1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMe. Combat support is provided where neces- tanks and armored vehicles are taken undersary. Indirect fires from units already in posi- fire with appropriate armor defeating ammunitionare planned in and along the flanks of the tion. Light vehicles, CP's, and supplies are deareato be swept. If weather conditions permit, stroyed by machinegun and HE fire. Enemy insmokemay be planned to add to enemy confu- fantry forces and weapons with exposed crewssion and to assist in concealing the strength of are machinegunned and physically overrun.the force conducting the sweep. Engineer tasks Enemy forces discovered in march formationthat can be accomplished rapidly, such as dem- or only partially deployed are assaulted immeolitionof roadblocks or the expeditious breach- diately. The combination of heavy fire and rapingof a minefield, may require the attachment id maneuvering into and through enemy unitsof engineer forces. Such tasks are planned generates the necessary shock effect to maincarefullyand coordinated closely to avoid slow- tain the momentum of the tank sweep.ing the sweep.c. If immediate evacuation is impossible,3438 Conduct of the Tank Sweep tanks that become damaged or otherwise immobilizedare destroyed to avoid their capture.a. The commander of the attacking force Crews of destroyed vehicles are evacuated. Aremploysa formation that permits the rapid de- mored personnel carriers from attached mechliveryof heavy volumes of fire in the direction anized infantry units may accompany eachof the sweep. While the commander is alert to tank platoon to evacuate crews and casualtiesadapt the formation to the situation, he avoids from destroyed tanks.changes that require any part of the force tohalt. He adopts as wide a formation as the d. Supporting fires are primarily preplannedanalysis of the factors of METT indicates to and on call. Fire support units, when notaccomplish the following:firing, relay their weapons to keep pace with(1) Gain information of the enemy from thesweep.as wide an area as possible.349. The Return to Friendly Positions(2) Inflict casualties and damage on as The return to friendly positions is a criticalmany enemy units and installations part of the tank sweep. As the sweeping forceas possible.closes into friendly positions, close control and(3) Insure that the force conducting the coordination are required to identify units,sweep has a time-length that permits avoid obstacles, and prevent firing on friendlypassage of dangerous areas as rapidly forces. These details are planned before theas possible.conduct of the sweep. See paragraphs 211 andb. Units keep moving and fire on enemy 212 for techniques in planning and conductingunits and installations as they appear. Enemy a withdrawal through friendly positions.Section VI. OPERATIONS IN FORESTS OR WOODED AREAS350. General on the outer edges and to encircle the defendeda. The attack of a forested area is best suit- wooded area. Whenever combat in woods is unedfor an infantry-heavy force. Heavily wood- avoidable, dismounted infantry are essentialed areas, like builtup areas, restrict mobility, for the protection of armored vehicles. The atlimitvisibility and fields of fire, and increase, tack in forest is divided into three phasesproblemsof control. Fighting in forests is (1) Attack and occupation of the nearcharacterized by many small unit actions. As aedge.result, attacks in forests require detailed plan- (2) Advance through the forests.ning and control measures, decentralized con- (3) Exits from the forests.trol, and thorough briefing of subordinate com- b. Detailed planning and careful coordimanders.Whenever possible, tanks avoid nation of all the arms and services involved excombatin forested areas. They are better em- tend down to every member of the tank crewsployed to bring direct fire on positions located and of the rifle squads supporting them. Corn-177

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMmunication and target designation are especial- must cover ground entirely exposed to enemyly important, It is necessary to plan supporting observation and fire, it may be made under thefires from artillery and infantry weapons as concealment of smoke or darkness. The methwellas from the organic battalion support ods of attack used are the same as in the attackweapons, and to arrange with the engineers of an organized position.for route clearance or improvements. Tank b. When a foothold has been established indozers may be used to advantage. In nuclear the forests, the assault echelon consolidateswarfare, consideration must be given to tree and reorganizes. Distances and intervals beblowdownand fires that may occur in the at- tween smaller units and supporting weaponstack area as a result of friendly nuclear are reduced so that contact can be maintainedstrikes. Similar consideration must be given to during the advance through the forests. Sinceenemy nuclear capabilities and the resultant the edge of the forest is a good target for hosobstaclesto tank movement that could result. tile artillery and aviation, the consolidationand reorganization must be rapid.351. Attack of the Near Edge of the Forests352. Advance Through the Forestsa. The attack of a defended area near the a. The actual tactics employed must be deedgeof the forests is similar to the attack of signed to overcome the weapons and tactics ofany organized area. The near edge, or a terrain the enemy. Tanks move slowly, at short interfeaturein which the near edge is included, is vals and distances, to improve control and todesignated as the objective. When the attack insure mutual support. In heavily forestedQS~~~~~; 44-eFigure 23.Tank-meechanized infantry formation in sparsely forested area.178

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMmunication and target designation are especial- must cover ground entirely exposed to enemyly important, It is necessary to plan supporting observation and fire, it may be made under thefires from artillery and infantry weapons as concealment of smoke or darkness. The methwellas from the organic battalion support ods of attack used are the same as in the attackweapons, and to arrange with the engineers of an organized position.for route clearance or improvements. Tank b. When a foothold has been established indozers may be used to advantage. In nuclear the forests, the assault echelon consolidateswarfare, consideration must be given to tree and reorganizes. Distances and intervals beblowdownand fires that may occur in the at- tween smaller units and supporting weaponstack area as a result of friendly nuclear are reduced so that contact can be maintainedstrikes. Similar consideration must be given to during the advance through the forests. Sinceenemy nuclear capabilities and the resultant the edge of the forest is a good target for hosobstaclesto tank movement that could result. tile artillery and aviation, the consolidationand reorganization must be rapid.351. Attack of the Near Edge of the Forests352. Advance Through the Forestsa. The attack of a defended area near the a. The actual tactics employed must be deedgeof the forests is similar to the attack of signed to overcome the weapons and tactics ofany organized area. The near edge, or a terrain the enemy. Tanks move slowly, at short interfeaturein which the near edge is included, is vals and distances, to improve control and todesignated as the objective. When the attack insure mutual support. In heavily forestedQS~~~~~; 44-eFigure 23.Tank-meechanized infantry formation in sparsely forested area.178

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