1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM(1) Addressee. The warning order is re- required. The tentative plan will conlayeddown the chain of command totain at least initial plans for a taskevery soldier.organization to implement the organi-(2) Nature of operation. If security con- zation for combat decided upon. Theditions permit, at least the generalnature of the operation should be dismovementand "marrying up" of theunits affected by the planned cross-atseminated.tachment should be planned at this(3) Time of action. If known or if it canbe estimated, knowledge of this eletime.Movement plans are as detailedas necessary to accomplish the purmentwill assist subordinates in theirpreparations.pose, and normally include who is tomove, where they are to go, and when(4) Time and place of the issuance of thecomplete order. This element, ifthe move is to be made.(3) Planning the reconnaissance. The reknownor anticipated, should be dis- connaissance must be planned toseminated.make the best use of time. The planmust include where to go, the sec.Estimate of the Situation. The purpose of quence of areas or places to be recontheestimate is to arrive at a decision throughnoitered, such as routes to the attacka logical and orderly examination of all factorsposition; attack position; routes toaffecting the accomplishment of the mission.line of departure; line of departure;The estimate of the situation is opened by thelocation of friendly elements and eninitialevaluation of information available. Asemy positions, and transportation toan example, information of the terrain may bebe used; persons to accompany thegathered from a map reconnaissance as a mini-leader; and coordination to be effectedmum. The estimate is progressively refined as during the reconnaissance. Certainmore information becomes available. The estimateis a continuous process of evaluation bepersons,such as a weapons platoonleader, scout platoon leader, or otherfore and throughout the operation. For a subordinates, may be directed tofurther discussion of the estimate, see appen-make a specific reconnaissance.dix VII.d. Tentative Plan. Based on the decision as a(4) Plan for time and location for is-suance of order. A plan for issuanceresult of the initial estimate, the leader makesof the order must be made. Armora tentative plan, which guides his actions andleaders normally issue orders to subtheactions of his subordinates and, at the ap-ordinates at a terrain vantage point.propriate levels, serves as guidance for staffIf subordinates cannot be assembledplanning. The tentative plan may be modifiedat a single place to receive the order,after coordination and reconnaissance and be-the plan to issue the order may be afore the final decision. At this point in troopcombination of the following techleadingprocedures, the tentative plan serves asniques:a basis for the following:(a) Radio. Leader to subordinates.(1) Coordination. Information is ex- (b) Personal contact. Leader to individchangedand coordination is madeual subordinate or designated staffwith all units or agencies that mightofficers.be affected by the impending opera-(c) Messenger or other means of comtion.If other leaders are presentmunication.when the order is issued, coordination e. Reconnaissance. On his ground reconnaisbasedon the tentative plan should be sance, the leader continues the estimate procinitiatedat that time. Coordination is ess, adjusting his courses of action accordcontinuedas the plan is put into final ingly, and selects the best course of action. Heform.then selects or confirms; as appropriate, such(2) Movement of the unit. Arrangements items as objectives, phase line, line of deparformovement of the unit are made, if ture, defense areas, routes, weapons position25

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