1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMCHAPTER 4THE COMMANDER AND HIS STAFFSection I. THE COMMANDER61. General those of adjacent and supporting units.The commander and his staff are a militaryentity with one purpose: successful accomplishb.The commander goes where he can bestdirect, control, and influence the operation. Hement of the commander's mission. The corn- may be with the command group element, atmander's mission involves varied and complex his command post, or anywhere else in his areaproblems as reflected in chapter 3. The purpose of operations where his presence is required.of this chapter is to discuss the specific duties Before he leaves the command post, he informsof the staff to include its actions and relation- his staff on plans to be made or actions to beship with the commander to insure the success- taken if the situation changes. When he isful accomplishment of the mission.away, he insures that he can communicate withhis command post and subordinate com-62. The Commander's Conduct in Combat manders. If, while away from his commanda. The commander uses all available means post, he issues orders or obtains pertinent intoaccomplish his mission. His plans, orders, formation of the situation that has not beenand supervision insure that the actions of allunits contribute effectively toward that end.made available to the staff, he informs themwithout delay.When additional units, weapons, or other sup- c. The commander influences the conduct ofport is required to accomplish the mission, the battle by employing supporting fires, shiftingcommander takes action to obtain it. He coor- maneuver elements, and making his presencedinates the activities of his command with felt at critical points.Section II. THE UNIT STAFF63. General mander by relieving him of time-consuming dea.A staff officer is an assistant to the unit tails. The staff keeps its information and esticommsanderin the exercise of command. The mates current on the strength, location, andfive broad functions of the staff officer are pro- action of lower units; enemy capabilities,viding information, making estimates, making strength, location, and composition; and therecommendations, preparing plans and orders, status of combat service support. On the basisand supervising the execution of orders. He of this information, the staff makes recommentransmitshis commander's orders to unit com- dations to the commander. When a decision ismanders or conveys his commander's instiuc- made, the staff members assist in translatingtions or desires. Staff officers may, when so au- the decision into orders and in supervisingthorized, issue orders based upon the policies their execution.of the commander. Whenever a staff officer is- b. The unit staff is a closely knit team. Thesues an order, he informs the commander as successful functioning of this team dependssoon as possible. The staff assists the com- primarily upon close coordination among its29

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMmembers and between the staff and elements of gence officer (S2), operations and trainingthe unit. This coordination includes teamworkwith the staffs of higher and adjacent units.officer (S3), logistics officer (S4), and the ser-geant major.Coordination is developed through under- c. Special Staff, Brigade and Regiment. Thestanding, training, and practice. Prompt dis- special staff of the division armor brigade andsemination of all pertinent information, deci- the armored cavalry regiment consists of thesions, and orders promotes the efficiency and aviation officer, chaplain, chemical officer, fireteamwork of the unit. Conferences and person- support coordinator, liaison officers, signalal contact promote coordination and coopera- officer, surgeon, headquarters commandant,tion. There is some overlapping of duties in the and other staff positions as may be establishedbattalion staff sections, and only by coordi- by the commander. For the unit special staff ofnation and cooperation will contradictions and the separate armor brigade, see FM 17-30.duplication of effort be avoided. It is essential d. Special Staff, Battalion and Squadron.that staff officers know the duties and responsi- The tank battalion or armored cavalry squadbilitiesof other members of the staff so that ron unit special staff is composed of the comtheymay take over such duties in case of emer- munications officer, fire support coordinator,gency. The staff sections should be organized to headquarters commandant (headquarters andoperate on a 24-hour basis.headquarters company or troop commander),c. The staff officer organizes and trains his liaison officers, maintenance officer, surgeon,assistants to function in his absence. Before and other staff positions as may be establishedleaving the command post, he acquaints him- by the commander.self with the general situation, announces his e. Other Special Staff Officers. When combatdestination and probable hour'of return, and support and combat service support units aredetermines what assistance he may give to attached to or placed in support of the battalotherstaff officers,ion, the commanders of these units function asd. The staff cultivates friendly' relationships special staff officers for their field of interest.with the commanders of lower and attached For example, the commanding officer of an atunits.A staff officer must remember that he is tached or supporting engineer company alsonot the commander but acts only in the corn- functions as the battalion staff engineer. Tamander'sname. Commanders of lower and at- bles of organization do not provide separatetached units are consulted to determine their special staff officers for such functions as safeneedsand problems. Staff officers visit lower ty, claims, postal officers, or others. The comunitsto get firsthand knowledge of the tactical mander may appoint one of his staff or othersituation and combat service support condi- officers to serve in a special staff capacity intions. Commanders or their representatives are addition to his other duties.contacted personally as the first and last stepsof each visit. When conditions are observed 65. Unit Staff Intrarelationsthat are contrary to announced policies, they Figure 2 shows the general relationship bearecalled to the attention of the appropriate tween the unit primary and special staffs.commander. Details that do not require a cori- Though not indicated in the diagram, specialmand decision may be settled with the unit staff officers have direct access to all memberscommander at the time of the visit. Concise re- of the primary staff on matters within theirports of facts are provided the battalion com- primary responsibilities. During staff functionmanderfollowing such staff visits.inga.The primary staff insures that the special64. Unit Staff Organization staff is informed of the plans, policies, and dea.General. The unit staff consists of the pri- cisions of the commander. It obtains informamarystaff and the special staff. Their func- tion, estimates, and recommendations from thetions are similar to those outlined for small special staff and uses this data in preparingunit staffs in FM 101-5. integrated reports, estimates, recommendab.Unit Staff. The unit staff is composed of tions, and plans for the commander. Staffthe executive officer, adjutant (S1), intelli- officers, both primary and special, must keep30

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMmembers and between the staff and elements of gence officer (S2), operations and trainingthe unit. This coordination includes teamworkwith the staffs of higher and adjacent units.officer (S3), logistics officer (S4), and the ser-geant major.Coordination is developed through under- c. Special Staff, Brigade and Regiment. Thestanding, training, and practice. Prompt dis- special staff of the division armor brigade andsemination of all pertinent information, deci- the armored cavalry regiment consists of thesions, and orders promotes the efficiency and aviation officer, chaplain, chemical officer, fireteamwork of the unit. Conferences and person- support coordinator, liaison officers, signalal contact promote coordination and coopera- officer, surgeon, headquarters commandant,tion. There is some overlapping of duties in the and other staff positions as may be establishedbattalion staff sections, and only by coordi- by the commander. For the unit special staff ofnation and cooperation will contradictions and the separate armor brigade, see FM 17-30.duplication of effort be avoided. It is essential d. Special Staff, Battalion and Squadron.that staff officers know the duties and responsi- The tank battalion or armored cavalry squadbilitiesof other members of the staff so that ron unit special staff is composed of the comtheymay take over such duties in case of emer- munications officer, fire support coordinator,gency. The staff sections should be organized to headquarters commandant (headquarters andoperate on a 24-hour basis.headquarters company or troop commander),c. The staff officer organizes and trains his liaison officers, maintenance officer, surgeon,assistants to function in his absence. Before and other staff positions as may be establishedleaving the command post, he acquaints him- by the commander.self with the general situation, announces his e. Other Special Staff Officers. When combatdestination and probable hour'of return, and support and combat service support units aredetermines what assistance he may give to attached to or placed in support of the battalotherstaff officers,ion, the commanders of these units function asd. The staff cultivates friendly' relationships special staff officers for their field of interest.with the commanders of lower and attached For example, the commanding officer of an atunits.A staff officer must remember that he is tached or supporting engineer company alsonot the commander but acts only in the corn- functions as the battalion staff engineer. Tamander'sname. Commanders of lower and at- bles of organization do not provide separatetached units are consulted to determine their special staff officers for such functions as safeneedsand problems. Staff officers visit lower ty, claims, postal officers, or others. The comunitsto get firsthand knowledge of the tactical mander may appoint one of his staff or othersituation and combat service support condi- officers to serve in a special staff capacity intions. Commanders or their representatives are addition to his other duties.contacted personally as the first and last stepsof each visit. When conditions are observed 65. Unit Staff Intrarelationsthat are contrary to announced policies, they Figure 2 shows the general relationship bearecalled to the attention of the appropriate tween the unit primary and special staffs.commander. Details that do not require a cori- Though not indicated in the diagram, specialmand decision may be settled with the unit staff officers have direct access to all memberscommander at the time of the visit. Concise re- of the primary staff on matters within theirports of facts are provided the battalion com- primary responsibilities. During staff functionmanderfollowing such staff visits.inga.The primary staff insures that the special64. Unit Staff Organization staff is informed of the plans, policies, and dea.General. The unit staff consists of the pri- cisions of the commander. It obtains informamarystaff and the special staff. Their func- tion, estimates, and recommendations from thetions are similar to those outlined for small special staff and uses this data in preparingunit staffs in FM 101-5. integrated reports, estimates, recommendab.Unit Staff. The unit staff is composed of tions, and plans for the commander. Staffthe executive officer, adjutant (S1), intelli- officers, both primary and special, must keep30

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