1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMSection VIII.TACTICAL AIR SUPPORT235. General 236. Tactical Close-Air Support Requestsa. Tactical air support consists of close airsupport and tactical air reconnaissance inThere are two types of request for close sup-port air missionsareasof concern to the ground commander.a. Preplanned. A preplanned mission is oneb. The Air Force provides tactical air controlparties (TACP's) to <strong>Army</strong> units down tothat is decided upon early enough to allow com-plete planning and thorough preparation. Thebattalion level. The TACP's are composed of deadline for submission is outlined by ordersselected Air Force officers who are tacticalfighter pilots. They are responsible for advis-(SOP). Preplanned air requests are submittedthru army channels moving progressively uping the ground commander on Air Force capa- and through each level of command, until theybilities and limitations, transmitting imme- reach the senior TOC (TASE). (Field army isdiate air requests to the direct air support the highest army command echelon consideredcenter (DASC) over the Air Force air request to be involved in preplanned air request). Ifnet, controlling air strikes, and keeping the S3 the request is approved at this level by theair informed on status of air request.to be involved in preplanned air request.) Ifc. All equipment and personnel for TACP's is then submitted to the TACC as a requireareprovided by the Air Force. When the situa- ment to the appropriate close air support unit.tion dictates, full-tracked <strong>Army</strong> vehicles are A preplanned air request should include theprovided the TACP's by the supported unit. following information:d. The battalion level TACP is composed of (1) Target location. Coordinates; speedtwo officers (an air liaison officer (ALO) and aand direction, if moving; locationforward air controller (FAC)), vehicular andwith regard to prominent landmarks.portable communications equipment, and sufficientpersonnel enlisted to to operate and (2) Target description. Guns: size, hastyficient enlisted or fortified positions, camouflage.maintain the equipment. The TACP's aboveStrongpoints: size and type of conbattalionlevel have a senior air liaison officerstruction(ALO), specialized assistants according toechelon (e.g., at division, tactical air reconnais- (3) Time on target (TOT). Specify limsanceand tactical airlift operation's officers)its, if any.vehicle mounted communications, and enlisted (4) Troops. Bivouac, marching, type ofcommunications personnel to operate and dugouts, and their depth. Supplymaintain the equipment.areas: size, dispersed or concentrated,e. The TACP should be collocated with the revetted or in the open, and class offire support coordinator (FSCOORD). This supply.will assure timely coordination with ground (5) Results desired. Destruction, neutralisupportelements to determine the most appro-zation, harassment limitations.priate weapon system to be used.(6) Tactical significance. How attack willf. Targets for supporting tactical air include ai sinfreu fl tenemy armor, enemy columns, targets out ofrange of artillery, enemy strongpoints, and en- (7) Target distance and direction fromemy communications centers. Tactical air maytroops. Distance and azimith or limitperformvisual, photographic, weather, or elec-ing coordinates of troop positions,tronic reconnaissance missions and make a 24-landmarks if possible.hour a day all-weather light bombardment at- (8) Special control information. Specialtack.bombline; marking of frontlines,g. Close air support provided by navy and whether marked on call of pilot ormarine elements is controlled by attached otherwise; facilities available forANGLICO personnel as described in FM 31-12marking targets; desired direction ofor by TACP's provided by <strong>US</strong>AF.attack.133

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