1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMAPPENDIX VIMOVEMENTSSection I. GENERAL1. Purpose supervise the movement, use of control measures,and communication. Proper organizationThe purpose of a movement is to relocate afor movement requires that the force be subdiunitto arrive at the appointed time and place vided into manageable echelons and unit integwithall personnel and equipment ready to ac- ritv be maintained consistent with the tacticalcomplish the mission. This appendix outlines situation A movement group when composedthe techniques and methods employed in mov- of troops from more than one unit should haveing armor units.a single commander designated. Subgroupsshould be composed of units under their own2. Classification commanders.Movements are classified as either tactical oradministrative. They may be classified further 4. Planningby the method used to move the unit. Of these Movement planning consists of three stepsmethods, armor units are concerned with which may be accomplished jointly and continmovementsby motor, rail, air, and water. uously. These steps are determination of rea(.Administrative. An administrative move quirements for the move, analysis of organicis conducted with primary consideration on the and nonorganic movement capabilities, and esrapidtransit of units and vehicles. This type of tablishment of priorities for units in the movemovementis made when contact with the en- ment. The following factors are considered inemy is remote. The integrity of units is main- movement planning:tained whenever practicable.a. Organization of units and their equipb.Tactical. A tactical move is one conducted ment.with primary emphasis on movement in combat-readyformations. In a tactical move, units, meanssvehicles, and equipment are arranged to facilitatetheir employment upon contact with, or in- c. Packing and marking of equipment andterference from, the enemy. The main factors loading personnel and equipment.influencing dispositions for the tactical move d. Control, coordination, and combat serviceare the composition and nearness of hostile support for the movement and at the destinaforces,and the plan of action upon arrival at tionthe destination. Under these conditions, tacticalconsiderations often preclude the most e. Assembly of units and equipment at theefficient use of transportation means.destination.f. Security measures before and during3. Control and Coordination movement, and at destination.Control requires proper organization of the g. Enemy situation, geographic conditions,force for movement, staff agencies to plan and and weather.275

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