1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMlocation of the brigade trains area and has ply operations, and the chemical officer in aeristaffresponsibility for the operations, security, al radiological surveys. He coordinates conanddisplacement of the trains as required to stantly with the assistant S3 air on thesupport tactical operations. He also is responsi- employment of organic and supporting armyble for area damage control planning and for aircraft in the brigade or regimental area, tothe integration of the area damage control plan include air traffic control and coordinationwith that of the next higher unit. He is author- with air defense agencies.ized an assistant S4 and a food service techni- i. The Brigade or Regimental Chaplain. Thecian, who normally are located in the brigade brigade or regimental chaplain will operate intrains area during tactical operations.accordance with command staff relationshipsg. The Brigade or Regimental Sergeant Ma- and doctrine outlined in FM 101-5. He is thejor. The sergeant major is the senior noncom- senior chaplain assigned to the brigade or regimissionedofficer assigned the armored brigade mental headquarters and headquarters comorarmored cavalry regiment. He functions pany or troop. He functions under the staff suunderthe direction of the unit commander. He pervision of the S1. The brigade or regimentalmay assist the S1 in administrative matters. chaplain supervises the activities of all assign-He exercises no command prerogative except ed chaplains. He insures that religious servicesin the absence of all commissioned officers as- and pastoral care are provided for all units orsigned or attached. However, he is expected to elements assigned or attached to the brigade ormake on-the-spot corrections and decisions. regiment.Specifically, the sergeant major is concerned j. The Brigade or Regimental Chemicalwith soldierly appearance, conduct, and disci- Officer. The chemical officer is the advisor topline within the unit and its attachments with the commander in all aspects of chemical, bioemphasison these qualities in the noncommis- logical, and radiological (CBR) operations. Insioned officers. He utilizes a direct channel to coordination with appropriate staff officers, theall attached battalion or squadron sergeant ma- chemical officer supervises the CBR operationjors and attached companies first sergeants. He and training of subordinate units. The chemievaluatesand makes recommendations in the cal officer is responsible for the accomplishareasof appearance, conduct, and discipline or ment of certain CBR functions in the brigadeadministrative matters. He actively assists in or regimental headquarters. He is a nuclearthe investigation of any charges involving non- weapons employment officer. The members ofcommissioned officers and functions as a the staff coordinate with the chemical officermember of any board pertaining to noncom- those aspects of CBR operations and trainingmissioned officers. The sergeant major moni- which fall within their purview.tors training in drill and ceremonies. He in- (1) In coordination with the S1, the chemstructsnoncommissioned officers assigned toical officerbrigadeor regiment in their duties and orientsall newly assigned personnel (officer, noncom- (a) Assists with records and reportsmissioned officer, and enlisted) in the historyregarding CUR casualties.and traditions of the brigade or regiment. He(b) Maintains records of radiation dossupervisesthe unit's noncommissioned officers'age status of unitsmess and should be a member of the fund and (2) In coordination with the S2, thecharacter guidance councils.chemical officerh.The Brigade or Regimental Aviation (a) Prepares fallout predictions.Officer. The duties of the brigade or regimental (b) Disseminates the fallout predictionaviation officer correspond to those of the di-message to units.vision aviation officer in FM 101-5. The avia- (c) Disseminates the effective windtion officer is the staff advisor to the com-message to units.mander on army aviation employment. He (d) Plans and supervises ground radioassiststhe S3 in planning airmobile operations,logical surveys.the S2 and S3 in planning reconnaissance and(e) Consolidates radiological monitorsurveillanceoperations, the S4 in aerial resup-ing and chemical detection reports33

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM34received from units, and forwards (d) Supervises CBR decontaminationthem to division.activities.(f) Plans aerial radiological surveys. k. The Brigade or Regimental Fire SupportHe also coordinates with the bri- Coordinator. The armor brigade or armoredgade aviation officer in this role. cavalry regimental fire support coordinator is(g) Maintains contamination maps. normally the commander of the supporting ar-(h) Recommends CBR reconnaissance. tillery battalion or his designated representative.He operates under the staff supervi-(i)Assiststhe2CBRcapabilities ti e sion of the S3 and advises and assists thecommander and his staff on all fire support(3) In coordination with the S3, the matters concerning the delivery of fires on surchemicalofficer-face targets. The fire support coordinator's du-(a) Prepares the brigade CBR training ties includeprogram.(1) Advising the commander and staff on(b) Supervises, and when appropriate,all fire support matters.conducts CBR training within thebrigade.(2) Preparing the fire support part of theunit SOP.(c) Prepares the brigade CBR SOP.(3) Preparing plans of fire support.(d) Prepares plans for the integration (4) Coordinating all supporting fires, inofchemical fires with the scheme ofcluding certain aspects of close airmaneuver. support and air-delivered nuclear(e) Assists the FSCOORD in the preparationof the fire support plan byweapons (in conjunction with S3).(5) Keeping supporting artillery units inpreparingchemical target analysesformed of the situation.and recommending integration of (6) Planning and coordinating air dechemicalfires. He calculates troopfense artillery fires employed in thesafety requirements when toxic ground support role according to thechemical agents are to be used.policy established by higher head-(f) Prepares recommendations to inte-quarters and the commander's direcgratechemical mines into minefieldtives.and barrier plans.1. The Brigade or Regimental Headquarters(g) Assists in planning the employment Commandant. The duties of the headquartersof flame weapons, flame field expe- commandant (headquarters and headquartersdients, and smoke in support of company commander, armor brigade, andoperations,headquarters and headquarters troop commander,armored cavalry regiment) are simi-(h) Advises () on Advisesthe employmentof at- lar to those listed in FM 101-5. His principalduties are performed under the staff supervi-(i) Advises the CBR officers of at- sion of the S1. In coordination with the unittached and supporting units on staff, he supervisestechnicalmatters. technical matters.(1) The custody and evacuation of pris-(4) In coordination with the S4, the oners of war and civilian internees inchemical officer--coordination with supporting military(a) Inspects chemicalsubordinate units.equipment of police.(2) The custody and return of stragglers(b) Monitors the requisition and distributionof chemical equipmentto units in coordination with support-ing military police.and supplies.(3) Establishment of command post facil-(c) Plans for and supervises the instal-ities.lation of collective protection facili- (4) Operation of a brigade forward pristies,when appropriate.oner of war holding point if military

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM34received from units, and forwards (d) Supervises CBR decontaminationthem to division.activities.(f) Plans aerial radiological surveys. k. The Brigade or Regimental Fire SupportHe also coordinates with the bri- Coordinator. The armor brigade or armoredgade aviation officer in this role. cavalry regimental fire support coordinator is(g) Maintains contamination maps. normally the commander of the supporting ar-(h) Recommends CBR reconnaissance. tillery battalion or his designated representative.He operates under the staff supervi-(i)Assiststhe2CBRcapabilities ti e sion of the S3 and advises and assists thecommander and his staff on all fire support(3) In coordination with the S3, the matters concerning the delivery of fires on surchemicalofficer-face targets. The fire support coordinator's du-(a) Prepares the brigade CBR training ties includeprogram.(1) Advising the commander and staff on(b) Supervises, and when appropriate,all fire support matters.conducts CBR training within thebrigade.(2) Preparing the fire support part of theunit SOP.(c) Prepares the brigade CBR SOP.(3) Preparing plans of fire support.(d) Prepares plans for the integration (4) Coordinating all supporting fires, inofchemical fires with the scheme ofcluding certain aspects of close airmaneuver. support and air-delivered nuclear(e) Assists the FSCOORD in the preparationof the fire support plan byweapons (in conjunction with S3).(5) Keeping supporting artillery units inpreparingchemical target analysesformed of the situation.and recommending integration of (6) Planning and coordinating air dechemicalfires. He calculates troopfense artillery fires employed in thesafety requirements when toxic ground support role according to thechemical agents are to be used.policy established by higher head-(f) Prepares recommendations to inte-quarters and the commander's direcgratechemical mines into minefieldtives.and barrier plans.1. The Brigade or Regimental Headquarters(g) Assists in planning the employment Commandant. The duties of the headquartersof flame weapons, flame field expe- commandant (headquarters and headquartersdients, and smoke in support of company commander, armor brigade, andoperations,headquarters and headquarters troop commander,armored cavalry regiment) are simi-(h) Advises () on Advisesthe employmentof at- lar to those listed in FM 101-5. His principalduties are performed under the staff supervi-(i) Advises the CBR officers of at- sion of the S1. In coordination with the unittached and supporting units on staff, he supervisestechnicalmatters. technical matters.(1) The custody and evacuation of pris-(4) In coordination with the S4, the oners of war and civilian internees inchemical officer--coordination with supporting military(a) Inspects chemicalsubordinate units.equipment of police.(2) The custody and return of stragglers(b) Monitors the requisition and distributionof chemical equipmentto units in coordination with support-ing military police.and supplies.(3) Establishment of command post facil-(c) Plans for and supervises the instal-ities.lation of collective protection facili- (4) Operation of a brigade forward pristies,when appropriate.oner of war holding point if military

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