1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMWhen the linkup is accomplished, the units priority for supply by air is given to the unitscontinue on their assigned missions.assaulting the objective area. Supplies for the342. Logistical Support in Linkup Operationslinkup forces normally move by land transportation.However, when the objective area is toa. Logistical support reinforcements may be be defended jointly by the linkup and airbornegreater in linkup operations than those for or airmobile force, supplies for the linkupother offensive actions. Additional considera- force may be flown into the objective area andtions for planning logistical support in linkup stockpiled.operations include the distance to the objective d. Evacuation of equipment and patientsarea, time the objective area is to be held, may create major problems for the linkupplanned operations or movement out of the ob- force. If supply routes are open, the normaljective area, and the movement of the land evacuation procedures apply. When groundtails of units participating in the airborne or routes are insecure, helicopters may be usedairmobile assault. for evacuation of patients while damagedb. The supply requirements for a linkup equipment may be carried forward with theoperation may exceed the transportation capa- linkup forces until a suitable opportunity forbility of the battalion support platoon. The bat- evacuation is available.talion may have to request additional vehicles e. The land tails of airborne or airmobile asorsupply by air. If additional vehicles are not sault units will normally move with the linkupavailable, kitchen trucks and company supply forces. These elements move with the trains oftrucks may have to be used to transport am- the headquarters of the linkup force. Whenmunition and fuels.moving with a battalion, these elements marchc. In airborne and airmobile operations, with the field trains.Section IV.RAIDS343. General like other attacks, but surprise and speed ofA raid is an attack to accomplish a specific execution are of greater importance (ch 6).purpose in enemy territory with no intention Raids may be conducted dismounted, motorofgaining or holding terrain. Raids are made ized, mechanized, or by air or waterbornenormally to capture prisoners; to capture or means. The tank sweep is suited ideally fordestroy specific enemy materiel; to obtain in- raids (para 346-349). See FM 57-35 for raidsformation of enemy units, locations, disposi- conducted by airmobile units and FM 17-36tions, strength, intentions, or methods of for tactics and techniques that may be used inoperation; or to disrupt his plans. Usually, conducting raids by air cavalry units.raids are designed for tactical deception,inflicting loss or damage to specific enemy ma- 344. Conduct of Raidsteriel, securing information, or supporting or a. Selection of Raid Objectives. The raid obcoordinatingwith unconventional forces. Raids jective may be prescribed by the higher commaybe conducted within or beyond supporting mander, or it may be left to the discretion ofdistance of the parent unit in either daylight the commander of the raiding force. Whereor darkness. When the area to be raided is possible, the area selected for the raid is lightlybeyond supporting distance, the raiding party defended. The raid objective accomplishes theoperates as a separate force. The raiding force mission of the raiding force.always withdraws after it accomplishes itsmission. Unless planned and conducted careful- b. Time of Raid. Before a raid, time shouldly, the withdrawal is the most difficult part of be allowed for reconnaissance, planning, registheoperation. Security is vital because normal- tration of supporting fires, and rehearsals.ly the raiding force penetrates the enemy posi- Preferably, raids are carried out so that thetion and is vulnerable to attack from all direc- raiding force will arrive at the objective areations. Raids are planned and executed much at dawn or twilight, or other conditions of low175

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMvisibility, to limit enemy observation and yet have completed their missions and are ready togive enough light for close combat.withdraw. A rallying point is designated nearc. Route of Advance and Withdrawal for the objective, and a series of rallying pointsRaid.may be prescribed along the routes of advance(1) In daylight raids, covered routes of and withdrawal. A rallying point in an areaapproach should be used. The raid be- controlled by friendly forces is usually preginswhen the raiding force departs scribed to assemble materiel, prisoners, and inthelast area or terrain feature held formation gathered in the raid.by friendly forces. Under conditionsof reduced visibility when surprise 345. Logistical Considerations in Raidsthrough stealth is possible, advance In planning logistical support of a raidingand flank security detachments pre- party, it must be realized that the raidingcede the raiding force. They prevent party may be isolated or required to fight itspremature discovery of the raid by way back to friendly lines. Factors governingthe early destruction of enemy securi- the amount of logistical support accompanyingty detachments.a raiding party include the type and number of(2) The withdrawal usually is made over vehicles and weapons, movement distance,another route. Road intersections and length of time the raiding party will operate inother prominent landmarks are avoided.Security detachments and protecenemyterritory, and expected enemy resist-ance. Usually the raiding force carries everytivefires are used to keep the routesof withdrawal open.thing required to sustain itself during theoperation. Plans are made to supply a raidingd. Rallying Points for Raids. Rallying points unit, if required, by use of aircraft as the priarelocations at which units assemble when mary means and by ground vehicles as an altheyhave become separated during a raid or ternate means.Section V.TANK SWEEPS346. General friendly units firing into each other and to co-The tank sweep is an offensive operation de- ordinate supporting fires.signed to deliver a rapid, violent attack against c. The force conducting the tank sweepan enemy force to inflict maximum casualties, should be predominately a tank unit. Smalldisrupt control, and destroy equipment. It may mechanized infantry units may be attached forbe employed to achieve objectives of a recon- specific tasks, such as guarding and evacuatingnaissance in force that are compatible with the enemy ,prisoners or demolishing specific mateconductof the sweep.rial during the sweep.34.7. Planning the Tank Sweep d. The selection of the area through whichthe sweep is to be conducted depends upon thea. The tank sweep is planned as a mounted purpose of the sweep.assault through enemy-controlled territory.Planning is essentially the same as for any (1) When the tank sweep is used to extrioffensiveoperation except that no attempt iscate a heavily engaged unit, it ismade to seize an objective. The tank sweeppasses through the enemy and returns toplanned in an area that enables theattacking force to strike the enemyfriendly positions in a single move.flank immediately in rear of the lineb. The tank sweep may be controlled moreclosely than other offensive operations. The exofcontact.(2) When the tank sweep is used totent of control may vary from a direction ofachieve certain objectives usually asattackto an axis of advance, depending upon sociated with a reconnaissance inthe purpose of the sweep and factors offorce, it is planned in an area thatMETT. Control measures are used to precludewill satisfy the need for information.176

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMvisibility, to limit enemy observation and yet have completed their missions and are ready togive enough light for close combat.withdraw. A rallying point is designated nearc. Route of Advance and Withdrawal for the objective, and a series of rallying pointsRaid.may be prescribed along the routes of advance(1) In daylight raids, covered routes of and withdrawal. A rallying point in an areaapproach should be used. The raid be- controlled by friendly forces is usually preginswhen the raiding force departs scribed to assemble materiel, prisoners, and inthelast area or terrain feature held formation gathered in the raid.by friendly forces. Under conditionsof reduced visibility when surprise 345. Logistical Considerations in Raidsthrough stealth is possible, advance In planning logistical support of a raidingand flank security detachments pre- party, it must be realized that the raidingcede the raiding force. They prevent party may be isolated or required to fight itspremature discovery of the raid by way back to friendly lines. Factors governingthe early destruction of enemy securi- the amount of logistical support accompanyingty detachments.a raiding party include the type and number of(2) The withdrawal usually is made over vehicles and weapons, movement distance,another route. Road intersections and length of time the raiding party will operate inother prominent landmarks are avoided.Security detachments and protecenemyterritory, and expected enemy resist-ance. Usually the raiding force carries everytivefires are used to keep the routesof withdrawal open.thing required to sustain itself during theoperation. Plans are made to supply a raidingd. Rallying Points for Raids. Rallying points unit, if required, by use of aircraft as the priarelocations at which units assemble when mary means and by ground vehicles as an altheyhave become separated during a raid or ternate means.Section V.TANK SWEEPS346. General friendly units firing into each other and to co-The tank sweep is an offensive operation de- ordinate supporting fires.signed to deliver a rapid, violent attack against c. The force conducting the tank sweepan enemy force to inflict maximum casualties, should be predominately a tank unit. Smalldisrupt control, and destroy equipment. It may mechanized infantry units may be attached forbe employed to achieve objectives of a recon- specific tasks, such as guarding and evacuatingnaissance in force that are compatible with the enemy ,prisoners or demolishing specific mateconductof the sweep.rial during the sweep.34.7. Planning the Tank Sweep d. The selection of the area through whichthe sweep is to be conducted depends upon thea. The tank sweep is planned as a mounted purpose of the sweep.assault through enemy-controlled territory.Planning is essentially the same as for any (1) When the tank sweep is used to extrioffensiveoperation except that no attempt iscate a heavily engaged unit, it ismade to seize an objective. The tank sweeppasses through the enemy and returns toplanned in an area that enables theattacking force to strike the enemyfriendly positions in a single move.flank immediately in rear of the lineb. The tank sweep may be controlled moreclosely than other offensive operations. The exofcontact.(2) When the tank sweep is used totent of control may vary from a direction ofachieve certain objectives usually asattackto an axis of advance, depending upon sociated with a reconnaissance inthe purpose of the sweep and factors offorce, it is planned in an area thatMETT. Control measures are used to precludewill satisfy the need for information.176

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