1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMthere is not enough freight for a the proper designations, will beseparate train, the cars containingshown in this column. Under the totalthe freight are attached to the ap-column will be shown the sum ofpropriate train.these cars for each train.c. Preparation of the Train Consist Table (4) Train officers. In this column are(fig. 61).shown the key officers assigned to(1) Train number. When a movement to each train. They are responsible forone destination consists of more thanthe conduct and welfare of the troops.one train, the trains are designatedby Army numbers. These numbers 31. The Individual Train Loading Planwill be put in the train number col- a. This plan is prepared by the unit S4 afterumn of the table in the order in which the rail movement table has been revised andthey will depart; for example: train 1, the train consist table has been prepared. Thetrain 2.plan consists of assignment of specific person-(2j Transportation groupings. In this col- nel and equipment to each car in the train.umn will be shown the units or or- b. When the individual train loading planganizations moving on each train. has been completed, copies will be furnished(3) Railway equipment. The number of tocarsto be carried in each train, under (1) Unit commanders.TRAIN CONSIST TABLE2D TANK BATTALION, 11TH ARMDRRailav C ar RequirementsTrain Transportat io ullman Box TrainNumber Grouping Coach Troop K1 or Flat Caboose Total Officers1 Hq & Hq Co 0 0 0 1 63 1* 65 Capt Hensen(Freight)1 officer, 8 EM freight train guards, 2 EMmedics2 Co A (Freight 0 0 3 63 1* 6 T Capt GilmoreCo B (Freight)l officer (Co A), 4 EM (Co B), 4 En (Co C), andCo C (Freight )2 EM medics (Hq Co)3 Hq & Hq Co O 1i ** I1 |1 0O | O 13 Capt BaxterHq & Hq Co: 22 officers, 253 EM (less 3 off and Capt Jacobs,MC19 EM for advance party, freight train guards,and medics for train 1, 2, and 4.)TOTALS: 19 officers 2 EM4 Co A, Co B, 0 1 ** 1 0 0 1 Capt HaleyCo CCo A: 5 officers, 85 EM (less 1 off for train 2 Lt Brewster,Co B: 5 off, 85 EM (less 4 EM for train 2) Mess OfficerCo C: 5 off, 85 EM (less 4 EM for train 2)Attachment: 2 medics, 5 mess EM from Hq CoTOTAL: 14 Officers, 254 EMl* Freight train guard (10 officers, 10 EM)** 13 sections or 26 persons per car.Figure 61.Train consist table.291

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM(2) Entraining officers. (2) Each train will depart from the en-(S) Train commanders.training point.(4) Motor park dispatcher (so that vehi- (3) Each train will arrive at its destinacleswill arrive at the entrainingtion; this, of necessity, will be an expointin the order in which they willpected time of arrival.be loaded on railway cars).b. Preparation of the Entraining Table (fig.(5) Local transportation officer. 62). Preparation of this form requires the followingactions:32. The Entraining Table (1) Train number will be as indicated ona. General. The entraining table is prepared the train consist form.by the unit S4 after the train consist table and (2) The local transportation officer willthe individual train loading plan have beenobtain the MAIN and MI number,completed. This form is dependent upon receiptwhich authorized the movement offrom the carrier of the time schedule for theeach train.move. This table will indicate the time-(3) The entraining officers are designated(1) Each organization must be at the en- by name on the entraining table. Theytraining point. are detailed by the commandingENTRAINING TABLE2D TANK BATTALION, 11TH ARMORMain Order EntrainingTrain or of Loading Departure Arrival OfficerNo. MINo. Depart Point Date Hour Date Hour Date HourEP1Capt Hastings1 47301 1 (A) 3Jun 13 4Jun140 0 4oo 8Jun 05 HQ & HQ CoEP2 Lt Kirk2 47302 2 (B) JunI 1 4Ju 1500 8Jun 06 Co AEP1Capt Hale3 53631 3 (A) un 040 un0700 7Jun 180( H & HQ CoEP2Capt Martin4 53632 4 (B) 5Jun 0430 5Ju 0730 7Jun 184 Co BLoading Points(A) Hayshed ramp, Fort Knox, Kentucky.(B) New siding ramp, Fort Knox, Kentucky.292Figure 62. Entraining table.

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM(2) Entraining officers. (2) Each train will depart from the en-(S) Train commanders.training point.(4) Motor park dispatcher (so that vehi- (3) Each train will arrive at its destinacleswill arrive at the entrainingtion; this, of necessity, will be an expointin the order in which they willpected time of arrival.be loaded on railway cars).b. Preparation of the Entraining Table (fig.(5) Local transportation officer. 62). Preparation of this form requires the followingactions:32. The Entraining Table (1) Train number will be as indicated ona. General. The entraining table is prepared the train consist form.by the unit S4 after the train consist table and (2) The local transportation officer willthe individual train loading plan have beenobtain the MAIN and MI number,completed. This form is dependent upon receiptwhich authorized the movement offrom the carrier of the time schedule for theeach train.move. This table will indicate the time-(3) The entraining officers are designated(1) Each organization must be at the en- by name on the entraining table. Theytraining point. are detailed by the commandingENTRAINING TABLE2D TANK BATTALION, 11TH <strong>ARMOR</strong>Main Order EntrainingTrain or of Loading Departure Arrival OfficerNo. MINo. Depart Point Date Hour Date Hour Date HourEP1Capt Hastings1 47301 1 (A) 3Jun 13 4Jun140 0 4oo 8Jun 05 HQ & HQ CoEP2 Lt Kirk2 47302 2 (B) JunI 1 4Ju 1500 8Jun 06 Co AEP1Capt Hale3 53631 3 (A) un 040 un0700 7Jun 180( H & HQ CoEP2Capt Martin4 53632 4 (B) 5Jun 0430 5Ju 0730 7Jun 184 Co BLoading Points(A) Hayshed ramp, Fort Knox, Kentucky.(B) New siding ramp, Fort Knox, Kentucky.292Figure 62. Entraining table.

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