1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMfire delivered to destroy, disrupt, dis-is responsible for providing an armororganize, and neutralize the enemy'sprotected vehicle with communicationpositions, materiel, observation, corn-facilities to the forward observersmunications, and command. These when required. Radio is the primaryfires demoralize and destroy enemymeans of communication for requestdefendingforces prior to the initia-ing and controlling fire support.tion of the friendly attack by the as- (a) In the initial planning phase of ansault echelon.operation, the company commander(9) Group of fires. Two or more concen- must discuss the company's missiontrations to be fired simultaneously;and his concept of operation withgroups may be fired individually, con-the platoon leaders and the forwardsecutively, or concurrently.observers. The platoon leaders in(10) Series of fires. Number of concentra- planning the employment of theirtions or groups of fires planned toplatoon may submit requirementssupport a maneuver phase such as theor recommendations for supportingfires planned on an objective area justfires to either the commander orbefore the final assault.the forward observers. Based on(11) Targets of opportunity. A target the commander's concept of thevisible to a surface or aircraft ob-operation, his plan of fire support,server which is within range of avail-and requirements submitted by theable weapons and against which firesplatoon leaders, the company comhavenot been scheduled or requested.mander and the artillery forward(12) Final protective fires. Planned de- observer formulate a plan of firefensive fires designed to break up thesupport. They select targets thatenemy's assault on the battle positionmust be engaged to support theunder any conditions of visibility. Itoperation and decide the best methisa first priority, prearranged, bar-od of attacking them. Targets suitrierof fire laid down just in front ofable for attack by the company'sthe forward edge of the battle area. Itorganic weapons are assigned toconsists of mortar and artillery bar-those weapons so far as their caparagesand final protective lines of firebilities and available ammunitionof machineguns.permit. In addition, the commanderc. Fire planning and fire support coordi- and artillery forward observersnation are accomplished at all combat echelons.prepare a fire plan to support theAt brigade level and below, fire planning andcompany's scheme of maneuver. Infiresupport coordination functions are carriedcluded in this plan are the targetsout informally. Each supported unit com- not susceptible to profitable attackmander has an artillery officer as his fire sup-by organic weapons. This fire planport coordinator who will assist in planningis normally only a target list showfiresupport.ing location and description of tar-(1) Company (team). Normally, a for- gets. This plan or target list is sentward observer from direct supportto battalion headquarters where theartillery units and organic mortarartillery liaison officer incorporatesunits will operate with each companyit into the battalion fire plan.team. They are the principal assistantsto the commander on matters of (b) During the conduct of the operafiresupport. The company com- tion, requests for artillery and mormanderand the platoon leaders tar fires are processed through theshould solicit the forward observers'artillery and mortar forward obadviceas to how the supporting artil-servers respectively. They transmitlery can best help the company in anythese requests to the supporting fireparticular situation. The commanderdirection center and adjust fire123

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM124upon the designated target. Thetask force. Additionally, he superforwardobservers may call for firevises the preparation of all otheron their own initiative on targetsfire plans and formulates the firethat affect the actions of the corn-support plan.pany. They locate themselves where(b) The fire support plan normally intheycan best observe and adjustcludes the fire plans for the employfire.They must maintain communi-ment of the supporting artillery,cation wiand boththbot he itactical supportedair support, and organiccompany and the supporting fire diweapons.rection center. When the commanderdesires supporting fire, he (c) As the fire support coordinator, thewill normally request the fire liaison officer insures that targetsthrough the forward observers whothat would affect the accomplishwilltransmit the request direct toment of the mission are attacked asthe supporting fire direction center.rapidly as possible with the bestIf the company commander cannotfire support means. If sufficientcontact the forward observers, hemeans are not available, he will remaysend his request to the battal-quest additional support throughion fire support coordinator artillery channels.(FSCOORD) by using the battalion (d) When the fire support plan and alltask force command communicationsupporting fire plans are completed,net. The FSCOORD will then they are sent to the artillery liaisontransmit the request to the support-officer at brigade if time permits;ing fire direction center. A platoonotherwise, they may be sent directleader should send his request forto the supporting artillery fire direcsupportingfire direct to the for-tion center.ward observers with the company. (e) The artillery liaison officer is assist-If a platoon leader cannot contacted by representatives of other firethe forward observers, he shouldsupport agencies available to thesend his request to his companybattalion.commander. In either case, thecompany commander and the for-1. When tactical air support is availawardobservers, if practical, willble, a tactical air control partdiscuss all requests for fire before(TACP) is furnished the unit bysending them to the appropriate the Air Force (para 235-240).headquarters.2. The battalion task force S3 air(c) For details of field artillery employ-represents the battalion staff onment, see FM 6-20-1 and FM this fire support coordination6-20-2. team. He formulates and pre-(2) Battalion (task force). The artillery pares the air fire plan.liaison officer at battalion task forceS. The tank battalion heavy mortaris the fire support coordinator. Asplatoon leader advises on the emsuch,he is the principal adviser to theployment of the heavy mortars.task force commander on all fire sup-In conjunction with the artilleryport means.liaison officer and battalion com-(a) Based on the supported com- mander, he prepares the heavymander's concept of the operationmortar fire plan for the battalandthe fire plans or request re-ion.ceived from the artillery forward (f) In a battalion-size task force, theobservers with the companies, hefire support coordination personnelprepares the artillery fire plan towill be present at the commandsupport the actions of the battalionpost or at a designated location

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMfire delivered to destroy, disrupt, dis-is responsible for providing an armororganize, and neutralize the enemy'sprotected vehicle with communicationpositions, materiel, observation, corn-facilities to the forward observersmunications, and command. These when required. Radio is the primaryfires demoralize and destroy enemymeans of communication for requestdefendingforces prior to the initia-ing and controlling fire support.tion of the friendly attack by the as- (a) In the initial planning phase of ansault echelon.operation, the company commander(9) Group of fires. Two or more concen- must discuss the company's missiontrations to be fired simultaneously;and his concept of operation withgroups may be fired individually, con-the platoon leaders and the forwardsecutively, or concurrently.observers. The platoon leaders in(10) Series of fires. Number of concentra- planning the employment of theirtions or groups of fires planned toplatoon may submit requirementssupport a maneuver phase such as theor recommendations for supportingfires planned on an objective area justfires to either the commander orbefore the final assault.the forward observers. Based on(11) Targets of opportunity. A target the commander's concept of thevisible to a surface or aircraft ob-operation, his plan of fire support,server which is within range of avail-and requirements submitted by theable weapons and against which firesplatoon leaders, the company comhavenot been scheduled or requested.mander and the artillery forward(12) Final protective fires. Planned de- observer formulate a plan of firefensive fires designed to break up thesupport. They select targets thatenemy's assault on the battle positionmust be engaged to support theunder any conditions of visibility. Itoperation and decide the best methisa first priority, prearranged, bar-od of attacking them. Targets suitrierof fire laid down just in front ofable for attack by the company'sthe forward edge of the battle area. Itorganic weapons are assigned toconsists of mortar and artillery bar-those weapons so far as their caparagesand final protective lines of firebilities and available ammunitionof machineguns.permit. In addition, the commanderc. Fire planning and fire support coordi- and artillery forward observersnation are accomplished at all combat echelons.prepare a fire plan to support theAt brigade level and below, fire planning andcompany's scheme of maneuver. Infiresupport coordination functions are carriedcluded in this plan are the targetsout informally. Each supported unit com- not susceptible to profitable attackmander has an artillery officer as his fire sup-by organic weapons. This fire planport coordinator who will assist in planningis normally only a target list showfiresupport.ing location and description of tar-(1) Company (team). Normally, a for- gets. This plan or target list is sentward observer from direct supportto battalion headquarters where theartillery units and organic mortarartillery liaison officer incorporatesunits will operate with each companyit into the battalion fire plan.team. They are the principal assistantsto the commander on matters of (b) During the conduct of the operafiresupport. The company com- tion, requests for artillery and mormanderand the platoon leaders tar fires are processed through theshould solicit the forward observers'artillery and mortar forward obadviceas to how the supporting artil-servers respectively. They transmitlery can best help the company in anythese requests to the supporting fireparticular situation. The commanderdirection center and adjust fire123

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