1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMments should precede the main body and recon- (2) Delaying action, with leading elenoiterthe entire surrounding area, If thements well forward of the defile toimmediate area is clear, tanks and mechanizedgain time and space for the maininfantry are dispatched rapidly through thebody to pass the defile and deploy fordefile and establish a defense, securing enoughany action required.maneuver room to permit the main body to (3) Mobile defense, with all major eleemergefrom the defile unhampered. If the areaments of the division forward of theis defended, enough space must be seized fordefile.the main body to maneuver.b. Defense. The defense of a defile by the 358. Battalion orTask Force Passagesbrigade may be conducted using several meth- The procedures for battalion or task forceods:passages are the same as described for the bri-(1) Positioned with flanks refused and gade (para 357). Normally, battalion-sizeprotected by the obstacles forming forces can readily bypass a defile if it is otherthe defile with the bulk of the forceheld in reserve behind the defile.than a mountain pass or a similar type terrainobstacle.Section VIII.OPERATIONS AT INLAND WATERWAYS359. General the passage of inland water obstacles unbridge-In an inland water crossing, the actual cross- able by tactical bridging or impassable bying is a means to extend the operation. The ap- swimming or fording vehicles, see paragraphsproach to the water obstacle is made rapidly on 401 through 406 and FM 31-12.a broad front whenever possible. Mobile assaultforces push forward quickly to catch the 360. Types of Crossingsenemy astride the obstacle and to seize and se- The types of crossings discussed in thiscure crossing sites where the opposition ap- paragraph are those special operations repearsweakest. Crossings of opportunity, such quired when crossings of opportunity fail toas captured bridges or fords, are the product materialize.of rapid offensive action. Once these crossing a. The hasty crossing is the crossing of anmeans are captured, they are checked for the inland waterway using crossing means at handpresence of demolitions immediately after the or readily available without significant delaylead elements have crossed. Air defense units when the waterway is reached. It is a preshouldbe immediately employed to protect the planned operation which is conducted as a concrossingmeans from enemy air attack. A tinuation of the operation which is underwaycrossing, however, is not predicated on the sei- (normally an attack). Although the crossing iszure of bridges or fords intact. In any case, termed hasty, detailed prior planning assuresassault units cross first to establish a bridge- that fire support and crossing means are availheadon the far bank to protect the crossing of able to force commanders on arrival at thethe remainder of the command. Whenever pos- water obstacle. A hasty crossing is charactersible,the plans for the crossing of every waterobstacle which cannot be bypassed should beprepared well in advance by appropriate cor- water line, speed, surprise, minimum concenmandechelons. Prior planning affords a tration of forces, and decentralization of congreateropportunity to conduct a crossing with trol of specific crossing times for subordinatespeed, surprise, less vulnerability to nuclear at- crossing forces. This type crossing is preferredtack, and usually less risk. The material con- by armor units. Hasty crossings are feasibletained in this section may be applied to opera- when the crossing areas are lightly held by thetions across canals, lakes, and rivers bridgeable enemy or are undefended and when mobileby tactical bridging or passable with swim- task forces are available to advance rapidly toming or fording vehicles. See FM 31-60. For the water line.183

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMb. A deliberate crossing is the crossing of a have a swimming capability; the main battlewaterway that requires extensive planning and tank with appropriate kit has a deep fordingdetailed preparations. It is characterized by de- capability; and aircraft. In addition, supporttailedplanning to support a selected course of ing engineers may furnish or construct suchaction, deliberate preparation, the employment additional crossing means as rafts, ferries,of specialized equipment, delay at the water bridges, mobile assault bridges, and assaultline to mass for breaching enemy defenses, and boats. Amphibious vehicles and aircraft maythe clearance of the near shore of enemy. The supplement the carrying capacity of rafts anddeliberate crossing is conducted when a unit is bridges by transporting high priority items.moving from a defense of the water obstacle toan offensive posture, a hasty crossing is not 363. Timing of the Crossingfeasible, or a hasty crossing is unsuccessful. The decision to cross in daylight or darknessOverall planning and coordination are per- depends on the need for concealment, state offormed at corps or higher levels. Tank units training of troops, nature of the terrain, charthatare not involved in the initial assault are acteristics of the water obstacle, enemy disponormallykept in reserve and pass through the sition and capabilities (use of minefields on farcrossing area after the far shore has been neu- bank, capability to mount air and/or tank attralized.tacks) and the need for speed. Specific actionsthat must be timed carefully to insure the suc-361. Nature of a Crossing Operation cess of the crossing are-Inland water crossing operations are differ- a. Movement of assaulting troops into attackent in many ways from other types of ground positions as required.maneuvers. The primary differences are- b. Movement of reserve elements into assema.There is a greater requirement for special bly areas.equipment and specially trained personnel. c. Movement of engineer assault crossingb. Command and control of units are more craft and bridging equipment into equipmentdifficult because of space, traffic, communica- parks.tion restrictions, and the involvement of unitsof many arms and services.d. Establishment of forward dumps of am-munition, gasoline, and high priority supplies.c. Ability to maneuver and deliver effective e. Use of smoke (if required).supporting fires may be restricted, particularly f. Feints, demonstrations, and other decepifamphibious vehicles and close support air- tive measures.craft are not available or nuclear weapons are g. Preparatory fires.not employed.h. Artificial illumination (if required).d. Once forces and equipment are committed i. Loading and departure of transport airtothe assault, withdrawal or deviation from craft.the plan of action for the initial assault is ex- 364. Desirable Crossing Site CharacteristicsIn the selection of crossing fronts, crossinge. The operation is more vulnerable to enemy areas, and crossing sites, both the technicalair attack than most other ground maneuvers. and tactical requirements must be consideredand evaluated. The crossing should be planned362. Crossing Means on a wide front with several attacks at sepa-All available means are used to cross the rated localities to deny the defender the capamaximumnumber of troops and items of bility of massing his fires or his counterattackequipment in the shortest possible time. The on more than one of these localities. The folmeansorganic to armor units are the armored lowing desirable site characteristics are soughtpersonnel carrier, the armored command in river-crossing operations:and reconnaissance carrier, the armored a. Assault crossing site should includereconnaissance/airborneassault vehicle, and (1) A shoreline held lightly or undefendthe155mm self-propelled howitzer, all of whiched by the enemy.184

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMb. A deliberate crossing is the crossing of a have a swimming capability; the main battlewaterway that requires extensive planning and tank with appropriate kit has a deep fordingdetailed preparations. It is characterized by de- capability; and aircraft. In addition, supporttailedplanning to support a selected course of ing engineers may furnish or construct suchaction, deliberate preparation, the employment additional crossing means as rafts, ferries,of specialized equipment, delay at the water bridges, mobile assault bridges, and assaultline to mass for breaching enemy defenses, and boats. Amphibious vehicles and aircraft maythe clearance of the near shore of enemy. The supplement the carrying capacity of rafts anddeliberate crossing is conducted when a unit is bridges by transporting high priority items.moving from a defense of the water obstacle toan offensive posture, a hasty crossing is not 363. Timing of the Crossingfeasible, or a hasty crossing is unsuccessful. The decision to cross in daylight or darknessOverall planning and coordination are per- depends on the need for concealment, state offormed at corps or higher levels. Tank units training of troops, nature of the terrain, charthatare not involved in the initial assault are acteristics of the water obstacle, enemy disponormallykept in reserve and pass through the sition and capabilities (use of minefields on farcrossing area after the far shore has been neu- bank, capability to mount air and/or tank attralized.tacks) and the need for speed. Specific actionsthat must be timed carefully to insure the suc-361. Nature of a Crossing Operation cess of the crossing are-Inland water crossing operations are differ- a. Movement of assaulting troops into attackent in many ways from other types of ground positions as required.maneuvers. The primary differences are- b. Movement of reserve elements into assema.There is a greater requirement for special bly areas.equipment and specially trained personnel. c. Movement of engineer assault crossingb. Command and control of units are more craft and bridging equipment into equipmentdifficult because of space, traffic, communica- parks.tion restrictions, and the involvement of unitsof many arms and services.d. Establishment of forward dumps of am-munition, gasoline, and high priority supplies.c. Ability to maneuver and deliver effective e. Use of smoke (if required).supporting fires may be restricted, particularly f. Feints, demonstrations, and other decepifamphibious vehicles and close support air- tive measures.craft are not available or nuclear weapons are g. Preparatory fires.not employed.h. Artificial illumination (if required).d. Once forces and equipment are committed i. Loading and departure of transport airtothe assault, withdrawal or deviation from craft.the plan of action for the initial assault is ex- 364. Desirable Crossing Site CharacteristicsIn the selection of crossing fronts, crossinge. The operation is more vulnerable to enemy areas, and crossing sites, both the technicalair attack than most other ground maneuvers. and tactical requirements must be consideredand evaluated. The crossing should be planned362. Crossing Means on a wide front with several attacks at sepa-All available means are used to cross the rated localities to deny the defender the capamaximumnumber of troops and items of bility of massing his fires or his counterattackequipment in the shortest possible time. The on more than one of these localities. The folmeansorganic to armor units are the armored lowing desirable site characteristics are soughtpersonnel carrier, the armored command in river-crossing operations:and reconnaissance carrier, the armored a. Assault crossing site should includereconnaissance/airborneassault vehicle, and (1) A shoreline held lightly or undefendthe155mm self-propelled howitzer, all of whiched by the enemy.184

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