1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMwithdrawal is made while a unit is not under i. Traffic control measures.heavy pressure from the enemy. To deceive the j. Provision for evacuation or destruction ofenemy, armor units move with as much secrecy excess supplies.as possible, applying techniques that keep the k. Evacuation of casualties.withdrawal hidden from enemy observation.When a unit under heavy pressure from theenemy is forced to conduct a withdrawal, it m. Provision for combat service support.disengages by fighting a delaying action andthen a rear guard action until it regains completefreedom of action. When these techniques Armor units in a voluntary withdrawal mayare used, it is called an involuntary withdrawal.begin the operation as forces in contact or thereserve.b. Until a withdrawal is completed, contact a. Forces in Contact.is maintained to provide deception, security, (1) A unit withdrawing designates a partand to prevent a rapid enemy advance.of its force, both maneuver and support,to remain in contact with the205. Considerations enemy. These forces are called "dea.Plans and orders for a withdrawal areprepared in detail.tachments left in contact" (DLIC).These forces provide security andb. Sufficient information should be provided cover the withdrawal of the majorsubordinates in time to permit their making aelements of the unit. The size anddaylight reconnaissance.composition of the DLIC force arec. The withdrawal may be facilitated by the based on an analysis of the factors ofconduct of limited-objective attacks or the em-METT. The DLIC is normally comploymentof nuclear weapons.manded by the task force and teamexecutive officerat their respectived. Withdrawals conducted at night or under levels. In any event, the DLIC mustconditions of reduced visibility are preferredhave a single commander. The DLICover daylight withdrawals. However, the protection,mobility, and long range firepower ofarmor units enable them to conduct daylightwithdrawals with greater success than units(a) Delays and deceives the enemy andprevents interference with the withthatdo not have these characteristics.drawal.206. Plans and Orders(b) Simulates normal radiofires,,and other activities.traffic,Plans and orders include-(c) Is prepared to act as rear guard fora. New location to be occupied and missions the main force, on order.of units upon arrival.(2) The main elements of the withdrawb.Organization for combat and time phas- ing forces initiate movement to theing of attachments and support.rear in the following sequence:c. Zones or routes of withdrawal to be used. (a) Elements to reconnoiter and pre-Existing boundaries are used when possible.pare new locations.d. Provision for security forces and other (b) Combat service support elements.security measures.(c) Combat support units less elementse. Provision forfire support. essential to the support of the secuf.Provision for breaking contact in an in- rity force left in contact.voluntary withdrawal and action to be initiatedin the event the enemy attacks to follow up a(d) Units in contact less then DLIC.voluntary operation.the DLIC is executed simultaneouslyg. Deception measures. on a broad front. Units move directlyh. Time and priority of withdrawal of units. to the rear, form march columns, and117

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMproceed to the designated location. Tobased on an analysis of the factors offacilitate control, assembly areas mayMETT. The DLICbedesignated for subordinate units (a) Delay the enemy and prevent inbeforemarch columns are formed.terference with the withdrawal.These assembly areas are dispersedand are occupied for a minimum time.(b) Are prepared to act as rear guardfor the main force, on order.(4) When the withdrawing units, less the (2) The movement of the main force isDLIC, have formed march columns,further movement is conducted in adecentralized consistent with the re-quirements for control. Assemblymanner similar to that of a retire-areas are not used. Units move directment(para 209 and 210).ly to the rear, form march columns,(5) The DLIC withdraws at a prescribed and continue movement without halttime.ing.b. Reserve or Part of a Reserve. (3) Though no particular sequence is fol-(1) Units in reserve may be committed in lowed, normally command and supoffensiveactions to assist in the with- port facilities and less heavily endrawalof units. See chapter 6 for agaged units are withdrawn first.discussion of the offense.(4) If a subordinate unit becomes deci-(2) The brigade or battalion task force, sively engaged, the next higher comasdivision reserve, may form a cover-mander may use unengaged units oring force through which forces inunits that can be easily withdrawn,contact will withdraw. See chapter 5and fires to assist in the withdrawalfor a discussion of the covering force.of engaged elements.c. For employment of mechanized infantry b. Reserve or Part of a Reserve,and infantry units in a voluntary withdrawal, (1) The division reserve normally willsee FM 7-11 and FM 7-20.form a covering force to assist forward208. Involuntary Withdrawal units to break contact and toconduct a delaying action after with-As in the voluntary withdrawal, armor unitsdrawal of the forward forces. Seein an involuntary withdrawal may begin thechapter 5 for a discussion of the covoperationas forces in contact or the reserve.ering force.a. Forces in Contact. (2) Brigade reserves may be used to sup-(1) A unit in contact provides and con- port by fire the .withdrawal of fortrolsits own security force (detach-ward units, conduct limited objectivements left in contact) (DLIC). Closecounterattacks, or other offensive accoordinationof these forces is re-tion.quired, but control normally is not c. For employment of mechanized infantrycentralized above battalion. The size and infantry units in a voluntary withdrawal,and composition of this DLIC are see FM 7-11 and FM 7-20.Section V.RETIREMENT209. Planning vide for centralized control as soon as the situa.In a retirement, the force is organizedinto a main force and security forces in a manationpermits. Normally centralized control isachieved very early in this operation as comnerinverse to that employed in the movement pared to the delay or withdrawal.to contact.c. Appropriate control measures are used tob. In the initial stage of a retirement, con- insure that the retirement is conducted as a cotrolmay be decentralized. However, plans pro- ordinated operation.118

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMwithdrawal is made while a unit is not under i. Traffic control measures.heavy pressure from the enemy. To deceive the j. Provision for evacuation or destruction ofenemy, armor units move with as much secrecy excess supplies.as possible, applying techniques that keep the k. Evacuation of casualties.withdrawal hidden from enemy observation.When a unit under heavy pressure from theenemy is forced to conduct a withdrawal, it m. Provision for combat service support.disengages by fighting a delaying action andthen a rear guard action until it regains completefreedom of action. When these techniques Armor units in a voluntary withdrawal mayare used, it is called an involuntary withdrawal.begin the operation as forces in contact or thereserve.b. Until a withdrawal is completed, contact a. Forces in Contact.is maintained to provide deception, security, (1) A unit withdrawing designates a partand to prevent a rapid enemy advance.of its force, both maneuver and support,to remain in contact with the205. Considerations enemy. These forces are called "dea.Plans and orders for a withdrawal areprepared in detail.tachments left in contact" (DLIC).These forces provide security andb. Sufficient information should be provided cover the withdrawal of the majorsubordinates in time to permit their making aelements of the unit. The size anddaylight reconnaissance.composition of the DLIC force arec. The withdrawal may be facilitated by the based on an analysis of the factors ofconduct of limited-objective attacks or the em-METT. The DLIC is normally comploymentof nuclear weapons.manded by the task force and teamexecutive officerat their respectived. Withdrawals conducted at night or under levels. In any event, the DLIC mustconditions of reduced visibility are preferredhave a single commander. The DLICover daylight withdrawals. However, the protection,mobility, and long range firepower ofarmor units enable them to conduct daylightwithdrawals with greater success than units(a) Delays and deceives the enemy andprevents interference with the withthatdo not have these characteristics.drawal.206. Plans and Orders(b) Simulates normal radiofires,,and other activities.traffic,Plans and orders include-(c) Is prepared to act as rear guard fora. New location to be occupied and missions the main force, on order.of units upon arrival.(2) The main elements of the withdrawb.Organization for combat and time phas- ing forces initiate movement to theing of attachments and support.rear in the following sequence:c. Zones or routes of withdrawal to be used. (a) Elements to reconnoiter and pre-Existing boundaries are used when possible.pare new locations.d. Provision for security forces and other (b) Combat service support elements.security measures.(c) Combat support units less elementse. Provision forfire support. essential to the support of the secuf.Provision for breaking contact in an in- rity force left in contact.voluntary withdrawal and action to be initiatedin the event the enemy attacks to follow up a(d) Units in contact less then DLIC.voluntary operation.the DLIC is executed simultaneouslyg. Deception measures. on a broad front. Units move directlyh. Time and priority of withdrawal of units. to the rear, form march columns, and117

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