1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMbridge will be made through normal logisticchannels. Resupply to both the tank and enforreturn to supply channels will be accom-plished by engineer elements. Authority for regineerbattalions is the responsibility of the di- covery and responsibility for ultimate recoveryvision support command.of an emplaced AVLB remains with the comc.Recovery of emplaced AVLB for reconsti- mander who employed the bridge unless contutionof the engineer battalion capability or trol by a higher echelon has been assumed.Section II. EMPLOYMENT OF THE COMBAT ENGINEER VEHICLE (CEV)5. General coaxially mounted 7.62 machinegun and a .50The combat engineer vehicle is basically a caliber machinegun mounted in the cupola.main battle tank which has been modified toprovide a dozing, winching, lifting, and demoli- 6. Capabilitiestion gun capability for combat engineers oper- The CEV provides engineer troops an aratingin the forward battle area (fig. 93). It is mor-protected means of accomplishing pioneerorganic to combat engineer companies. The tasks under hostile fire in support of teams andturret is provided with a hydraulically-operat- task forces. In combat operations involvinged A-frame type of boom and with a winch in movement, armor commanders position CEV'saddition to the main armament, automatic in formations to provide quick response. Thisweapons, and other required equipment. The is necessary to maintain the momentum of themain armament is the demolition gun operation. Typical tasks which may be as-(165mm). Secondary armament consists of a signed to the CEV are-L1?Figure 93. Combat engineer vehicle.367

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMa. Destruction or removal of obstacles by j. Clearance of rubble and debris in built-upuse of the demolition gun, bulldozer, winch, or areas to permit passage of other combat vehiboom.cles.b. Construction of roadblocks and other ob- k. Construction of tank and gun emplacestaclesby use of the bulldozer, winch, or boom. ments.c. Passage of short dry gaps, antitank 1. Launching explosive mine clearing devicesditches, and craters by earthfilling using the in the assault breaching of minefields.bulldozer.d. Placement of fixed span assault bridging 7. Limitationsor fascines for passage of short gaps.Although the CEV is a heavily armored vee.Preparation of abutments for the ar- hide and carries a 165mm demolition gun, it ismored vehicle launched bridge (AVLB).designed for use as a combat support vehicle,f. Removal of barbed wire entanglement by not as a tank. When employed in forwarddozing or running over the wire obstacle. areas subject to enemy tank or antitank fire, itg. Construction of approaches and entry and requires protection by tanks or other antitankexit points for fording and amphibious vehi- weapons. The crew of the CEV is trained tocles.utilize the vehicle in combat construction andh. Construction of combat roads and trails. demolition tasks, not in armor tactics. Thei. Destruction of strongpoints in the assault CEV should be used only for those combat enoffortified areas or in combat in built-up gineer tasks required to support assault eleareas.ments.368

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMbridge will be made through normal logisticchannels. Resupply to both the tank and enforreturn to supply channels will be accom-plished by engineer elements. Authority for regineerbattalions is the responsibility of the di- covery and responsibility for ultimate recoveryvision support command.of an emplaced AVLB remains with the comc.Recovery of emplaced AVLB for reconsti- mander who employed the bridge unless contutionof the engineer battalion capability or trol by a higher echelon has been assumed.Section II. EMPLOYMENT OF THE COMBAT ENGINEER VEHICLE (CEV)5. General coaxially mounted 7.62 machinegun and a .50The combat engineer vehicle is basically a caliber machinegun mounted in the cupola.main battle tank which has been modified toprovide a dozing, winching, lifting, and demoli- 6. Capabilitiestion gun capability for combat engineers oper- The CEV provides engineer troops an aratingin the forward battle area (fig. 93). It is mor-protected means of accomplishing pioneerorganic to combat engineer companies. The tasks under hostile fire in support of teams andturret is provided with a hydraulically-operat- task forces. In combat operations involvinged A-frame type of boom and with a winch in movement, armor commanders position CEV'saddition to the main armament, automatic in formations to provide quick response. Thisweapons, and other required equipment. The is necessary to maintain the momentum of themain armament is the demolition gun operation. Typical tasks which may be as-(165mm). Secondary armament consists of a signed to the CEV are-L1?Figure 93. Combat engineer vehicle.367

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