1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMSection III.OPERATION PLANS8. General 10. Techniques of PreparationPlans for future or anticipated operations a. Operation plans follow the same formatare issued as operation plans. The standard as operation orders. When an operation plan isform for the operation plan is identical to that ordered executed, the subordinate commandersof the operation order, with the exception that will treat the plan as an order. Therefore, theoperation plans have an additional paragraph, operation plan must be written as if it were aId, titled "Assumptions." The techniques of current order just prepared for this operation.preparation, the rules governing attachments,and the like, are the same as for the operation order when the issuig headquarters notifiesorder.the units concerned.9. Assumptions Example. Operation Plan ALFA is effectiveThere must be a basic reason or reasons for 190600 Oct 65 as Operation Order 15. (Operaeachoperation plan. The unit will make plans tion plans are usually given code names so asfor future operations, basing these plans on not to confuse them with operation orders.)certain changes in the friendly or enemy situa- c. Once an operation plan has been issued,tion that will take place between the time the subordinate units are free to plan for the conplanis prepared and the time it is ordered into templated operation and issue operation plansexecution. Therefore, the operation plan will to their subordinates. However, the operationcontain a listing of changes that must occur in effect at the time the operation plan is isbeforethe plan will be executed. These changesare called assumptions and are listed in parasuedwill continue. Once the plan is convertedinto an order, it will supersede the previousgraph id of the operation plan. They tell the order in the same manner as any operationsubordinate commanders the circumstancesunder which the plan will be ordered into effectorder. Operation plans must be completeenough to give instructions to all subordinateas an operation order.units.318

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