1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM6. Routes of March (5) Minimizes exposure to enemya. Purpose. They provide for the control and direct-fire weapons.coordination of the movement of units from (6) If nuclear weapons are used, its locaonepoint to another during a tactical march. tion should conform to the com-In armor operations, multiple routes of marchmander's guidance on troop safety.are used from the assembly area to the attack c. Assignment. The next higher commanderposition. This allows rapid clearing of the as- normally assigns the line of departure.sembly area and rapid movement to and exit d. Control. Units must cross the line of defromthe attack position. This rapid and con- parture at the time specified.tinuous movement provides passive protection e. Overlay Technique. Line of contact (LC)against enemy nuclear or air attack. The com- is to be the line of departure (LD).mander assigning the routes of march will normallyspecify start and release points.b. Characteristics. ID f \ . -Is(1) Be trafficable. LC(2) Contribute to security of the force Example E. Line of contact is line of departure.while en route.c. Assignment. The next higher commander Present positions (PPos) of the attackingnormally designatespriorities.routes of march and force are to be the line of departure.d. Control. Units will adhere to the prescribedroutes of march and observe priorities LDto prevent interference with other units.PPose. Overlay Technique. Lines drawn on the Example F. Line of departure is present position.route and labeled with their purpose and codename or unit designation.When the LD is other than the LC or PPos,it is designated by a line drawn according to_ji 44 OF - characteristics in b above and labeled LD.ROUTE OF MARCH BLUE LDExample D. Route of march8. BoundariesExample G. Line of departure.a. Purpose. Boundaries designate areas of7. Line of Departure responsibility, coordinate movement and fires.a. Purpose. This coordinates the commit- To prevent confusion, boundaries may be usedment of units to the attack at a specified place in conjunction with other directional controland time. The line of departure (LD) may be measures, such as axes of advance or directionthe existing line of contact or it may be a read- of attack.ily identifiable terrain feature.b. Characteristics.b. Desirable Characteristics. (1) Location. Boundaries are drawn along(1) Clearly defined on the ground. easily discernible terrain features(2) Approximately perpendicular to the such as railroads or streams.direction of attack.(2) Control. Boundaries must not divide(3) As far forward as the unit can ad- responsibility for key terrain feavancewithout fighting.tures, or avenues of approach.(4) Requires minimum coordination with (3) Forlanrd extension. In the defense,other friendly forces in the area.boundaries are extended to indicate321

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