1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM(2) Raids will usually be conducted by mored attack. On the other hand, there aresmall, mobile elements. Targets will many permanent structures in towns and citseldomrequire a major force. Time ies, such as factories, major stores, wareavailablefor a raid will usually pre- houses, temples, schools, and government facilcludethe organization of a large force ities. During the last phase of an insurrection,due to the fleeting type targets pre- the insurgents must attempt to overthrow andsented by the insurgent forces.seize governmental control, and this necessi-(3) Armored cavalry platoons and air tates attacks on the towns. Conversely, the incavalryelements are especially suita- surgents may hold a town and governmentble for raid type operations. The com- forces must attack it. Combat against insurbinationof sudden, simultaneous at- gents in such built-up areas will be conducted intack by ground armored troops and the same manner as against any hostile troops.helicopter-borne riflemen landed This type of fighting is most easily accomunderaerial suppressive fires will be plished by using a combined armor-infantrysuccessfulover most insurgent forces air team.encountered and seriously disrupt in- o. Security Force in Cities and Villages, Onesurgent operations.of the first steps in internal defense operations(4) Major mounted raids may be conduct- is to convince and show the people that the esedagainst known or suspected centers tablished government will and can protectof insurgent activity or supply bases them. The best persuasion is useless if the inwhenthese bases are located in surgents can enter populated areas at will, asaccessibleareas. Since relatively sassinate officials, terrorize the people, and aplargeforces are used in major raids propriate whatever supplies they need. It isand must usually move over extended necessary, therefore, to outpost villages withdistances, complete surprise can seldombe achieved. Some surprise maysmall powerful elements which can be prompt-ly reinforced by highly mobile armor or airmobegained by rapidity of movement. bile reaction forces from the larger cities. If aConsequently, raiding forces of this village is known to be sympathetic to the insurnaturerequire speed, heavy fire- gents or perhaps wavering, a fairly strongpower, armor protection, and air sup- force is required. The defense of a village isport. While large insurgent organiza- organized in a perimeter or strongpoint typetions can seldom be trapped or defense. The piecemealing of units in this roleannihilated by a raiding force, large must be carefully considered. Once a villageamounts of critical supplies and has organized a self-defense unit and has parequipmentmay be captured. An effec- ticipated in actions against the insurgents, thetive force for a major raid is the ar- village can be outposted by an indigenous inmoredcavalry squadron and, when fantry element or left with only its own selfnecessary,reinforced with infantry defense forces which permit better utilizationand artillery. The air cavalry troop of the regular forces. A defensive techniqueprovides security along the route and for a village security force under attack is toparticipates in the attack on the ob- organize a mobile striking force which breaksjective.out of the built-up area under covering fire. Then. Offense in Cities and Built-up Areas, mobile reaction (reserve) force moves rapidlyThere are two general types of built-up areas- into the concealment of the countryside, flanksvillages and towns or cities. Villages usually the insurgent position, and counterattacks.consist of poorly fabricated huts clustered in a This technique is accomplished primarily bydisorderly arrangement convenient to the local dismounted troops and must be practiced untilindustry. The houses provide no cover to weap- it is automatic.ons crews but are often used as insurgent sup- p. Security of Routes of Communications.ply caches especially for food and ammunition. This mission involves keeping the roads, pass-This type area offers little resistance to an ar- able trails, and waterways open for traffic and239

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMis usually accomplished as an integral part of security as required. Convoy escort missionsarea security. Securing land routes requires are not necessarily limited to military convoys.constant surveillance to discover and eliminate Military units may be required to provide promines,roadblocks, and ambushes. This mission tection for civilian transportation carryingis best accomplished by a combination of air goods from cities to outlying districts and viceand armored cavalry units. Scouts are used to versa. When the insurgent activities become sopatrol the routes with the tanks, rifle squads, pronounced that they effectively curtail ecoandsupport squads positioned at intervals nomic transactions, local governments are inalong the route as reaction forces. Routes may imminent danger of collapse.be divided into squadron, troop, or in some r. Reconnaissance and Surveillance.cases platoon sectors. The extensive use of herbicidesto clear permanent wide swaths along (1) Reconnaissance, other than route reroadsideswill assist in eliminating ambushesconnaissance, is restricted by terrainsince it deprives insurgents of most of theirto primarily aerial and dismountedconcealment and exposes them more readily toelements. Finding specific insurgencyair observers. Insurgents often use mines tobases or camps is extremely difficultblock roads and trails in preparing ambushes.because of the lack of adequate intelli-Waterways are normally assigned to the Navy;gence. In the event information ishowever, armored cavalry units may be givenavailable, reconnaissance should northistype of mission. Air cavalry can patrol amaly be made by aircraft since speedwaterway, observing, reporting, and interdict-is essential. To avoid operational iningenemy moving on or in the vicinity of the tentions, reconnaissance aircraftwater route. The use of the swimming vehiclesshould not hover over or appear toof armored cavalry units is limited in this typeshow unusual interest in any particuoperationbecause of their slow water speed. lar area. Periodic flights over suspect-Also see paragraph 106.ed area will accustom the insurgentsto such reconnaissance. This will tendq. Convoy Escort. This mission, like the pre- to make them less wary when aceding one, is suitable for armored cavalry ele-specific objective is searched and willments. Convoy escort is usually required only also permit continuous photographafter area and route security measures have coverage for comparative analysis.failed to keep routes open. Convoy escort ele-Dense forests or other type cover andments must be able to survive and destroy am-concealment usually found in areas ofbushes, inflicting greater casualties than thoseinsurgency operations will precludereceived. Normally, a platoon is sufficient for effective aerial reconnaissance inthis purpose. In situations of unusual insur-most instances, but every effort mustgent activity, critical cargo or troop convoys,be made to secure accurate informaorextra long convoys, a troop or larger forcetion.may be required (fig. 43). Long convoys will (2) Armored cavalry dismounted elenormallybe broken up into march units, eachments will not ordinarily conductwith its own escort elements, and dispatched atzone reconnaissance but will often pairregularintervals. All units will remain in con-trol selected areas. This area reconstantradio contact so that an attack on any naissance mission has a threefoldelement will permit prompt reinforcement. Es-purpose: it permits the troops to becortswill usually be organized with armoredcome familiar with the terrain andelements at both ends of a march unit and oc-habitations; it threatens the insurcasionallywithin it. Escorts may be varied de-gents with the loss of supply cachespending on existing conditions and the com-and hidden cultivated food plots; andmander's experience. Rehearsal of individual it forces the insurgents to keep convehiclecounterambush actions is essential (kstantly on the move or to stay disabove).Air cavalry should be used to support persed. The scheduling, size, andthe ground escort by aerial fires and provideroute of reconnaissance patrols must240

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMis usually accomplished as an integral part of security as required. Convoy escort missionsarea security. Securing land routes requires are not necessarily limited to military convoys.constant surveillance to discover and eliminate Military units may be required to provide promines,roadblocks, and ambushes. This mission tection for civilian transportation carryingis best accomplished by a combination of air goods from cities to outlying districts and viceand armored cavalry units. Scouts are used to versa. When the insurgent activities become sopatrol the routes with the tanks, rifle squads, pronounced that they effectively curtail ecoandsupport squads positioned at intervals nomic transactions, local governments are inalong the route as reaction forces. Routes may imminent danger of collapse.be divided into squadron, troop, or in some r. Reconnaissance and Surveillance.cases platoon sectors. The extensive use of herbicidesto clear permanent wide swaths along (1) Reconnaissance, other than route reroadsideswill assist in eliminating ambushesconnaissance, is restricted by terrainsince it deprives insurgents of most of theirto primarily aerial and dismountedconcealment and exposes them more readily toelements. Finding specific insurgencyair observers. Insurgents often use mines tobases or camps is extremely difficultblock roads and trails in preparing ambushes.because of the lack of adequate intelli-Waterways are normally assigned to the Navy;gence. In the event information ishowever, armored cavalry units may be givenavailable, reconnaissance should northistype of mission. Air cavalry can patrol amaly be made by aircraft since speedwaterway, observing, reporting, and interdict-is essential. To avoid operational iningenemy moving on or in the vicinity of the tentions, reconnaissance aircraftwater route. The use of the swimming vehiclesshould not hover over or appear toof armored cavalry units is limited in this typeshow unusual interest in any particuoperationbecause of their slow water speed. lar area. Periodic flights over suspect-Also see paragraph 106.ed area will accustom the insurgentsto such reconnaissance. This will tendq. Convoy Escort. This mission, like the pre- to make them less wary when aceding one, is suitable for armored cavalry ele-specific objective is searched and willments. Convoy escort is usually required only also permit continuous photographafter area and route security measures have coverage for comparative analysis.failed to keep routes open. Convoy escort ele-Dense forests or other type cover andments must be able to survive and destroy am-concealment usually found in areas ofbushes, inflicting greater casualties than thoseinsurgency operations will precludereceived. Normally, a platoon is sufficient for effective aerial reconnaissance inthis purpose. In situations of unusual insur-most instances, but every effort mustgent activity, critical cargo or troop convoys,be made to secure accurate informaorextra long convoys, a troop or larger forcetion.may be required (fig. 43). Long convoys will (2) Armored cavalry dismounted elenormallybe broken up into march units, eachments will not ordinarily conductwith its own escort elements, and dispatched atzone reconnaissance but will often pairregularintervals. All units will remain in con-trol selected areas. This area reconstantradio contact so that an attack on any naissance mission has a threefoldelement will permit prompt reinforcement. Es-purpose: it permits the troops to becortswill usually be organized with armoredcome familiar with the terrain andelements at both ends of a march unit and oc-habitations; it threatens the insurcasionallywithin it. Escorts may be varied de-gents with the loss of supply cachespending on existing conditions and the com-and hidden cultivated food plots; andmander's experience. Rehearsal of individual it forces the insurgents to keep convehiclecounterambush actions is essential (kstantly on the move or to stay disabove).Air cavalry should be used to support persed. The scheduling, size, andthe ground escort by aerial fires and provideroute of reconnaissance patrols must240

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