1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMNOT TO SCALEFigure 20. Task force situation before enemy nuclear attack.

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMAREA OF SEARCHsquads but will berebisa CA r cINE 2 RAD/HR( CBT a W \ 2-11 < a\NOT TO SCALEFigurrecte . Task force continduation of tactical mission and damage control areas of responsibility315. Boperations that will the use entailThe brigade headquarters is a tactical headofarea damage conttrol provisadional organizationsare the same for natural disastersquarters and will not usually establish rescue such as floods, typhons, or tornados as for nusquadsbut will be required to establish a CAT. clear attack.This team will only operate when division hasdirected the brigade to conduct area damage 317. Decontamination Measurescontrol operations that will entail the use of a. Radiological Decontaminations. Radiologcontroland accessment teams and rescue ical decontamination measures are unit and insquadsfrom more than one battalion. Other- dividual measures taken to reduce the dose ratewise, the brigade S4 will monitor a battalion resulting from fallout. They includeleveloperation and keep the brigade com- (1) Brushing or sweeping off clothing andmander informed of the progress of the opera-equipment. If possible, a completetion. Other division units may be required tochange of clothing should be issuedassist during a battalion or brigade-leveland the old laundered.operation. Such units consist of medical massevacuation and heavy labor teams that are es- (2) Bathing as soon as possible.tablished by the medical and engineer battal- (3) Turning over the soil in the immeionsor other divisional units as established bydiate area of foxholes, vehicles, andSOP. Assistance from these teams is requestedoccupied installations. This buries thefrom the division G4. Brigade commandersfine fallout particles and reduces inhaveoperational control of these division tensity.teams when they are provided.(4) Hosing or washing equipment and ve-316. Natural Disasters hicles with soap or other detergentsAlthough not specifically described herein,at the earliest opportunity.measures taken and the procedures in employ- b. Decontamination of Vehicles after Toxic166

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMAREA OF SEARCHsquads but will berebisa CA r cINE 2 RAD/HR( CBT a W \ 2-11 < a\NOT TO SCALEFigurrecte . Task force continduation of tactical mission and damage control areas of responsibility315. Boperations that will the use entailThe brigade headquarters is a tactical headofarea damage conttrol provisadional organizationsare the same for natural disastersquarters and will not usually establish rescue such as floods, typhons, or tornados as for nusquadsbut will be required to establish a CAT. clear attack.This team will only operate when division hasdirected the brigade to conduct area damage 317. Decontamination Measurescontrol operations that will entail the use of a. Radiological Decontaminations. Radiologcontroland accessment teams and rescue ical decontamination measures are unit and insquadsfrom more than one battalion. Other- dividual measures taken to reduce the dose ratewise, the brigade S4 will monitor a battalion resulting from fallout. They includeleveloperation and keep the brigade com- (1) Brushing or sweeping off clothing andmander informed of the progress of the opera-equipment. If possible, a completetion. Other division units may be required tochange of clothing should be issuedassist during a battalion or brigade-leveland the old laundered.operation. Such units consist of medical massevacuation and heavy labor teams that are es- (2) Bathing as soon as possible.tablished by the medical and engineer battal- (3) Turning over the soil in the immeionsor other divisional units as established bydiate area of foxholes, vehicles, andSOP. Assistance from these teams is requestedoccupied installations. This buries thefrom the division G4. Brigade commandersfine fallout particles and reduces inhaveoperational control of these division tensity.teams when they are provided.(4) Hosing or washing equipment and ve-316. Natural Disasters hicles with soap or other detergentsAlthough not specifically described herein,at the earliest opportunity.measures taken and the procedures in employ- b. Decontamination of Vehicles after Toxic166

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