1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM"maneuver," and the second coveringthe plan of fire support entitleding unit's SOP normally are not re-peated in the order."fires".(g) If all the instructions to a unit are(b) Subsequent subparagraphs give shown on an operation map orspecific tasks assigned to subordi-overlay, the unit title only is listednate elements. Units are listed inafter the proper subparagraph letthefollowing order:ter. This indicates that the assigned1. Task forces or company teams inalphabetical or numerical order.mission is shown on the overlay ormap, the omission of further writ-2. Infantry units in alphabetical ornumerical order.ten instructions is intentional. Ifmost of the instructions to a unit3. Tank units in alphabetical or nu- are shown graphically on the operamercialorder.tion map or overlay, but one ormore of the items cannot be shown,they are written under the sub-5. Heavy mortar platoon. paragraph of the unit in the writ-6. Surveillance section. ten part of the order. If the in-7. Other combat and combat supportunits, if attached or under operastructionsare multiple, they shouldbe itemized for clarity and given ational control, in alphabetical priority of accomplishment.order.(h) To properly use organic or attached(c) Units in support of the operationunits, the commander may attachwill not be given instructions insome of his subordinate units tothis paragraph.others. The commander receiving(d) A reserve paragraph is not usedthe attachment commands the atunlessnuclear weapons are held intachment as if it were one of hisreserve.own units. He can further attach itto one of his own subordinate units(e) The final subparagraph of paraifhegraph 3 is always entitleddesires. In the"Coordinatinginstructions" and containseshownbyindenoperationorders, these attachmentspreparation ofare shown by indention in the tasktactical instructions and details ofcoordination applicable to two ormore elements of the command. Essentialelements of informationA/301st Engr Bn1/E/301st Engr Bn(EEI) are shown, unless an intelli-This is done so that subordinategence annex is issued with the units may clearly understand howorder. If, however, the commanderthe command is organized. Releasewishes to emphasize this informa-from the attachment is impliedtion, it may be stated in this sub-when a new operation order is isparagraphand repeated in the in-sued assigning the attached unit atelligence annex. If the order is notnew mission or showing it attachedeffective upon receipt, the effectiveto another unit. Attachments in artimewill be indicated. If there are mor units are normally shownno coordinating instructions, the under task organization ratherword "none" will be placed after than in paragraph 3.the heading. Concise movement in- (5) Administration and logistics. At bristructions,not elaborate enough togade, battalion, and company level,require a separate movement order,paragraph 4 normally contains necesmaybe placed in this subpara-sary information or instructions pergraph.taining to trains, messing, supply,(f) Instructions contained in the issu-and maintenance. At division level313

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