1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMty and prepares a plan of defense facilities are grouped together, away from theusing all personnel normally located in operations center, so that vehicle movement isthe command post. Additional securi- kept away from the main part of the commandty is gained when the command post post. Figure 47 is a schematic diagram of theis positioned close to combat units. command post.The use of combat troops primarily d. Movement of the Command Post. Moveforcommand post security is to be ment of the command post should be plannedavoided whenever possible.to cause minimum interference with normal(4) Cover and concealment. The command operations. The command post is capable ofpost location should offer the best operation on the move; however, its efficiencyavailable concealment from air obser- is reduced. Often when the command group isvation and cover from direct and in- operating, it can maintain communication anddirect fires.control while the main part of the command(5) Hardstanding and drainage. The com- post moves. When the command group is notmand post area must have sufficient operating, a quartering party consisting of S1,hardstanding to support vehicular S2, and S3 representatives with communicatrafficand facility operations. Drain- tion facilities move to the new command postage must be considered since inclem- location. The quartering party establishes comentweather may change radically an munication and conducts operations while theotherwise satisfactory area.command post moves. In any event, the commandpost does not close down.(6) Space. The command post must providesufficient space for adequate dispersionof vehicles and facilities.(7) Displacement. In offensive action, thecommand post should be located closea. A command group is a command and con-trol facility, consisting of the commander andto the forward elements, primarily to selected staff officers, signal means, and a securitydetachment. This group enables the comludeimmediate displacement. In retrogrademovements, the commandmander to operate away from his commandpost to obtain personal knowledge of the situapostis located rearward to the limit tion, exercise personal leadership, and closelyof communication to avoid involve- control the operation during critical periods.ment with the advancing enemy and b. There is no prescribed location for theto preclude frequent displacements as command group. The situation and the comfriendlyelements move back.mander's personal desires affect the location.c. Arrangement of the Command Post. The However, communication must be maintainedwith subordinate commanders and comcommandpost is arranged to facilitate work, with subordinate commanders and the comfostersecurity, permit concealment, and permitrapid and orderly exit. Units normally es- c. Whether the commander uses the comtablishan SOP for the interior arrangement of mand group will depend upon his personalitythe command post. The message center, located and the situation. His means of transportationnear the entrance, provides an information will vary with the situation and his personalcenter and is convenient to messengers. A dis- desires. The brigade commander has a choicemount point with parking area near the en- of helicopter, / l-ton 4 truck, armored reconnaistranceprevents vehicles from moving through sance vehicle, and, if the need arises, tanks,the command post. The operations center is lo- which can be obtained from a subordinate arcateda short distance from the dismount point. mor unit. The battalion commander has aThe commanding officer, executive officer, and choice of /1-ton truck, tank, or helicopter (ifliaison officers are located near the operations provided).center. When the S1 and S4 operate in the d. The command groups depicted in figurescommand post area, they are located adjacent 48 and 49 are examples only of commandto the operations center. Mess and maintenance groups and possible locations.256

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