1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books 1966 US Army Vietnam War ARMOR ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMmoved to positions from which they can deliver or ejected, the reserve may return to its origiadditionalfires upon the flanks of the enemy. nal positions or may occupy and defend the regainedground.183. Actions of the Reserve in the Area Defensed. The reserve may be used to conduct limited-objectiva.If the enemy penetrates theattacksforwardto thedefensearea, the commander uses his reserve or BA to destroy or disrupt the enemy as hefront of the FE-other forces to limit the penetration. Once thepenetration has been slowed or stopped, the e. The reserve may be used to reinforce acommander launches a counterattack to de- unit in the forward defense area.stroy forces in the area and to restore the FE- f If a strong enemy attack penetrates theBA.battle area and counterattacks are unsuccessb.All available combat and combat support ful, the reserve may be used to block the peneforcesare used to support the counterattack. tration or to cover the withdrawal of forcesc. Once the enemy force has been destroyed from the forward defense area.Section V.RELIEF IN PLACE184. General b. Units in forward combat areas are nora.When tactical operations continue over a mally relieved at night or during periods of reprolongedperiod, conservation of fighting duced visibility.maintenance of effectiveness, and the c. Very close cooperation and coordination~~power ~~~~, o e of plans is necessary between the commanderstactical plan may require the periodic relief ofcommitted units. Such reliefs are accomplishedby relief in place or passage of lines. Seegoing units.by a relief in place or a passage of lines. See d. Detailed prior reconnaissance byparagraphsthe in-133-135 for passage of lines.coming unit is essential.b. Armor units prefer to conduct relief e. The incoming unit must fit into and acoperationsby a passage of lines due to the in- cept the general defense plan of the outgoingherent difficulty of concealing armor vehicle unit until passage of command.movement. However, armor units may be re- f. During the relief, to preserve secrecy,quired to participate in a relief in place as part normal patterns of activity in a defense sectorof a larger unit or it may direct and control should be maintained.reliefs in place of subordinate units.g. Every effortmustmustbebemademadetotoeffeffect the185. Definition relief without weakening the tactical securityof the position and by offering the least profita-A relief in place is an operation in which all ble target for attack by nuclear weapons.or part of a unit is replaced in a combat area h. Units of the supporting arms normallyby an incoming unit. The combat mission and should not be relieved at the same time as thearea of operation responsibilities of the outgo- units they support.ing unit are assumed by the incoming unit. Therelief in place is accomplished when the outgo- 187. Planning Proceduresing unit is in the defense. The incoming unit a. General. When an armor unit relieves anmayhave the mission of continuing the defense other unit in place, the warning order to theor preparing for a subsequent attack. In either incoming unit must specify, as a minimum, thecase, the outgoing unit or elements thereof are time for commencing and completing the reliefand the priorities for use of routes involved.186. BasicConsiderations The warning order normally will direct thatthe relief be carried out under cover of darka.Relief operations must be executed in an ness or other conditions of reduced visibility.expeditious and orderly manner.Upon receipt of the warning order, the unit101

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMcommander and staff analyze the mission, issue (f) Size and type of elements involvedwarning orders, establish liaison, and visit thein the relief.unit to be relieved. The unit will normally es- (3) When "command is to pass." Thetablish its command post in the vicinity of thetime or circumstances under whichcommand post of the unit being relieved. Con-the incoming unit commander will asferencesare held between the commanders andsume responsibility for the area muststaffs of the two units concerned to work outbe clearly established. Until commandthe details of the relief.passes, the outgoing unit commanderb. Details To Be Coordinated. Procedures retains responsibility for the area andfor the accomplishment of the following mustmission and exercises operational conbeagreed upon:trol over all subordinate elements of(1) Exchange of plans and liaison person- the incoming units which have comnel.The incoming unit commanderspleted their portion of the relief. Durandstaffs must be briefed and becomeing this period, the incoming unitsthoroughly familiar with the existingmust fit into and accept the generaldefensive plans to include fire plans,defense plans of the outgoing unit.barrier plans, and counterattackNormally, command passes to the inplans.To make the most efficientcoming commander when the units intransfer of information concerningthe forward defense area have beenthe plans, dispositions and area of relieved by his subordinate unitsoperation, the outgoing unit leavesand when adequate communicationsliaison personnel with the incomingunit. The number of these personnelmeans have been established. Whencommand passes, the incoming comandthe duration of their stay withmander assumes operational controlthe incoming unit vary with the situa-of all units of the outgoing unit whichtion. Normally, they will remain withhave not been relieved.each combat and combat support (4) Reconnaissance. Arrangements mustheadquarters of the incoming unitbe made for a thorough daylight refromcompany level up. These person- connaissance by commanders andnel usually remain until the incomingstaff officers of all echelons of the inunitsbecome familiar with the situa-coming unit. Reconnaissance shouldtion.include an inspection of terrain to the(2) Sequence of relief (if not specified by front, defensive installations, reliefthe headquarters ordering the relief).routes, assembly areas, weapon posi-To establish the strongest defensetions, and combat service support induringrelief, the relief in place isstallations.executed by stages, either rear to (5) Security. Every effort must be madefront or front to rear. In determiningby all echelons of the incoming andthe sequence of the relief, both com-the outgoing units to prevent the enmandersshould consider-emy from learning that a relief is(a) The subsequent mission of the unittaking place. In addition to conductthatis conducting the relief.ing the relief during periods of re-(b) The strength and combat efficiencyduced visibility, the following securiofthe unit presently in the forwardty measures should be taken:defense area.(a) Every form of normal activity in(e) The capability of the enemy to de-the area of operations must betect and react against the relief.maintained during the relief. The(d) The characteristics of the area ofincoming unit should assume theoperations.normal pattern of harassing and(e) The need to vary the pattern of re- interdicting fires, patrols, comlief.munications traffic, and movement102

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMcommander and staff analyze the mission, issue (f) Size and type of elements involvedwarning orders, establish liaison, and visit thein the relief.unit to be relieved. The unit will normally es- (3) When "command is to pass." Thetablish its command post in the vicinity of thetime or circumstances under whichcommand post of the unit being relieved. Con-the incoming unit commander will asferencesare held between the commanders andsume responsibility for the area muststaffs of the two units concerned to work outbe clearly established. Until commandthe details of the relief.passes, the outgoing unit commanderb. Details To Be Coordinated. Procedures retains responsibility for the area andfor the accomplishment of the following mustmission and exercises operational conbeagreed upon:trol over all subordinate elements of(1) Exchange of plans and liaison person- the incoming units which have comnel.The incoming unit commanderspleted their portion of the relief. Durandstaffs must be briefed and becomeing this period, the incoming unitsthoroughly familiar with the existingmust fit into and accept the generaldefensive plans to include fire plans,defense plans of the outgoing unit.barrier plans, and counterattackNormally, command passes to the inplans.To make the most efficientcoming commander when the units intransfer of information concerningthe forward defense area have beenthe plans, dispositions and area of relieved by his subordinate unitsoperation, the outgoing unit leavesand when adequate communicationsliaison personnel with the incomingunit. The number of these personnelmeans have been established. Whencommand passes, the incoming comandthe duration of their stay withmander assumes operational controlthe incoming unit vary with the situa-of all units of the outgoing unit whichtion. Normally, they will remain withhave not been relieved.each combat and combat support (4) Reconnaissance. Arrangements mustheadquarters of the incoming unitbe made for a thorough daylight refromcompany level up. These person- connaissance by commanders andnel usually remain until the incomingstaff officers of all echelons of the inunitsbecome familiar with the situa-coming unit. Reconnaissance shouldtion.include an inspection of terrain to the(2) Sequence of relief (if not specified by front, defensive installations, reliefthe headquarters ordering the relief).routes, assembly areas, weapon posi-To establish the strongest defensetions, and combat service support induringrelief, the relief in place isstallations.executed by stages, either rear to (5) Security. Every effort must be madefront or front to rear. In determiningby all echelons of the incoming andthe sequence of the relief, both com-the outgoing units to prevent the enmandersshould consider-emy from learning that a relief is(a) The subsequent mission of the unittaking place. In addition to conductthatis conducting the relief.ing the relief during periods of re-(b) The strength and combat efficiencyduced visibility, the following securiofthe unit presently in the forwardty measures should be taken:defense area.(a) Every form of normal activity in(e) The capability of the enemy to de-the area of operations must betect and react against the relief.maintained during the relief. The(d) The characteristics of the area ofincoming unit should assume theoperations.normal pattern of harassing and(e) The need to vary the pattern of re- interdicting fires, patrols, comlief.munications traffic, and movement102

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