1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMtrucks will transfer fuel directly touated to the supporting maintenancevehicular fuel tanks.unit. If time does not permit evacua-(2) During halts when units coil up, fueltrucks may move from one vehicle totion or if the vehicles cannot bemoved, their location and conditionanother in the area or may form theare reported to the supporting mainbasisof a gas-station method of re-tenance unit.fueling. (2) The maintenance platoon marches(3) On extended marches in rear areas,empty fuel and lubricant vehicles renearthe rear of the battalion forma-tion. Company maintenance sectionsplenish their loads at class III supplymarch with their respective units.and distributing points often estab- (3) Disabled vehicles are moved to thelished by higher headquarters alongside of the road so they do not intertheroute of march. It is frequentlyfere with the passage of the rest ofpossible for empty fuel vehicles to the column. Personnel of the companyprecede the column to these points tomaintenance section will first attemptbe refilled before the arrival of theto repair inoperative vehicles. If remainbody.pair cannot be made, they will towc. Messing on the March. Halts for feeding the vehicles to the destination. Vehishould,if possible, coincide with scheduledcles that cannot be repaired or towedhalts. The tactical situation permitting, theare left to be repaired or evacuatedkitchens may move with the quartering partyby the maintenance platoon. If mainsothat meals can be prepared before the arriv-tenance or evacuation cannot be acalof the unit as a predetermined location.complished by the maintenance pla-Kitchens may march with the unit, cooking entoon, vehicles are left with theirroute so that hot meals can be served at pre-drivers or members of their crews.scribed halts or at the end of the march. If theThe vehicle's condition and locationtactical situation does not permit serving hotare reported to the supporting mainmealsen route, small detachment rations ortenance unit.combat rations are used.d. Medical Service and Evacuation on the 274. Combat Service Support in AssemblyMarch. The battalion aid station usually Areasmarches near the rear of the formation. How- In an assembly area, combat service supportever, if the situation warrants, it may march operations are accomplished in accordancewith the headquarters. The surgeon places an with available time and the tactical situation.aid-evacuation team in support of each company.The medical aid-evacuation team, mounta.Supply. In an assembly area, first priorityis given to the supply of ammunition, fuels anded in a frontline ambulance, marches near therear of the company column and is availablelubricants, rations, and water. If time is avail-ableforthe evacuation of casualties to the battalionaid station. If necessary, ambulances evacuate (1) All classes of supply will be issued.casualties from the aid station to the nearestRequests for supplies are submittedmedical installation. Maximum use of availableto the appropriate agency; items toaero medical evacuation capabilities must befill shortages are drawn and issued.planned and utilized during the march since (2) Supplies and equipment are checkedmedical support from organic medical facilitiesto determine that prescribed and baislimited.sic loads are on hand in proper condie.Maintenance and Evacuation on the tion.March.b. Medical Service and Evaluation. Normal-(1) When a warning order for a march is ly, personnel receive only first aid medicalreceived, vehicles that cannot be re- treatment in the assembly area. Persons repairedbefore the movement are evac- quiring further treatment are evacuated by147

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMsupporting ambulances to the nearest higher dated into a few trucks and the empty kitchenmedical facility.trucks used to transport fuel and lubricants.c. Maintenance. Maximum advantage must d. Each vehicle should carry a minimum 5-be taken of the time available in assembly day supply of either small-detachment or indiareasto accomplish as much maintenance as vidual combat rations rather than the normallypossible. Drivers and maintenance personnel prescribed 3-day supply.must realize that after they leave the assembly e. The number of casualties from combatarea, opportunities to perform maintenance normally decreases, but the distance for theirwill be limited. All commanders, vehicle crews, evacuation increases. When possible, aircraftand maintenance personnel do everything pos- are used for evacuation of casualties.sible to insure efficient operation of equipment. f. During an exploitation, the percentage ofMaximum effort should be devoted to mainte- vehicles lost to combat decreases with respectnance checks and repairs that cannot be accom- to other operations; however, the percentageplished properly during periods of combat. lost through mechanical failure increases. TheEquipment should be inspected, cleaned, and maintenance platoon thus directs its efforts toputin the best possible condition. The com- ward making minor repairs on the maximummander may request assistance from support- number of vehicles, rather than major repairsing maintenance units. Materiel that the bat- on a few. Vehicles that cannot be repaired bytalion cannot repair is evacuated or turned the maintenance platoon are towed to the supover,in place, to the supporting maintenance ply route of the next higher headquarters andunit.their location and condition reported to the275. Combat Service Support in Fast-Movingsupporting maintenance element.Offensive Operations276. Combat Service Support in Slow-Mova.In an exploitation or pursuit, the battal- ing Offensive Operationsion combat trains move with the battalion and a. During a slow-moving offensive situation,are usually near the end of the formation, the battalion combat trains move forward bywhere they gain security from their location bounds behind the combat elements. Movementbetween the forward combat elements and the should be screened from enemy observation. Ifrear guard. When the battalion becomes en- the road net is limited, location of the combatgaged, the combat trains move into an area trains at a point from which adequate combatthat affords them cover and concealment and a service support is insured assumes increaseddegree of security by their proximity to com- importance.bat elements.b. Ammunition expenditures in a slow-movb.In the exploitation, supply lines become ing offensive situation are high, contrastedmuch longer. Overcoming the problems of sup- with consumption of fuel and lubricants. Supplyover greater distances requires detailed ply and transportation of ammunition must becombat service support planning. The accom- emphasized.plishment of this supply may require attach- c. Patients are normally high during thisment of additional cargo transportation to the type of offensive action, necessitating rapidbattalion from the higher combat service sup- evacuation by the supporting medical aid-evacportechelon and the use of aerial resupply. In- uation team from the companies to the battalcreasedprotection for trains and supply con- ion aid station. When attacking through avoys may be required. Some situations may friendly unit, coordination should be maderequire all of the battalion combat service sup- with the friendly unit surgeon to receive paportelements to operate as unit trains.tients from the attacking companies. This willc. Ammunition expenditures during an ex- speed evacuation from the battlefield to a mediploitationare usually light, while consumption cal facility and assist the attacking unit medioffuels and lubricants is heavy. To meet thisincreased need for hauling fuel and lubricants,cal aid station to retain mobility.d. Vehicular losses are likely to be high,kitchen equipment may be unloaded or consoli- therefore, close and continuous maintenance148

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMsupporting ambulances to the nearest higher dated into a few trucks and the empty kitchenmedical facility.trucks used to transport fuel and lubricants.c. Maintenance. Maximum advantage must d. Each vehicle should carry a minimum 5-be taken of the time available in assembly day supply of either small-detachment or indiareasto accomplish as much maintenance as vidual combat rations rather than the normallypossible. Drivers and maintenance personnel prescribed 3-day supply.must realize that after they leave the assembly e. The number of casualties from combatarea, opportunities to perform maintenance normally decreases, but the distance for theirwill be limited. All commanders, vehicle crews, evacuation increases. When possible, aircraftand maintenance personnel do everything pos- are used for evacuation of casualties.sible to insure efficient operation of equipment. f. During an exploitation, the percentage ofMaximum effort should be devoted to mainte- vehicles lost to combat decreases with respectnance checks and repairs that cannot be accom- to other operations; however, the percentageplished properly during periods of combat. lost through mechanical failure increases. TheEquipment should be inspected, cleaned, and maintenance platoon thus directs its efforts toputin the best possible condition. The com- ward making minor repairs on the maximummander may request assistance from support- number of vehicles, rather than major repairsing maintenance units. Materiel that the bat- on a few. Vehicles that cannot be repaired bytalion cannot repair is evacuated or turned the maintenance platoon are towed to the supover,in place, to the supporting maintenance ply route of the next higher headquarters andunit.their location and condition reported to the275. Combat Service Support in Fast-Movingsupporting maintenance element.Offensive Operations276. Combat Service Support in Slow-Mova.In an exploitation or pursuit, the battal- ing Offensive Operationsion combat trains move with the battalion and a. During a slow-moving offensive situation,are usually near the end of the formation, the battalion combat trains move forward bywhere they gain security from their location bounds behind the combat elements. Movementbetween the forward combat elements and the should be screened from enemy observation. Ifrear guard. When the battalion becomes en- the road net is limited, location of the combatgaged, the combat trains move into an area trains at a point from which adequate combatthat affords them cover and concealment and a service support is insured assumes increaseddegree of security by their proximity to com- importance.bat elements.b. Ammunition expenditures in a slow-movb.In the exploitation, supply lines become ing offensive situation are high, contrastedmuch longer. Overcoming the problems of sup- with consumption of fuel and lubricants. Supplyover greater distances requires detailed ply and transportation of ammunition must becombat service support planning. The accom- emphasized.plishment of this supply may require attach- c. Patients are normally high during thisment of additional cargo transportation to the type of offensive action, necessitating rapidbattalion from the higher combat service sup- evacuation by the supporting medical aid-evacportechelon and the use of aerial resupply. In- uation team from the companies to the battalcreasedprotection for trains and supply con- ion aid station. When attacking through avoys may be required. Some situations may friendly unit, coordination should be maderequire all of the battalion combat service sup- with the friendly unit surgeon to receive paportelements to operate as unit trains.tients from the attacking companies. This willc. Ammunition expenditures during an ex- speed evacuation from the battlefield to a mediploitationare usually light, while consumption cal facility and assist the attacking unit medioffuels and lubricants is heavy. To meet thisincreased need for hauling fuel and lubricants,cal aid station to retain mobility.d. Vehicular losses are likely to be high,kitchen equipment may be unloaded or consoli- therefore, close and continuous maintenance148

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