1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM(2) Report of initiation of laying. In that covering the existing obstacles. Priority is thena minefield is an obstacle, a report of given to the construction of obstacles toinitiation of laying is also required. strengthen existing ones. Covering fire receivesThis report is forwarded by the most the highest priority since an obstacle is of littlesecure means to the commander au- value unless covered by fire. Artillery and mainthorizing the field at such time as the tank gun fires can destroy enemy vehicles enlayingunit is ready to begin opera- trapped by an obstacle and small arms fire cantions. The report indicates the loca- prevent dismounted persons from breachingtion and extent of the minefield, esti- obstacles.mated completion time, and the b. A good obstacle site is inconspicuous tonumber and types of mines to be laid. the enemy and can be protected with friendly(3) Report of completion. The report of fires to prevent its easy neutralization. A syscompletionconfirms the installation tem of obstacles should be placed on likely orof the obstacle.favorable enemy avenues of approach. Theyd. The S3 has the staff responsibility for the should allow for the withdrawal of defendingtactical employment of obstacles and the inte- troops and the maneuver of counterattackinggration of natural and artificial obstacles with and other maneuvering forces.the overall tactical plan. To accomplish this, he c. Obstacles may be used effectively in offenconsidersthe commander's plan of action, rec- sive operations. For example, protectiveommendations and advice from the S2, logisti- minefields, roadblocks, or felled trees may becal data from the S4, and technical advice from used on likely enemy avenues of approach forthe supporting engineer commander as follows: counterattacks following the seizure of an objective.These obstacles will supplement protecconn)Based uponsance, the terrain s tudy and re- tive fires and assist in the consolidation andreorganization phase. They become more imterrainin relation to the tactical plan. reoranization phasee They become more im-He provides He providesthe S3 83 with an analysis portant when the enemy has limited maneuverof the natural obstacle value of the room.terrain together with the weather and d. To provide the necessary forces for usethe enemy situation and capabilities. elsewhere, a brigade commander may extend acompany team or task force frontage. Obsta-)the logistical aspects rcles of obstacle em- assist in flank security, filling gaps beplosymentThis includes the priorities tween strongpoints, or counterattack obstrucployment.This includes the priorities tions.for allocation of obstacle materialsand labor and the coordination of the e. Obstacles employed on flanks of any attransportation.tacking force have proved successful. However,(3) The attached or supporting engineer the availability of forces to install and protect(3) T acommander will conduct reconnais- flank obstacles must be considered. Roadblockscommander will conduct reconnaissanceof the area; prepare estimates tand minefields are examples of obstacles usedon time, labor, and materials requiredto augment natural obstacles; and f. Obstacles employed by helicopterbornemake recommendations on the use of and airborne forces to entrap or block the enartificialobstacles. The engineer com- emy's routes of withdrawal can be of greatmander will provide technical advice, assistance in any offensive operation. Thesefurnish special equipment, and pre- forces can block defiles in rough terrain, depareobstacles designated by the sup- molish bridges, or use destroyed equipment toported unit.create obstacles.g. Obstacles are important in defensive3. Tactical Employment operations and retrograde movements. Ana. Obstacles are used in the offense and de- effective way to impede an enemy advance is tofense to supplement fires. When a position is employ a mixed minefield that will separate theestablished, first priority should go to the fires enemy armor elements from infantry. The de-380

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