prospectus for - Pumpkin Patch investor relations

prospectus for - Pumpkin Patch investor relations

prospectus for - Pumpkin Patch investor relations

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Option Offer (Employees Only)Offer Description<strong>Pumpkin</strong> <strong>Patch</strong> is offering a total of 2,274,000 Options to purchase Shares pursuant to the terms of the <strong>Pumpkin</strong><strong>Patch</strong> 2004 Share Option Scheme (the “Scheme”). Each Option will entitle the holder to purchase one Shareon the terms and conditions of the Scheme which have been set out in full on pages 93-98.Assuming all offers of Options are accepted, the Company will have on issue 2,274,000 Options, which mayconvert into 2,274,000 Shares in the Company no earlier than 9 June 2007. On the basis of the post listingshareholdings set out in the table on page 21 and assuming all Options convert into Shares, this would represent1.35% of the Company.The Options will only be offered to selected Senior Managers. Each Senior Manager selected to participate inthe Option Offer will receive, together with the Investment Statement and this Prospectus, an individual offerspecifying the number of Options being offered to that Senior Manager.Included in the Option Offer will be an offer of 870,000 Options to executive Directors.Application <strong>for</strong> OptionsThere is no application fee or other sum payable <strong>for</strong> Options offered under the Option Offer. Eligible SeniorManagers wishing to accept the Option Offer need to complete the Option Application Form personallyprovided to them in full and return it to the address below no later than 5.00pm on the 12th Business Day afterreceipt of their individual offer or such later date as may be advised by <strong>Pumpkin</strong> <strong>Patch</strong> in writing. The OptionApplication Form contains an undertaking to comply with the terms and conditions of the Scheme and mustbe signed be<strong>for</strong>e a witness.Eligible Senior Managers will be notified of the number of Options being offered to them. Eligible SeniorManagers wishing to apply <strong>for</strong> Options pursuant to the Option Offer must apply <strong>for</strong> the full number of Optionsoffered to them.The completed Option Application Form must be returned to:Managing Director<strong>Pumpkin</strong> <strong>Patch</strong> Limited439 East Tamaki RoadEast TamakiAucklandNEW ZEALANDAllocation of OptionsOnce <strong>Pumpkin</strong> <strong>Patch</strong> receives a completed Option Application Form from an Eligible Senior Manager it will :• Grant to that Eligible Senior Manager the number of Options applied <strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong>thwith; and• Issue an Option Certificate in the name of that Eligible Senior Manager by 12 June 2004.Exercise of OptionsAn Exercise Price will apply <strong>for</strong> Option Holders wishing to exercise their Options. The Exercise Price will beequivalent to the Final Price per Share <strong>for</strong> <strong>investor</strong>s other than institutional and professional <strong>investor</strong>sparticipating in the book build process as determined pursuant to the Share Offer.The Options can only be exercised on written notice to Pumkin <strong>Patch</strong> within an Exercise Period commencingon 9 June 2007 and ending on 9 June 2009 (“Exercise Period”) (although the Company may permit earlierexercise in certain extraordinary circustances). The Options will lapse if they are not exercised by the end ofthe Exercise Period or if certain other circumstances exist (these are set out in full on pages 93-98).In addition the Options are not able to be exercised unless certain conditions are met. In particular the Sharesmust have been quoted on the NZX <strong>for</strong> at least one day in the period prior to the commencement of the18

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