1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMmander or the next higher com-…..NRED EFF ON TFOOJ mander. Zones are prescribed toavoid interference with the adjacentunit and unwarranted massingof units.(b) Boundaries do not require a subordinateunit to clear the zone of en-TF 1-73emy forces. However, the unit mustdestroy or contain those enemyforces in zone which pose a threatExample I. Axis of advance.to the continued operations of theunit. If clearance of the zone is decreasesin width, its restrictivenesssired, the operation order mustincreases proportionately. Narrow clearly specify.zones may be required however by- (5) Overlay Technique. Designated by(a) A requirement for a concentrationboundaries drawn on either flank ofof combat power.the zone.(b) Terrain limitations.(c) A requirement for close coordi-xnation between adjacent units. 2Units may be oriented in directionin a wide zone by the additional 23control of an axis of advance. 55(2) Characteristics.(a) Is defined by the establishment ofExample J. Zone of action.lateral boundaries and the line ofdeparture.c. Direction of Attack.(b) Should provide maneuver space for (1) Purpose. A direction of attack is usedsubordinate units commensurate when the commander considers it eswiththeir mission and capabilities.sential to designate a specific direc-(c) Should include entire key terraintion of attack or to coordinate closelyfeatures and avenues of approacha plan of attack. The direction of attothem.tack is used principally in armor(d) Should extend as a minimum operations in the conduct of night atbeyondthe objective to the depthtacks or in counterattacks.necessary for the coordination of (2) Characteristics.fire support. (a) Follows well-defined terrain fea-(3) Assignment. The next higher com- tures such as a road or ridgeline.mander assigns the zone of action. (b) An azimuth may be used as the di-Subordinate commanders may subdi-rection of attack.vide the zone for their units. Zones of (c) Is the most restrictive means ofaction are not normally assigned tocontrolling the direction of an atplatoonsexcept in reconnaissance, tack.surveillance, security and night opera- (3) Assignment. The next higher comtions.mander assigns the direction of at-(4) Control. tack.(a) When assigned a zone of action, (4) Control. The direction of attack is aunits cannot fire or maneuver intohighly restrictive control measure. Aan adjacent zone without coordi-unit assigned a direction of attacknation with the adjacent unit com-must employ the bulk of its combat323

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMpower along the direction of attack e. Infiltration Lane.and cannot deviate from it except to (1) Purpose. The infiltration lane is usedmaneuver against enemy forces inter-to prescribe routes to be used byfering with the advance. Because ofinfiltrating forces and to coordinateits restrictive nature, a direction offires and movement during the infilattackshould begin and extend wheretration.only this form of control is essentialto the overall plan.(2) Characteristics.(5) Overlay technique. Arrow drawn to (a) Delineated by boundaries.indicate the direction of attack.(b) Of sufficient width to permit theinfiltrating force to move by stealth.(c) Avoids enemy locations.Ezample K. Direction of attack.(3) Assignment. The commander orderingthe infiltration assigns infiltrationlane.(4) Control. Infiltrating units stay in thed. Route of Advance.infiltration lane unless ordered out ofit. During the infiltration, units must(1) Purpose. A route of advance is select- coordinate fires into the infiltrationed for a flank guard to delineate thelane with the commander conductingspecific route to be followed in the se-the infiltration.curity mission. The route of advanceis used in flank guard missions.(5) Overlay technique.(2) Characteristics.(a) Follows well-defined terrain fea- ,\tures such as a road or ridgeline.(b) Should be interior to, and permitrapid access to, proposed blocking /positions. /

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMmander or the next higher com-…..NRED EFF ON TFOOJ mander. Zones are prescribed toavoid interference with the adjacentunit and unwarranted massingof units.(b) Boundaries do not require a subordinateunit to clear the zone of en-TF 1-73emy forces. However, the unit mustdestroy or contain those enemyforces in zone which pose a threatExample I. Axis of advance.to the continued operations of theunit. If clearance of the zone is decreasesin width, its restrictivenesssired, the operation order mustincreases proportionately. Narrow clearly specify.zones may be required however by- (5) Overlay Technique. Designated by(a) A requirement for a concentrationboundaries drawn on either flank ofof combat power.the zone.(b) Terrain limitations.(c) A requirement for close coordi-xnation between adjacent units. 2Units may be oriented in directionin a wide zone by the additional 23control of an axis of advance. 55(2) Characteristics.(a) Is defined by the establishment ofExample J. Zone of action.lateral boundaries and the line ofdeparture.c. Direction of Attack.(b) Should provide maneuver space for (1) Purpose. A direction of attack is usedsubordinate units commensurate when the commander considers it eswiththeir mission and capabilities.sential to designate a specific direc-(c) Should include entire key terraintion of attack or to coordinate closelyfeatures and avenues of approacha plan of attack. The direction of attothem.tack is used principally in armor(d) Should extend as a minimum operations in the conduct of night atbeyondthe objective to the depthtacks or in counterattacks.necessary for the coordination of (2) Characteristics.fire support. (a) Follows well-defined terrain fea-(3) Assignment. The next higher com- tures such as a road or ridgeline.mander assigns the zone of action. (b) An azimuth may be used as the di-Subordinate commanders may subdi-rection of attack.vide the zone for their units. Zones of (c) Is the most restrictive means ofaction are not normally assigned tocontrolling the direction of an atplatoonsexcept in reconnaissance, tack.surveillance, security and night opera- (3) Assignment. The next higher comtions.mander assigns the direction of at-(4) Control. tack.(a) When assigned a zone of action, (4) Control. The direction of attack is aunits cannot fire or maneuver intohighly restrictive control measure. Aan adjacent zone without coordi-unit assigned a direction of attacknation with the adjacent unit com-must employ the bulk of its combat323

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