1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMexpanding lines of communications, barrier squadron has an organic air cavalry troop. Forcrossing capabilities, providing aircraft for the basic employment of this troop, see FMairmobile operations, aerial fire support, and 17-36 and FM 17-95.limited resupply for fast moving situations. c. Logistical Support Aircraft. The trans-For discussion of the capabilities and limita- port section of the armored cavalry regiment'stions of Army aviation, see FM 1-5, FM 1-15, aviation platoon provides a capability for lim-FM 1-100, FM 17-36, and FM 57-35.ited aerial movement of troops, supplies, andequipment for units of the regiment. The heli-223. Organic Aircraft, Armored Division and copters in the aircraft maintenance companyArmored Cavalry Regimentin the division support command are used fora. Command, Control, and Observation Air- maintenance support. Other organic aircraftcraft. The armored cavalry regimental head- may be diverted for logistical support missionsquarters, the armored cavalry regimental on a priority basis.squadrons, division headquarters, division artillery,and divisional brigades are provided 224. Army and Corps Aviation Supporthelicopters by TOE for command and control Army and corps aviation units consist ofand to provide visual aerial observation, recon- light and medium airmobile companies fornaissance, and liaison. These helicopters are troop and cargo lifts, heavy helicopter comnormallyemployed under unit control and panies for heavy equipment and cargo lifts,operate from heliports in the vicinity of unit fixed wing surveillance companies for visualcommand posts. Brigades and regimental air and electronic surveillance, separate air cavalryelements provide aircraft to attached maneu- troops, escort helicopter companies (armed),ver battalions on priorities established by the and air ambulance companies. Aircraft requirebrigadeor regimental commander. These avia- ments for airmobile operations either tacticaltion units may be augmented by corps or army or logistical aerial electronic surveillance, andaviation units for specific operations. When ar- other type operations requiring additional aircraftover those provided armor units by TOEmor brigades conduct airmobile operations, craft over those provided armor units by TOEcorps or army aviation units are placed under will be allocated by army or corps as required.orpseoraationao uts bgae p tacduder These aviation units may be attached to, placedoperational control of the brigade or attached, in su a o uner theopetionl cntolofin support of, or under the operational control ofdepending on the type and length of the opera- an armored unit. Armor commanders at all levtion.els must consider the availability and capabilib.Air Cavalry Troop. Each armored cavalry ty of corps and army aircraft during the planregimentand each divisional armored cavalry ning and conduct of operations.Section V.CHEMICAL225. General forwarded to division for inclusion in divisionGuidance relative to the employment of toxic plans.agents by armor units will be received throughcommand channels. There are no restrictions 226. Chemical Support Unitson the initial employment of nontoxic chemical Certain chemical units may be attached or inagents such as flame and smoke. After use of support of brigade or battalion operations ortoxic chemical agents is authorized, their em- may be operating in the brigade zone of action.ployment will be planned and executed subject Such a unit is the chemical company, smoketo policy restrictions of higher headquarters. generator. This unit provides concealment ofOperations involving the use of toxic biological troops or installations under all operating conagentswill normally be planned and executed ditions by the use of smoke. It is equipped toby corps or higher units. Chemical employment defend itself against hostile ground attack andplanning parallels fire planning and plans are is 100 percent mobile.127

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMSection VI.ENGINEER227. Division Engineer Battalion (13) Conducting infantry combat misa.General. The primary mission of the di- sions, when required.vision engineer battalion is to increase thecombat effectiveness of the division by meansof engineer combat support. A secondary mis- a. General. The division engineer battalionsion is to undertake and conduct infantry com- is designed to provide an optimum combinationbat missions when required.of engineer equipment and individual skills forb. Capabilities. The division engineer battal- combat engineer tasks. Some of these tasks areion is specially organized, equipped, and performed by the battalion operating as a unit.trained to perform tasks that assist division However, most of them are accomplished bythe combat engineer companies and platoonsthat support the brigades, battalion task(1) Providing engineer staff planning and forces, or company teams. These engineer unitssupervision of organic and attachedengineer troops. .may be reinforced with engineer constructionequipment from headquarters and headquarters(2) Performing construction, repair, and company and stream crossing equipment and128the maintenance of roads, bridges,fords, and culverts. (FM 5-135).(3) Providing support to hasty river b. Fundamentals of Employment.crossing operations with boats, rafts,and preparation bridges; of deep-assault bridging from the bridge company(1) Combat engineer support is allocatedon the basis of anticipated engineerfording or vehicle swim sites; coordi-asdetermined by the factors ofnating of organic, attached, and sup-METT. The amount of engineer supportingengineer troops in the conductport given to a tactical unit is basedof deliberate river crossing operations.on the anticipated engineer work, as(4) Providing fixed bridging for passage determined by the mission of the tacofshort gaps.tical unit, capabilities of the enemy,(5) Assisting in the removal of obstacles, scheme of maneuver, type of terrain,including mines.expected weather conditions, and capabilitiesand amount of engineer(6) Assisting in the emplacement of ob- pabilities and amount of engineerstacles, including minefields and booby-effort available.traps.(2) Combat engineer units are used mosteffectively and efficiently in a direct(7) Preparing and executing demolitions, support status. Greater flexibility andincluding employment of nuclear de- efficiency in the overall engineermolitions (ADM).effort are realized by retaining the(8) Technical assistance to other troops subordinate engineer elements underin the preparation of field fortifica-the control of its parent engineertions, camouflage, and deception de-unit. However, engineers are attachedvices.when distance, terrain, or mission(9) Performing engineer reconnaissance make operation under the control ofand missions. intelligencethe parent unit impractical and undesirable.Engineer units will often be(10) Accomplishing general construction, attached to armor units in operationsincluding construction of airlandingsuch as the offense, exploitation, andfacilities.pursuit, or if one brigade or battalion(11) Producing a supply of potable water. task force is conducting an independ-(12) Providing assistance in the assault ent mission.of fortified positions.(3) In an offensive action, engineer ele-

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMexpanding lines of communications, barrier squadron has an organic air cavalry troop. Forcrossing capabilities, providing aircraft for the basic employment of this troop, see FMairmobile operations, aerial fire support, and 17-36 and FM 17-95.limited resupply for fast moving situations. c. Logistical Support Aircraft. The trans-For discussion of the capabilities and limita- port section of the armored cavalry regiment'stions of <strong>Army</strong> aviation, see FM 1-5, FM 1-15, aviation platoon provides a capability for lim-FM 1-100, FM 17-36, and FM 57-35.ited aerial movement of troops, supplies, andequipment for units of the regiment. The heli-223. Organic Aircraft, Armored Division and copters in the aircraft maintenance companyArmored Cavalry Regimentin the division support command are used fora. Command, Control, and Observation Air- maintenance support. Other organic aircraftcraft. The armored cavalry regimental head- may be diverted for logistical support missionsquarters, the armored cavalry regimental on a priority basis.squadrons, division headquarters, division artillery,and divisional brigades are provided 224. <strong>Army</strong> and Corps Aviation Supporthelicopters by TOE for command and control <strong>Army</strong> and corps aviation units consist ofand to provide visual aerial observation, recon- light and medium airmobile companies fornaissance, and liaison. These helicopters are troop and cargo lifts, heavy helicopter comnormallyemployed under unit control and panies for heavy equipment and cargo lifts,operate from heliports in the vicinity of unit fixed wing surveillance companies for visualcommand posts. Brigades and regimental air and electronic surveillance, separate air cavalryelements provide aircraft to attached maneu- troops, escort helicopter companies (armed),ver battalions on priorities established by the and air ambulance companies. Aircraft requirebrigadeor regimental commander. These avia- ments for airmobile operations either tacticaltion units may be augmented by corps or army or logistical aerial electronic surveillance, andaviation units for specific operations. When ar- other type operations requiring additional aircraftover those provided armor units by TOEmor brigades conduct airmobile operations, craft over those provided armor units by TOEcorps or army aviation units are placed under will be allocated by army or corps as required.orpseoraationao uts bgae p tacduder These aviation units may be attached to, placedoperational control of the brigade or attached, in su a o uner theopetionl cntolofin support of, or under the operational control ofdepending on the type and length of the opera- an armored unit. Armor commanders at all levtion.els must consider the availability and capabilib.Air Cavalry Troop. Each armored cavalry ty of corps and army aircraft during the planregimentand each divisional armored cavalry ning and conduct of operations.Section V.CHEMICAL225. General forwarded to division for inclusion in divisionGuidance relative to the employment of toxic plans.agents by armor units will be received throughcommand channels. There are no restrictions 226. Chemical Support Unitson the initial employment of nontoxic chemical Certain chemical units may be attached or inagents such as flame and smoke. After use of support of brigade or battalion operations ortoxic chemical agents is authorized, their em- may be operating in the brigade zone of action.ployment will be planned and executed subject Such a unit is the chemical company, smoketo policy restrictions of higher headquarters. generator. This unit provides concealment ofOperations involving the use of toxic biological troops or installations under all operating conagentswill normally be planned and executed ditions by the use of smoke. It is equipped toby corps or higher units. Chemical employment defend itself against hostile ground attack andplanning parallels fire planning and plans are is 100 percent mobile.127

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