1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMc. Next Higher Headquarters of Unit Sub- (c) Release combat capable elements tojected to a Mass Destruction Altack.the control of the next higher head-(1) Receives, plots, and relays reports quarters.from subordinate units concerning (d) Restore communications betweenthe enemy attack; determines the ex-the attacked unit and its nexttent of damage as early as possible;higher headquarters.and issues necessary orders to con- (e) Evacuate casualties to appropriatetinue the assigned mission,medical installations.(2) As early as feasible, acts to restore (f) Evacuate vehicles and major itemsthe effectiveness of the unit subjectedof equipment to appropriate vehicleto the attack. If necessary, an areaand equipment collecting points.damage control organization will beemployed. Appropriate functions for (g) Perform limited decontamination.the organization performing area (h) Conduct monitoring.damage control operations are-d. Control and location of area damage con-(a) Determine and report the condition trol elements. To facilitate control and to expeofelements of the unit subjected to dite rescue and aid missions, the control andthe attack.assessment team (CAT) must utilize certain(b) Assume control of disorganized control measures (fig. 16).personnel and elements of the at- (1) Assembly point. This point is desigtackedunit.nated by the CAT commander and isDIRECTION OF THE ENEMYA r~~~~SECTOR OF SEARCHCAT_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X2 RAD/hR-LINEROADASSEMBLY POINT\CONTROL MEASURES: 2D BN 80th MECH INF IN AN AREADAMAGE CONTROL OPERATION. INTHIS SITUATION THE BN IS EMPLOYINGA CAT, BN RESCUE SQUAD AND THERESCUE SQUADS OF TWO COMPANIES.ESTIMATED GROUND ZEROFigure 16. Control measures, area damage control operations.161

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMutilized to assemble the various provisionalunits and issue necessary in-EN XO ANDstructions to commence the operation.DRIVERThe point selected should be centrally -located and sufficient distance fromthe estimated ground zero (GZ). I COMUNICATION I RADIOLOOICAL I MEDICAL LOGISTICSOFFICER MONITORING SERVICE STAFF2 RADIO MECHANICS AND SURVEY OFFICER OFFICER(2) Area of search. As a starting point OFFICER I AMBULANCE I NCO SUPPLYI DRIVER DRIVER (DRIVER)for the operation, the CAT corm-I ADMINIS.mander will designate the area ofCLERKsearch. The size of the search area isbased on the radius of vulnerability tothe troops in the area of attack whichFUNCTIONSis based on the assumed postures of MOVES TO DAMAGE AREA ON ORDER, WITHOUT DELAYthe troops at the time of burst (pro- ESTABLISHES A CONTROL AND ASSESSMENT TEAM COMMAND POSTtected or unprotected) and the esti- DETERMINES AND REPORTS EFFECTIVENESS OF UNITSmated size of the enemy nuclear ASSUMES CONTROL OF UNITS IN AFFECTED AREA, IF NECESSARYweapon employed. RESTORES COMMAND AND COMMUNICATION TO AFFECTED UNITS(3) Two rads per hour contour. Because RELEASES COMBAT EFFECTIVE UNITS TO TACTICAL COMMANDERof the significance of any movement REOUESTS REQUIRED COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORTwithin the two rads per hour contour,withi radius must also be estimateour, DIRECTS AND CONTROLS THE OPERATION OF RESCUE SQOUADSthis radius must also be estimatedand disseminated. All movement and RESUMES MISSIONS OF UNITS IN AFFECTED AREA WHEN DIRECTEDoperations within this contour mustbe controlled by the CAT commander Figure 17. Type combat battalion control andwho will estimate allowable stay timeassessment team.for the troops involved. Units whichmust pass through the affected area nated action in area damage control operationscoordinate with the CAT in order to when TOE units cannot be employed.receive information relative to condi- a. Control and Assessment (CAT). Eachtions within the area.battalion headquarters establishes a control(4) Sectors of search. Sectors of search and assessment team. A type battalion controlare subdivisions of the area of search. and assessment team with personnel, majorBoundaries should be reflected along items of equipment, and a statement of funceasilydistinguished terrain features tions is shown in figure 17.whenever possible.b. Battalion Rescue Squad. Each battalionheadquarters establishes a battalion rescue311. Provisional Area Damage Control squad. This squad will be assembled on orderTeamsand attached to a control and assessment teamUnits subjected to a mass destruction attack for area damage control operations. A typeor natural disaster use all means necessary to battalion rescue squad with personnel, majorreestablish unit combat readiness as rapidly as items of equipment, and statement of functionspossible. In circumstances where assistance is is shown in figure 18.required from sources outside the unit, other c. Company Rescue Squad. Each combatunits may be directed to assist. Armored caval- company-size unit establishes a company resryunits are well suited for conducting area cue squad which will be assembled on orderdamage control operations. Where it is not fea- and attached to a control and assessment teamsible to employ TOE units, provisional area for area damage control operations. A typedamage control units can be organized and em- company rescue squad with personnel, majorployed. Provisional damage control teams are items of equipment, and statement of functionsestablished usually by unit SOP. These teams is shown in figure 19. Other organizations asmust be capable of taking decisive and coordi- desired by the commander can be established162

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMutilized to assemble the various provisionalunits and issue necessary in-EN XO ANDstructions to commence the operation.DRIVERThe point selected should be centrally -located and sufficient distance fromthe estimated ground zero (GZ). I COMUNICATION I RADIOLOOICAL I MEDICAL LOGISTICSOFFICER MONITORING SERVICE STAFF2 RADIO MECHANICS AND SURVEY OFFICER OFFICER(2) Area of search. As a starting point OFFICER I AMBULANCE I NCO SUPPLYI DRIVER DRIVER (DRIVER)for the operation, the CAT corm-I ADMINIS.mander will designate the area ofCLERKsearch. The size of the search area isbased on the radius of vulnerability tothe troops in the area of attack whichFUNCTIONSis based on the assumed postures of MOVES TO DAMAGE AREA ON ORDER, WITHOUT DELAYthe troops at the time of burst (pro- ESTABLISHES A CONTROL AND ASSESSMENT TEAM COMMAND POSTtected or unprotected) and the esti- DETERMINES AND REPORTS EFFECTIVENESS OF UNITSmated size of the enemy nuclear ASSUMES CONTROL OF UNITS IN AFFECTED AREA, IF NECESSARYweapon employed. RESTORES COMMAND AND COMMUNICATION TO AFFECTED UNITS(3) Two rads per hour contour. Because RELEASES COMBAT EFFECTIVE UNITS TO TACTICAL COMMANDERof the significance of any movement REOUESTS REQUIRED COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORTwithin the two rads per hour contour,withi radius must also be estimateour, DIRECTS AND CONTROLS THE OPERATION OF RESCUE SQOUADSthis radius must also be estimatedand disseminated. All movement and RESUMES MISSIONS OF UNITS IN AFFECTED AREA WHEN DIRECTEDoperations within this contour mustbe controlled by the CAT commander Figure 17. Type combat battalion control andwho will estimate allowable stay timeassessment team.for the troops involved. Units whichmust pass through the affected area nated action in area damage control operationscoordinate with the CAT in order to when TOE units cannot be employed.receive information relative to condi- a. Control and Assessment (CAT). Eachtions within the area.battalion headquarters establishes a control(4) Sectors of search. Sectors of search and assessment team. A type battalion controlare subdivisions of the area of search. and assessment team with personnel, majorBoundaries should be reflected along items of equipment, and a statement of funceasilydistinguished terrain features tions is shown in figure 17.whenever possible.b. Battalion Rescue Squad. Each battalionheadquarters establishes a battalion rescue311. Provisional Area Damage Control squad. This squad will be assembled on orderTeamsand attached to a control and assessment teamUnits subjected to a mass destruction attack for area damage control operations. A typeor natural disaster use all means necessary to battalion rescue squad with personnel, majorreestablish unit combat readiness as rapidly as items of equipment, and statement of functionspossible. In circumstances where assistance is is shown in figure 18.required from sources outside the unit, other c. Company Rescue Squad. Each combatunits may be directed to assist. Armored caval- company-size unit establishes a company resryunits are well suited for conducting area cue squad which will be assembled on orderdamage control operations. Where it is not fea- and attached to a control and assessment teamsible to employ TOE units, provisional area for area damage control operations. A typedamage control units can be organized and em- company rescue squad with personnel, majorployed. Provisional damage control teams are items of equipment, and statement of functionsestablished usually by unit SOP. These teams is shown in figure 19. Other organizations asmust be capable of taking decisive and coordi- desired by the commander can be established162

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