1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMb. The decision encompasses the following (4) Purpose of the operation (to destroyas a minimum. Some items may be fixed bythe enemy in position to be able toorder of higher headquarters.continue the attack, to block enemy(1) WHO (the unit to take some action,the command as a whole).movement, to determinestrength and dispositions).enemy(2) WHAT (the type action to be taken; (5) Purpose of the reserve (number ofattack, occupy, delay on successive po-units and their organization for comsitions).bat, general location, and anticipated(3) WHEN (time the operation is to start employment).or end).(6) Preparation for future operation(4) WHERE (the area from which, (changes in organization for combat,through which, or to which the actionpositioning of units, or order ofwill be accomplished).march; special efforts to support futureoperations).(5) HOW (statement of the scheme ofmaneuver, organization for combat, (7) Special instructions (security measandplan of fire support).ures, employment of combat and combatsupport(6) WHYunits, use(statementof aircraft).of the purpose,which includes details necessary to in- (8) Control measures (objectives, phasesure intelligent preparation and exe-lines, boundaries, axis of advance, decutionof the plan).lay lines, blocking positions).(9) Nuclear weapons (use in scheme of44. The Concept maneuver, restrictions on use, allocaa.The concept is an elaboration of the deci- tions).sion and is used for two purposes-(10) Troop safety. This is expressed as(1) To announce the concept to individ- the degree of risk to troops that theuals who will prepare the plan tocommander is willing to accept to acexecutethe decision. It will be ascomplish the mission.detailed as necessary to insure that (11) Priorities (priorities of fire, combatplans are developed in accordance withservice support priority).the commander's desires.(12) Any departure from(2) Tostandingform theoperbasisof the concept of (12) Any departure from staning opertheoperation stated in paragraph 3aamountting procedureof combat(arationschangecarried,in theof the operation order. For a discus-change in theaemployment of thesion of the concept in this form, see trains)appendix IX.b. The commander's concept may include,among other things-45. The Plan(1) Type of operation (penetration, enve- a. A plan is a method or scheme for a mililopment,delay on successive posi- tary action. It is a proposal to carry out a detions,mobile defense, reconnaissance cision or project of a commander. As discussedin force, screen, and covering force). in this section, it is a part of the planningprocess in preparation for an armor operation.(2) Area of operation (avenue of approach,sector of defense, flank to be b. A good plan shouldsecured).(1) Be capable of accomplishing the mis-(3) Scheme of maneuver (formation for sion.the attack, disposition of forces for (2) Be based on facts. The facts influencdefenseand delaying action, organiza-ing planning are discussed in parationfor combat).graphs 30 through 35, under METT.17

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