1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM(5) Location of the start point. (14) Location of the release point.(6) Time of arrival at the start point. (15) Time each march unit is to clear the(7) Security (may be SOP). release point and any other critical(8) Scheduled halts (may be SOP) points along the route of march.b. Strip maps may be supplied to all key(9) Intervehicular distance and time in- personnel, including vehicle commanders andterval between march units (may be guides. The strip map is a sketch of a route ofSOP).march. The amount of detail, for example, dis-(10) Communication. tances or location of critical points, is dependenton the intended purpose and unit level of(11) Location of the command post during(may the march be SOP).use of the strip map (fig. 59).ing the marchc. Road movement tables may be issued as(12) Traffic control measures (may be annexes to movement orders. See paragraphSOP).10, this annex. Also see annex XI for example(13) Critical points. road movement order.Section III.MOVEMENT BY RAIL23. General ing time, and destination. The sequence inwhich elements are moved is determined by theWhen rail facilities are limited, tracked vehi- which elements are moved is determined by theavailability of transportation, the mission, andcles may be moved by rail and other vehicles the situation that will confront the unit at itsmarched by road. Calculations and figures destination. The assignment of units to enshownherein shown are are herein based based on on American American railway railway training points is determined by availability ofequipment, personnel, and procedure. Use ofpersonnel, yequipment, and procedure. Use of suitable loading facilities, materiel to be loadforeignrailway equipment and personnel, and ed, and closeness of units to the entrainingthe location of the enemy will dictate changesin the details of these troop and equipmentmovement and loading plans.25. Functions of Key Personnel24. Planning the Movement a. General. The details incident to the movea.Responsibilities. Troop and equipment ment of a unit are handled by the unit logisticsmovements by rail are the joint responsibility staff officer (S4) so far as transportation isof the unit being moved and the transportation concerned. He must work closely with the localagency. The local transportation agency estab- transportation officer in planning, preparinglishes the facilities necessary to accommodate for movement, and entraining. He collects andthe unit during movement. It furnishes ad- compiles all information necessary for theministrative support, technical guidance and preparation of the movement and gives it tosupervision, and security during movement ex- the local transportation officer. The local transceptwhen the responsibility is charged to portation officer requires the following inforotheragencies. The moving unit is responsible mation:for preparing and implementing plans in ac- (1) Number of persons to be moved. Thiscordance with directives and in cooperationwill be broken down by classes, thatwith the transportation agency. It providesis, the number of officers, enlistedhousekeeping and local security details of men, stretcher cases, medical attendtroopsto the transportation agency and isants, dependents (if any), and evacchargedwith its own internal administrationuees; further, the number of malesand control.and females in each category must beb. Orders. The order directing the move- indicated.ment of a unit by rail will designate the point (2) Equipment desired. The number andor points at which it will entrain, desired clos-kind of cars required to handle mili-286

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