1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMantenna used, these sets have the attract attention, transmit simple prearrangedfollowing planning distances: voice, messages, and to spread alarms. Sound signals16-80 kilometers; and CW, 32-120 are satisfactory only for short distances, andkilometers.their effectiveness is greatly reduced by battle(b) AM radio teletypewriter (RATT) noise.sets. These are vehicular mounted,medium range, HF radio sets which 231. Employment of the Battalion or Squadcanprovide either separate or si-ron Communication Platoonmultaneous transmission and recep- It is the function of the communication plationof voice and RATT signals. toon to insure the efficient operation of the bat-Additionally, these sets can trans- talion or squadron communication system andmit and receive CW signals. Plan- to perform organizational maintenance onning distances for these sets are communication and electronic equipment orfrom80-120 kilometers dependent ganic to the battalion or squadron headonmode of transmission and anten- quarters and headquarters company or troop.na used.The communication platoon provides the fol-(c) For additional details concerning lowing services:these radios, see FM 24-19.a. Operates the message center and provides(3) UHF radios. These are vehicular messenger service.mounted radio sets which are voice b. Installs wire lines to subordinate unitsoperated and are used for ground-to- and staff sections when required.air communications. Planning distancesare dependent on altitude ofthe aircraft and vary from 48 kilomec.Operates the battalion or squadron switch-board, panel displays, and message pickupters (at 1,000 ft air elevation) to 160 facilities.kilometers (at 10,000 ft air eleva- d. Provides facilities for encrypting and detion).crypting messages.b. Wire. Wire communication supplements e. In coordination with the S4 section, proradioand is used whenever practicable. The in- cures communication and electronic repairstallation of wire is dependent on the situation parts for the battalion or squadron (less crypandthe time available. It is used mainly in de- tographic) and evacuates all communicationfensive situations and in assembly areas. and electronic equipment that requires repairc. Messengers. Messengers are used to beyond organizational maintenance level.supplement radio and wire. Messenger communicationis more secure and dependable gen- 232. Liaisonerally than other means but lacks the speed in- a. Liaison is a means of establishing comherentin radio or wire communication. Use of munication. Each commander maintains liaisonair messenger service will speed delivery time. with higher headquarters, supported units, andd. Visual. Visual communication is a means adjacent units by any means available.available to all units. Visual signals are trans- b. Liaison may be accomplished by personalmitted by flags, lights, pyrotechnics, panels, conference between commanders or by meansarm and hand signals, and aircraft maneuvers. of a liaison agent or officer who represents the(See ACP 126 and FM 21-60.) They are suita- commander. Usually both methods are emblefor transmitting simple prearranged mes- ployed concurrently.sages rapidly over short distances as well asfor recognition and identification of friendly 233. Communication Securityforces. Their use is restricted by distance, visi- The armor unit commander is responsiblebility, security, and the nature of the signal. for the security of his communication system,e. Sound. Sound communication is typified which includes all measures taken to preventby such devices as sirens, shots, horns, and or delay the enemy from gaining informationalarms. The chief value of sound signals is to from friendly communication systems. The131

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