1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMent in the loudspeaker teams. Some of the distort propaganda messages andpotential target audiences are-thus reduce target audience coverage.(1) Isolated enemy units. These are excel- (3) Loudspeaker teams must be providedlent target audiences for psychologicalthe degree of mobility and armor prooperations.tection equal to that of the unit they(2) Individual enemy soldiers, particu- are supporting.larly after prolonged exposure to ar- (4) The timing of loudspeaker appealsmored assaults.should receive the same considerationsas would the employment of(3) Civil populace. The actions of a confusedpopulace and refugee move-supporting weapons. It is useless toments in the area of operations willhamper the movements and combatschedule a propaganda address dur-ing artillery fire with its competingoperations of the unit. Loudspeakernoise and confusion, where petitionsteams may be attached to the leadmade before and after the artilleryaction may producemarch elementsworthwhile re-to assist in removingor redirecting refugees from roadsand highways. Radio appeals and (5) Inclement weather will adverselyleaflet drops should be requested toaffect the audibility and range ofassist in stabilizing the civil populace.broadcasts.c. For a more complete discussion of (6) Loudspeakers draw fire and may bePSYOP, see FM 33-1 and FM 33-5.considered a hazard by the supportedunits.421. PSYOP in Support of Offensive Opera- b. Printed Media Operations. Preplannedtionsprinted media missions in support of armorunits should be requested well in advance anda. Loudspeaker Operations. Loudspeaker provision must be made for continuous PSYOPteams may hasten the surrender of enemy sol- support before, during, and after the operadiers,thus reducing the fighting potential of tion. The armored cavalry regiment has organenemyunits. While mass surrenders are not ic printed media dissemination capabilities inlikely, this possibility is always present and its field artillery battery, 155mm SP, and itsshould not be overlooked. Loudspeaker appeals air cavalry troop. Armored cavalry units andshould be directed at isolated units (or those other armor units with organic aircraft shouldthat think they are). A propaganda address is keep contingency type leaflets readily availablemade, sufficient time allotted for the accept- to engage targets of psychological opportunityance of surrender, and then an attack is which might appear during the conduct of anlaunched. Air cavalry or other aircraft may operation.participate in airborne loudspeaker operationsif compatible with the tactical situation. Prop- c. Radio. Radio broadcasts eliciting the cooperatioagandaappeals must be in consonanceof civilianswithencountered, or to be enpreviouslydisseminated printed prinnted media mes-countered, in an armored units area of opera-~~~sages.~ ~tionmay ~ be requested from higher headquarters.(1) Loudspeakers must be properly situated.The equipment should be located 422. PSYOP in Support of Defensive Operaonthe forward slope of hills andtionsridges, or the topmost floors of build- PSYOP loudspeaker teams may be deployedings to insure maximum broadcast with the security forces, the forward defenserange and coverage.forces, or with the mobile reserve when com-(2) Where possible, loudspeakers should mitted. PSYOP loudspeaker teams attached tobe attached to units operating in defensive forces carry out their primary misareasfree of dense foliage, buildings, sion of conducting loudspeaker appeals to oporother obstructions which might posing enemy forces and, in addition, may be249

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMdeployed by the commander in appropriate de- ty role or in counterinsurgency operations. Theception roles. Ruses may be profitable such as following examples apply:using tape recordings at night to simulate (1) If appropriate, parades, displays, andlarge tank movements, or by massing all avail-other activities may be conducted toable loudspeakers at full amplification to con-demonstrate the combat power inhercealthe sounds of friendly maneuvers. Careent in the armor unit.must be taken to avoid patterns of activity thatare subject to enemy discovery, and so become(2) When enemy air strength is impotent,organic and supporting aircraft mayworthless with use.make massed flyovers thus causing a423. PSYOP in Support of Retrogradedesirable psychological impact on thepopulace. If insurgents are active, aOperations (Delay)further purpose is served by placingPSYOP loudspeaker teams should initiallythem on false alert.be attached to those units conducting the delay- (3) Organic aircraft may be used to makeing action, and so employed to further the de-airborne loudspeaker appeals and toception plans of the supported commander.disseminate leaflets.Messages that imply impending aggressive ac- b. PSYOP in Support of Military Civic Actionby the delaying unit may be used to aid in tion.deceiving enemy intelligence gathering agen- (1) Insurgent influence can be reduced,cies.and rapport with the populace increased,424. PSYOP in Support of Security Opera- if personnel of armor unitsparticipate in appropriate militarytionscivic action projects. For detailed disa.Psychological Actions. PSYOP support toan armored unit's tactical plans during securicussionsee FM 31-16, FM 31-22, andFM 41-10.ty operations is similar to that described in (2) All military civic actions projectsparagraphs 421 and 422. In addition, the ar-should receive full PSYOP support tomor unit commander must consider certainexploit and maximize their effect onnontactical missions his unit is capable of per-the populace. See FM 33-1 and FMforming when committed in a rear area securi- 33-5.250

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMdeployed by the commander in appropriate de- ty role or in counterinsurgency operations. Theception roles. Ruses may be profitable such as following examples apply:using tape recordings at night to simulate (1) If appropriate, parades, displays, andlarge tank movements, or by massing all avail-other activities may be conducted toable loudspeakers at full amplification to con-demonstrate the combat power inhercealthe sounds of friendly maneuvers. Careent in the armor unit.must be taken to avoid patterns of activity thatare subject to enemy discovery, and so become(2) When enemy air strength is impotent,organic and supporting aircraft mayworthless with use.make massed flyovers thus causing a423. PSYOP in Support of Retrogradedesirable psychological impact on thepopulace. If insurgents are active, aOperations (Delay)further purpose is served by placingPSYOP loudspeaker teams should initiallythem on false alert.be attached to those units conducting the delay- (3) Organic aircraft may be used to makeing action, and so employed to further the de-airborne loudspeaker appeals and toception plans of the supported commander.disseminate leaflets.Messages that imply impending aggressive ac- b. PSYOP in Support of Military Civic Actionby the delaying unit may be used to aid in tion.deceiving enemy intelligence gathering agen- (1) Insurgent influence can be reduced,cies.and rapport with the populace increased,424. PSYOP in Support of Security Opera- if personnel of armor unitsparticipate in appropriate militarytionscivic action projects. For detailed disa.Psychological Actions. PSYOP support toan armored unit's tactical plans during securicussionsee FM 31-16, FM 31-22, andFM 41-10.ty operations is similar to that described in (2) All military civic actions projectsparagraphs 421 and 422. In addition, the ar-should receive full PSYOP support tomor unit commander must consider certainexploit and maximize their effect onnontactical missions his unit is capable of per-the populace. See FM 33-1 and FMforming when committed in a rear area securi- 33-5.250

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