1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMb. Terrain is selected that provides long control measures appropriate to tacticalrange observation and fields of fire, conceal- marches for coordinating and controllingment from enemy observation, and protection. movement may be used. When units must shareThis allows the commander to engage the en- routes, road priorities are assigned.emy at maximum effective range and to main- d. Civilian control policies must be simple totain this fire as the enemy maneuvers towardthe position.execute, easily understood, and capable of en-forcement with minimum employment of tactic.Obstacles are used extensively to impede cal troops. Refugees must not be permitted tothe advance of enemy units, to protect exposed interfere with military operations.flanks, and to force the enemy to mass. Minesand demolitions aid in slowing and canalizing 198. Security and Deceptionthe enemy advance. Nuclear weapons, as well a. Employment of nuclear and nonnuclearas other fires, are employed to destroy the en- fires, coupled with limited offensive action, asemywhen he attempts to breach or bypass the sists in providing security during retrogradeobstacle.operations. Knowledge of the intent to executed. Good road nets and trafficable terrain fa- a withdrawal or to displace is denied the encilitatethe movement of units and the commitmentof counterattacking forces. Terrainemy as long as possible. Maximum passive se-curity and deception measures are adopted toaffording good cross-country trafficability per- deprive the enemy of knowledge of the move.mits wide dispersion and thus reduced vulnera- These measures may include radio listening sibilityto enemy air and nuclear attack.lence for units displacing; maintenance of anormal radio pattern in the forward area;e. Effective use of existing cover and conmaintenanceof normal artillery and other supcealmentassists armor units in destroying the porting fires; displacement of units duringenemy by achieving surprise and reducing the darkness or under conditions of reduced visienemy'sability to locate friendly forces.bility; and retention of sufficient troops in posi-197. Control and Coordination tion to indicate the presence of the entireforce.a. Armor units conducting retrograde operationswill be deployed frequently on an extend- b. Security against nuclear attack is providedfront. Subordinate units may be dispersed ed by operations on a broad front, and bywidely, especially during rearward displace- denying the enemy observation and informaments.Retrograde operations normally consist tion.of decentralized actions within the framework c. Positive measures must be taken to proofthe overall detailed plan. Effective control vide security to the front, flanks, and rear ofand coordination of such operations require forces. Security detachments are employed tocentralized planning and control and decentral- hold defiles that must be traversed during theized execution. Subordinate commanders must operation. Security precautions taken must inbeaware of the overall concept of operation to clude measures against air attack.insure effective and intelligent execution.d. Deception measures are employed to asb.Radio is the primary means of communi- sist in withdrawing with minimum enemy incationat all echelons to exercise control and terference.coordination. It may be used by security forcesto simulate normal traffic during a retirement 199. Combat Supportor withdrawal operation.a. Air Support.c. Displacement of units in contact is con- (1) Tactical Air Force aircraft are emtrolledprimarily by establishing boundariesployed against hostile aircraft and tobetween units. Boundaries are not used be-delay the enemy advance by harassingtween platoons except in armored cavalry ac-and interdicting hostile ground forcestions. For units not in contact, routes of with- at critical localities. Maximum use isdrawal are designated together with time ofmade of Tactical Air Force offensivemovement. Phase lines, checkpoints, and otheraircraft to support ground actions.107

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM108(2) Air cavalry is used to perform re- with fires. Obstacles must be coordiconnaissanceand security missions.nated with higher headquarters toTheir fires are used to assist groundprevent interference with future opunitsin delaying enemy forces, disen-erations.gaging from enemy forces, and the (3) Under favorable conditions, subsurextricationof friendly forces thatface or surface nuclear detonationshave become decisively engaged.may be employed to create obstacles(3) Army aircraft are employed in recon- that will slow or impede the enemy'snaissance and to assist the com-advance. The employment of suchmander in the execution of his plan.atomic demolition munition (ADM)Aviation units can be used in shiftingmust be authorized (app XX).troops rapidly, in supplying units, (4) Detailed plans are prepared for theand in evacuation, use of demolitions along enemyb. Field Artillery. avenues of approach. Demolitions are(1) Artilleryplacedis employedin defilesin retrogradeand on routesplaced in defilestravandon routes travoperationstake the toenemy underersing natural and artificial obstacles.operations tofire at maximum ranges, to interdictenemy avenues of approach, deliver (a) Provisions for placing and firingharassing fires, destroy enemy con-the necessary demolitions.centrations, and provide continuous (b) Adequate guards to prevent premaclosesupport of maneuver units.ture firing of charges or seizure by(2) Retrograde operations conducted on a enemy infiltrators.wide front will often require the at-(c) Fixed responsibility for the detachmentof artillery units to commit-struction of bridges.ted brigades.(d) Schedule for the destruction of(3) For details, see FM 6-20-1 and FM bridges when no longer needed by6-20-2. friendly forces.c. Air Defense Artillery. (e) Covering by fire those obstacles thatare created by demolition..(1) When provided, air defense artilleryis employed in retrograde operations (5) The destruction of bridges is of majorto defend priority installations andimportance to the retrograde forceunits. Typical vital installations thatcommander. Care must be exercisedneed defending during retrograde to insure that bridges are not blownoperations will be bridges, road inter-prematurely or that they are notsections and defiles.seized intact by the enemy. Responsibilityfor blowing bridges in a zone is(2) Retrograde operations conducted on a delegated to the tactical commander.wide front may require the attach-A demolitions firing party and a demmentof air defense artillery units toolition guard are designated for eachcommitted brigades.bridge. The guard commander has thed. Engineer. authority to destroy the bridge, subjectto(1) The requirementsconditions establishedfor engineersby theby higher commander. A list of all unitsunits in contact with the enemy may that are to use the bridge is furnishedrequire attachment. the guard commander. Each unit(2) Engineers provide advice and assist- commander notifies the guard comancein the formulation and imple-mander when his unit has cleared.mentation of obstacles which are usedAfter the main body has crossed, theto delay the enemy or to canalize himmajority of the bridges in the zoneinto areas where he can be destroyedare destroyed. Certain predesignated

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMb. Terrain is selected that provides long control measures appropriate to tacticalrange observation and fields of fire, conceal- marches for coordinating and controllingment from enemy observation, and protection. movement may be used. When units must shareThis allows the commander to engage the en- routes, road priorities are assigned.emy at maximum effective range and to main- d. Civilian control policies must be simple totain this fire as the enemy maneuvers towardthe position.execute, easily understood, and capable of en-forcement with minimum employment of tactic.Obstacles are used extensively to impede cal troops. Refugees must not be permitted tothe advance of enemy units, to protect exposed interfere with military operations.flanks, and to force the enemy to mass. Minesand demolitions aid in slowing and canalizing 198. Security and Deceptionthe enemy advance. Nuclear weapons, as well a. Employment of nuclear and nonnuclearas other fires, are employed to destroy the en- fires, coupled with limited offensive action, asemywhen he attempts to breach or bypass the sists in providing security during retrogradeobstacle.operations. Knowledge of the intent to executed. Good road nets and trafficable terrain fa- a withdrawal or to displace is denied the encilitatethe movement of units and the commitmentof counterattacking forces. Terrainemy as long as possible. Maximum passive se-curity and deception measures are adopted toaffording good cross-country trafficability per- deprive the enemy of knowledge of the move.mits wide dispersion and thus reduced vulnera- These measures may include radio listening sibilityto enemy air and nuclear attack.lence for units displacing; maintenance of anormal radio pattern in the forward area;e. Effective use of existing cover and conmaintenanceof normal artillery and other supcealmentassists armor units in destroying the porting fires; displacement of units duringenemy by achieving surprise and reducing the darkness or under conditions of reduced visienemy'sability to locate friendly forces.bility; and retention of sufficient troops in posi-197. Control and Coordination tion to indicate the presence of the entireforce.a. Armor units conducting retrograde operationswill be deployed frequently on an extend- b. Security against nuclear attack is providedfront. Subordinate units may be dispersed ed by operations on a broad front, and bywidely, especially during rearward displace- denying the enemy observation and informaments.Retrograde operations normally consist tion.of decentralized actions within the framework c. Positive measures must be taken to proofthe overall detailed plan. Effective control vide security to the front, flanks, and rear ofand coordination of such operations require forces. Security detachments are employed tocentralized planning and control and decentral- hold defiles that must be traversed during theized execution. Subordinate commanders must operation. Security precautions taken must inbeaware of the overall concept of operation to clude measures against air attack.insure effective and intelligent execution.d. Deception measures are employed to asb.Radio is the primary means of communi- sist in withdrawing with minimum enemy incationat all echelons to exercise control and terference.coordination. It may be used by security forcesto simulate normal traffic during a retirement 199. Combat Supportor withdrawal operation.a. Air Support.c. Displacement of units in contact is con- (1) Tactical Air Force aircraft are emtrolledprimarily by establishing boundariesployed against hostile aircraft and tobetween units. Boundaries are not used be-delay the enemy advance by harassingtween platoons except in armored cavalry ac-and interdicting hostile ground forcestions. For units not in contact, routes of with- at critical localities. Maximum use isdrawal are designated together with time ofmade of Tactical Air Force offensivemovement. Phase lines, checkpoints, and otheraircraft to support ground actions.107

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