1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMd. Minefield Reports. Reports of initiation, e. Special Logistic Report. This report iscompletion of laying, transfer, change, and re- prepared by the S4 at battalion or comparablemoval are forwarded as appropriate by units level using information from STATREP's oflaying minefields. DA Form 1355 (Minefield subordinate elements and from the supply,Record) will be completed and forwarded in maintenance, and communication officers. It isaddition to these reports. See FM 20-32. submitted as directed and reports status of major5. Administrative Reports or critical items of equipment minus vehi-cles.a. General. Administrative reports are sub- f. Special Strength Report. This report is amitted from battalion or squadron in the for- one-time personnel strength report that is submatand at times specified by the higher head- mitted as directed by higher headquarters.quarters SOP or as directed. At battalion or g. Combat Vehicle Status Report (FMsquadron level, administrative items are in- 101-5). This report is submitted by battalioncludedin the STATREP (fig. 55) which pro- level units daily and reflects the detailed statusvides most of the information required from of combat vehicles. It is normally prepared bysubordinate units to prepare these reports. the 54 from information received in lowerb. Personnel Daily Summary (PDS) (FM unit's STATREP's and from the maintenance101-5). This report provides a detailed sum- officer.mary of an organization's personnel status as h. Periodic Logistics Report (FM 101-5).of the time of submission and is forwarded This report is submitted as required by battaldailyby battalion-level units as directed. The ion and higher-level units covering in detail thePDS is prepared from information received in status of all categories of logistics in the unit.STATREP's from subordinate units and from It is normally required of a unit upon attachothersources (S3 for task organization, etc.). ment to a new headquarters.c. Morning Report (DA Form 1) (AR i. POL Status Report. This report is submit-335-60). The morning report is normally pre- ted daily. It is prepared by the S4 from inforparedunder tactical conditions by personnel mation received in lower unit's STATREP'sservices elements of the division, separate bri- and from the S3 when future operations aregade, or regiment. Information for the morn- involved.ing report is obtained from a feeder reportsubmitted daily by each company-size unit. 6. Warningsd. Casualty Report (DA Form 1154) (AR Warnings are messages giving information600-65). The casualty report is prepared by of an impending threat or dangerous condition.personnel services elements from data fur- They must be disseminated rapidly to higher,nished on DA Form 1156 (Casualty Report lower, and adjacent elements. PrearrangedFeeder Report) substantiated as required by warning messages giving only essential infor-DA Form 1155 (Witness Statement). Forms mation provide the most rapid means of dis-1155 and 1156 are completed as soon as possi- semination and contribute to complete underbleafter the incident. They are normally pre- standing. The SPOTREP report and some ofpared by the squad leader or tank commander the NBC reports (para 3) are suitable for useand witnesses.as warnings in appropriate situations.274

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMd. Minefield Reports. Reports of initiation, e. Special Logistic Report. This report iscompletion of laying, transfer, change, and re- prepared by the S4 at battalion or comparablemoval are forwarded as appropriate by units level using information from STATREP's oflaying minefields. DA Form 1355 (Minefield subordinate elements and from the supply,Record) will be completed and forwarded in maintenance, and communication officers. It isaddition to these reports. See FM 20-32. submitted as directed and reports status of major5. Administrative Reports or critical items of equipment minus vehi-cles.a. General. Administrative reports are sub- f. Special Strength Report. This report is amitted from battalion or squadron in the for- one-time personnel strength report that is submatand at times specified by the higher head- mitted as directed by higher headquarters.quarters SOP or as directed. At battalion or g. Combat Vehicle Status Report (FMsquadron level, administrative items are in- 101-5). This report is submitted by battalioncludedin the STATREP (fig. 55) which pro- level units daily and reflects the detailed statusvides most of the information required from of combat vehicles. It is normally prepared bysubordinate units to prepare these reports. the 54 from information received in lowerb. Personnel Daily Summary (PDS) (FM unit's STATREP's and from the maintenance101-5). This report provides a detailed sum- officer.mary of an organization's personnel status as h. Periodic Logistics Report (FM 101-5).of the time of submission and is forwarded This report is submitted as required by battaldailyby battalion-level units as directed. The ion and higher-level units covering in detail thePDS is prepared from information received in status of all categories of logistics in the unit.STATREP's from subordinate units and from It is normally required of a unit upon attachothersources (S3 for task organization, etc.). ment to a new headquarters.c. Morning Report (DA Form 1) (AR i. POL Status Report. This report is submit-335-60). The morning report is normally pre- ted daily. It is prepared by the S4 from inforparedunder tactical conditions by personnel mation received in lower unit's STATREP'sservices elements of the division, separate bri- and from the S3 when future operations aregade, or regiment. Information for the morn- involved.ing report is obtained from a feeder reportsubmitted daily by each company-size unit. 6. <strong>War</strong>ningsd. Casualty Report (DA Form 1154) (AR <strong>War</strong>nings are messages giving information600-65). The casualty report is prepared by of an impending threat or dangerous condition.personnel services elements from data fur- They must be disseminated rapidly to higher,nished on DA Form 1156 (Casualty Report lower, and adjacent elements. PrearrangedFeeder Report) substantiated as required by warning messages giving only essential infor-DA Form 1155 (Witness Statement). Forms mation provide the most rapid means of dis-1155 and 1156 are completed as soon as possi- semination and contribute to complete underbleafter the incident. They are normally pre- standing. The SPOTREP report and some ofpared by the squad leader or tank commander the NBC reports (para 3) are suitable for useand witnesses.as warnings in appropriate situations.274

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