1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMproximate location and size. He must be carefulto insert his probe gently in the ground atan angle of less than 45 degrees each time; becauseif the probe is pushed straight downwith considerable force, it may detonate amine. He then carefully uncovers the object; ifit is a mine, it is neutralized.6. Hasty Breaching of MinefleldsArmor units are concerned primarily withhasty breaching of enemy minefields. To maintainthe momentum of the attack, this method '., W N , ,will be the rule rather than the exception infast-moving armor operations. Hasty breach- >,ing requires speed with little time and minimumreconnaissance or planning. The leadingelements must accomplish breaching by anyFigure 96. Probing to locate mines.and all means available to create rapidly amine-free lane through the mined area. Thismay be accomplished by special mechanical or the man who is handlifting the mine isexplosive means as described in FM 20-32 and equipped with a sound-power phone or smallFM 5-25. Herds of animals may be driven radio, and he relays back, step by step, what hethrough the field; barrels or large stones rolled is doing. This is recorded to train others. Ifdown hills; a damaged tank may be pushed this person becomes a casualty, the record prothroughthe field; a tank dozer or CEV may vides valuable information for the next timedoze a path of earth over the top of existing this type of mine must be handlifted.mines. If no other means is immediately avail- b. A rope or wire may be attached to theable, a mine-free lane wide enough for a tank mine to pull the mine from the ground. Itmay be provided by probing. If this method is should be long enough for a person to takeused and materials are not available to guide cover. A grapnel attached to a length of comindividualprobers in a staggered formation, a munication wire or rope may be used to clearminimum of seven men may be placed side by an area of tripwires before individuals probeside to probe the necessary width, each prober for mines. It may also be used to hook onto afollowing the procedures described in para- mine to pull it out of the ground. A grapnelgraph 5c and d (fig. 96). In armor operations, may be made of ammunition box bolts or simihastybreaching methods will be initiated when lar materials. To clear an area of tripwires, theminefields are encountered and cannot be by- grapnel is thrown out over the area concerned;passed. The procedure and techniques for de- the loose end of the rope or wire is tied to theliberate breaching of minefields are explained individual's wrist to avoid losing the completein FM 20-32.assembly when it is tossed. It is then pulled7. Removal of Minesback and as this is accomplished, it will set offtripwire-activated mines. The person throwinga. The safest method for disposing of enemy the grapnel must drop to the ground in amines is to blow them in place. An explosive defiladed position before the rope or wire andcharge is placed on each mine and detonated grapnel hits the ground, because this may profroma safe distance. If explosives are not vide the necessary force to actuate a mine.available or if the explosions may alert the en- When used to pull out mines, the grapnel isemy, damage bridges, block passage, or dam- hooked gently into the side fuze well or carryageuseful installations, other methods de- ing handle of the mine. The rope attached toscribed (b and c below) must be used. the grapnel is laid out with care so as not toHandlifting should be avoided when unfamiliar place tension on the rope until the person pullminesare encountered. If lifting is necessary ing out the mine is in a safe place.377

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