1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM10. Road Movement Table removal. The quartering party may be fur-The road movement table includes the route, nished with guides and markers and withrate of march, and times of arrival and clear- pioneer tools to make improvements in theance at the destination and at critical points area.along the route. Determination of these times 14 Start Pointis based on the route space occupied by eachunit and the time required for the unit to pass a. The start point (SP) is a common pointa given point at a uniform rate of march (time from which all units start their march accordlength)and the distance (time interval) be- ing to a predetermined timetable. Each unittween march units and serials (fig. 56). The must be traveling at the prescribed speed, timeroad movement table ((2), fig. 56) may be is- and ground distances when it reaches thissued as an annex to the operation order. See point.FM 101-5, FM 101-10, FM 55-30, and annex b. Each march unit or serial commander isxi.responsible for a reconnaissance of the route tothe SP. Commanders using the same route11. March Routes must coordinate their actions to insure an un-Higher headquarters usually designates interrupted advance to and across the SP.march routes for both road and cross-countrymarches. Higher headquarters may establish a 15. Release Pointroute priority and schedule for the march.The release point (RP) is the point at whichan incoming serial or march unit is released12. Reconnaissance of March Route from column control. The serial or march unitThe reconnaissance should provide informa- separates from the column and is led by guidestion about critical points and route characteris- from the quartering party into its assignedtics, specifically-area. Serials and march units must clear thea. The type, condition, and width of routes. RP at the designated rate of march.b. The capacity and location of bridges and 16. Rate of Marchbypasses.a. The rates of march for mixed columns ofc. The location of fords, depth of water, and tanks, armored personnel carriers, and wheeledcondition of bottom, banks, and approaches. vehicles for sustained periods vary as follows:d. Defiles, congested areas, or obstacles that: (1) During daylight-10 to 30 kilometersmay result in excessive concentration of per hour (6-20 miles per hour).marching elements and creation of a possible (2) During darkness-7 to 15 kilometersnuclear target.per hour (4-10 miles per hour).e. Location of "coil up," feeding, or fueling The factors to consider in determiningb. The factors to consider in determiningareas if their use is contemplated.the exact rate of march are-13. Quartering Party (1) Grades, sharp turns, cities, towns,a. A quartering party should precede the and other restrictions along the route.main body whenever possible. The quartering (2) Surface conditions such as dust, ice,party is composed of representatives of all sub-mud, and snow.ordinate units. Its mission is to thoroughly rec- (3) Condition of vehicles.onnoiter the new area and to make necessary (4) Condition of drivers and crews.improvements on entrances to, and routes in (5) State of march training and degree ofthe area. The commander of the quarteringexperience of individuals and units.party should be informed of the route, order ofmarch, and estimated time of arrival of the (6) Weather conditions that affect visibilmainbody.b. It is desirable that the same individuals (7) Light conditions that affectvisibility.be employed regularly on quartering party as- (8) The maximum sustained speed of thesignments and be trained in mine detection andslowest vehicle.278

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