thetion with one of the other methods demolition crew. The execution must not be at((1)-(4) above), the discretion of the demolition party. Obstacled. The tactical commander responsible for planning and construction requires much effort,the execution of obstacles should designate a time, and logistical support. Strict coordinationstaff officer or a subordinate commander who is is necessary for both construction and execufamiliarwith the tactical situation to be at the tion.Example of Obstacle Plan(Classification)Copy No. 61st Bde, 25th Armd DivHEIDENHEIM (NU857926),GERMANY071630 Jun 19_XB 127Annex C (Barrier Plan) to OPORD 42Ref: Map, GERMANY, 1:100,000, HEIDENHEIM, ANSBACH,NURNBERG sheets.1. SITUATIONa. Enemy forces: Annex A (Intelligence) to OPORD 42.b. Friendly forces: OPORD 42.2. MISSION1st Bde executes barrier in sector to deny enemy control of sector andsupport striking force.3. EXECUTIONa. Concept of operation:(1) OPORD 42, para. 3a.(2) Barrier system on FEBA designed to impede enemy advanceand to compel him to concentrate; barrier system west of FEBAis to deny enemy penetrations.(3) Directed targets.(a) TF 2-91 Mech.Barrier orTargetCompletionPriority DateLocationDescription RemarksABC 1 091800 Jut - __- _______ Improvenaturalobstaclesto impedearmormovement.25-XX-1 1 072200 Jun NB986083 Bridge See attachedmaterialefforts list.1-X(25 Armd)2 1 080100 Jun NA841926 Road See atomicjunction demolitionplan.382(Classification)

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMvelopment of a flank obstacle system will limit firing party, who will retain the form until thelateral movement by the enemy, thereby per- demolition is fired.mitting defeat in detail. Obstacles may be em- c. A demolition order should specifyployed to canalize the enemy into an area for whether the demolition guard commander (orhis destruction or used to deny him key ter- if there is no demolition guard, the commanderrain.of the demolition firing party) is authorized to4. Construction Responsibilitiesfire the demolition if the enemy is in the act ofcapturing it. The consequence of premature orEach tactical unit is responsible for the con- ill-advised execution could be disastrous to thestruction of obstacles for close-in protection. operation. A tactical commander must chooseTactical units use organic pioneer tools, includ- carefully the technique of command control foring those from vehicles, demolition sets, basic execution of a reserved demolition. The followloadof mines, and tank dozers. The effort of ing techniques may be used:the engineer unit should be used primarily inconstructing obstacles requiring special skillsA direct order from a commanderand equipment and obstacles that add depth towho has, or has been delegated, thethe battle position. Once the engineers haveauthority to execute a reserve demolicompletedan obstacle or prepared a demolitionfor execution, the responsibility of securityFor example, during a delaying acandexecution should be assigned to the unittion, this commander will instruct theresponsible for the battle position. This re-demolition guard commander to blowleases engineer units to accomplish other obsta-thethebridgebridgeafterafter aspecificspecificunitunithashascles or missions.cleared the bridge and its commander5. Execution of Obstacles has stated words to the effect "alla. The commander responsible for orderingthe execution of an obstacle that is important (2) At a definite time and date. When theto the tactical plan such as blowing a tanktactical situation is such that unforecrater,key bridge, or a dam will-seen events are not probable, the ap-(1) Establish a clearcut command channel propriatetime forcommanderexecution ofmaythespecifyobstacle.awhereby the order to fire the demoli-Thistimemethodfor execution ofis seldomtheusedobstacle.excepttiontion isistransmittedtransmittedfromfromhimselfhimselftotowhen the obstacle plan is such that athe commanderfiring party.of the demolition part of it can be accomplished by atimetable.(2) Insure that this channel is known andunderstood by all concerned.(3) On receipt of a preassigned code(3) Insure that a positive, secure means word On receipt and authenticationfor transmitting the order to fire isestablished.of a preassigned code word, the com-mander of the demolition firing party(4) Determine the requirements and des- would execute the obstacle.ignate responsibility for a demolition (4) As soon as prepared. In a pressingguard.situation, the commander may directb. Obstacles of which the tactical commandercontrols the time of execution arethe obstacle be executed as soon as itcan be prepared.called reserve demolitions. Orders to the commanderof the demolition firing party of these(5) To prevent capture. For example, acommander may plan to use a specificreserved demolitions are written wheneverroute or bridge in the near future andtime and conditions permit, using DA Formthere is a possibility it may fall into2050-R. The tactical commander will completeenemy hands. Orders to the demolipartsI, II, and III of this form before it istion guard would be to destroy only toissued to the commander of the demolitionprevent capture by the enemy. This381

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