1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMpolice collecting points are not availa- surgeon operates under the staff supervision ofble. the S1.(5) Implementing command post security o. The Brigade or Regimental Signal Officer.plans.The armor brigade or armored cavalry regi-(6) The quartering party in the absence mental signal officer is the principal adviser toof the S1.the commander and staff on all communicationmatters. His duties are generally the same asOfficers. The armor brigade Regimental or LiaisonOfficers. The armor brigade and armored cavthoseperformed by the division signal officeroutlined in FM 101-5. -c coordinates and exalryregimental liaison officers function under outlined in FM 101-5s He coordinates and exthestaff supervision of the executive officer. ercises technical supervision over the trainingThey are normally given duties as assistants to in th brigade e or regimental headquarters andspecific staff sections when not engaged in he brigade or regimental headquarters andliaison activities. Liaison officers must insure headquarters company or troop and organicdissemination of information to all interested and attached units He keeps informed of curstaffofficers. Their general duties are as out- rent and planned activities of the unit. Underlined and in FM as 101-5 listed below.the staff supervision of the S3, the signalofficer plans and recommends the employment(1) Before departing on their liaison mis- of all communications-electronics means in thesion, they thoroughly familiarize unit. He is normally a member of the quarterthemselvesas to the situation, future ing party.plans, and new policies of their unit. p. The Brigade or Regimental Assistant S2,(2) They coordinate with the staff to de- Intelligence and Assistant S3, Operations andtermine areas for coordination. Training. The duties of the assistant S2, intel-(3) On arrival at the headquarters to ligence and assistant S3, operations and trainwhichsent, they report to the com- ing are as prescribed by the S2 and S3 respecmanderor appropriate staff officer; tively. Their normal place of duty is thepass on information and orders as re- command post unless otherwise directed. Theyquired; and become familiar with that must be prepared to assume the duties of theunit's situation and plans that they S2 or S3 as appropriate and to act in their abareto transmit to their own unit. sence.(4) While moving between headquarters, (q. The Brigade or Regimental Assistant S3liaison officers should observe all loca- Air. The assistant S3 air assists the S3 andtions of troops and command posts fire support coordinator (FSCOORD) in <strong>Army</strong>and other actions of interest to their or Air Force air support and fire support cocommandernot otherwise obtained by ordination. He performs other duties asliaison visits,specified by the S3. He submits request for tacticalair support and air strikes. He coordin.The Brigade or Regimental Surgeon. The nates such activities with the FSCOORD andduties of the brigade or regimental surgeon the air liaison officer of the tactical air controlcorrespond to those of the division surgeon party. Other duties of the S3 air include-(FM 101-5). He plans, advises, supervises, andcoordinates medical matters for the brigade's (1) Preparing SOP for ground/air operaorregiment's attached and supporting units.tions.The surgeon monitors requests for air evacua- (2) Preparing the air support portion oftion originated by battalion or squadron sur-the fire support plan.geons and establishes priorities for support (3) Preparing or processing request forwhen requirements conflict; he coordinates airimmediate and preplanned close airambulance flight requirements with the staff assupport.required. He keeps the commander informedconcerning the health of the command as a (4) Assisting the S2 by forwarding rewhole.He maintains direct liaison with thequest for tactical air reconnaissance.surgeons of attached and supporting units. The (5) Supervising air/ground recognition35

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