1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMmobile forces or to seize key terrain dominat- (2) Enemy disposition and capabilities,ing the landing area. Once ashore, the tacticalwith particular attention to antitankemployment of armor units is as in land war-defenses and enemy armor.fare. (3) Terrain, weather, and hydrographyb. In large-scale amphibious operations, a of the landing area.beachhead may be secured by infantry; then an (4) Troops, tanks, and ships and landingarmored division or a brigade may be landed tocraft available.add its firepower, mobility, and shock effect inb. These factors must be considered through-~further operations. ~out the planning cycle. Following the commanc.A mechanized infantry battalion, less car- der's concept and the issuance of his planningriers, may be used in the assault landing. Its guidance, a decision is made as to armor ememploymentis similar to that of a battalionlanding is supported by engineer amphibiousunits equipped with vehicles of the LVT family,the mechanized infantry can continue their c. The directive from higher echelon for anmission utilizing these armored vehicles until amphibious operation, intelligence, and infortheirlanding team of an infantry division. When alanding mis supported by engineer amphibiousloymentbecomes aThe armor unit commander thenspecial staff officer of the unit toorganic carriers can join them. These ve- mation of available shipping are the basic toolshicles, the landing vehicle tracked personnel with which to start planning for the employ-(LVTP), a personnel and cargo transport; the ment of armor units. The continuous receipt oflanding vehicle tracked (LVTC), a command intelligence and timely requests for additionalcommunication vehicle; the landing vehicle intelligence pertinent to tank employment aretracked engineer (LVTE), a combat engineer essentialto planning.vehicle; and the landing vehicle tracked recovery(LVTR) can be effectively organized toform a mechanized (LVT) task force. If possible,tanks should be landed in landing crafts,a. The armor adviser participates in thepreparation of the tentative plans at divisionmedium (LCM's) in the early scheduled waves and higher landing force headquarters. Infortoprovide fire support for this type of task mation is exchanged between this officer andforce (FM 5-144).other staff officers. Specifically, the armor add.Cavalry units may be employed on recon- viser considers the detailed employment of arnaissanceand security missions before, during, mor units and makes recommendations on theor after the assault landing. Air cavalry units following:are capable of performing reconnaissance and (1) Total number and type of armor unitssecurity missions prior to, during, and afterto be employed.the assault landing. Armored cavalry unit (2) Task organization.operations are usually conducted during and (3) Missions and objectives.after assault landings. These operations usual- (4) Command relationships, by phases ifly consist of maintaining contact betweenappropriate.widely separated landing forces or to seize (5) Place and manner of landing.lightly defended objectives. (6) Time andings.(6) Time of landings.385. Planning (7) Coordination with naval gunfire, air,a. Planning for the employment of armor artillery, infantry, and engineers.units in amphibious operations is conductedand coordinated concurrently, with other ele- (8) Antitank protection.ments of the amphibious task force. Planning (9) Special measures to be taken for combeginson receipt of the initiating directive andmunication, supply, and maintenance.continues for the duration of the operation. (10) Requirements for special vehicles,Basic factors influencing planning for tanksuch as mechanized flamethrowers.employment are-(11) Requirements for assault shipping and(1) Mission and concept of operations of landing craft to support the tentativethe landing force.a morale factor in early stages of the209

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