1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMThe advance guard will clear the near bank ofmay be necessary to change the orderdefending or delaying enemy elements. Addi-of crossing or select a different crosstionally,as a part of the advance guard, armoring site.reconnaissance personnel and, when available, (3) Based on the information obtainedengineer reconnaissance personnel will imme-from reconnaissance, the officer indiately commence reconnaissance of the cross-charge selects entrances, lanes, anding area. Air cavalry units may be used in con-exits and has them marked in accordjunctionwith surface operations to greatance with the unit SOP. Entrancesadvantage. Simultaneously, air landed units onand exits can be marked with flags,the far shore may neutralize enemy defenses.engineer tape, poles, or luminousSupporting engineers and river crossing equip- markers. Crossing lanes can bement (to include AVLB's) as well as support-marked with any floating object thating fires should be so located in the column to is moored and easily identifiable.provide rapid response to assist in bridge re-These include buoys, plastic inflatablepair or crossings. Often, a partly demolishedmarkers, painted canteens, and woodbridgecan be repaired quickly by supportingen blocks.engineers or by the emplacement of AVLB'se. Precrossing Considerations. While reconacrossdemolished spans.naissance is being conducted, the crossing unitsb. Conduct of Physical Reconnaissance. prepare equipment for crossing. The armor(1) The physical reconnaissance and se- unit commander selects an assembly arealection of crossing sites begin as soon where equipment is checked before enteringas the near bank has been secured. the water. This area should afford protectionAir cavalry, artillery and tank fires, from observation from the far bank. Whereand smoke are employed to prevent deep fording is possible, consideration must bethe enemy on the far bank from firing given to routes from this area to the crossingon friendly troops in the crossing site for tanks that have the underwater fordarea.ing kit installed. These routes inust be free of(2) If the situation permits and there are obstacles that will restrict movement or damsufficientpersonnel, entrance, under- age fording kits. The commander must deterwater,and exit reconnaissance are mine the position of the gun tube during deepconducted simultaneously. Reconnaissanceteams report applicable itemsfording. This will be based on the urgency ofdelivering fire upon emerging from the water.shown in paragraphs 364 and 366. Inaddition, an estimate of work re-When the gun tube is to the rear, there is lesschance of damage by collision and the driverquired to improve the water obstacle can more easily escape through the turret andbanks is reported. Water obstacle conning tower in the event the tank is combankscan often be improved by use pletelyimmobilizedunderwater.of pioneer tools, bulldozers, combat d. Movement to the Water. The movement toengineer vehicles, and tank dozers. the water obstacle is so timed that the crossingSmall underwater obstacles can also unit does not pause on the friendly side butbe removed by tank dozers or combat moves directly into the water. The totalengineer vehicles. Corduroying (lay- elapsed time between approach to the watering logs) can improve entrances and obstacle and the crossing must be held to aexits. When engineer reconnaissance minimum to insure success. Once started, thepersonnel have determined that they crossing is completed as rapidly as possible.cannot remove or destroy obstacles or e. Formation and Priority of Crossing.minefields, or if the banks require im- (1) The mission, number of entrances andprovement, supporting engineer per-exits, and the number of vehicles tosonnel may be airlifted into the areacross are the most important factorsto assist them. If supporting person-in determining the formation andnel are not immediately available, itpriority for crossings. When the191

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